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CAW Architects:帕洛阿尔托青少年博物馆和动物园(JMZ)位于帕洛阿尔托艺术和休闲区,自1940年以来一直是一个受人喜爱的城市机构,为儿童提供丰富多样的教育项目,但现有的设施已无法满足需求。在AIA主要负责人Brent McClure的带领下,CAW建筑事务所重新设计了新的儿童博物馆和动物园。项目范围包括对场地总体规划开发,将博物馆、动物园和教育中心融入城市整体结构之中,具体设计内容包括博物馆外部的展览空间、动物园展览空间和动物园辅助空间。
CAW Architects:Located within the Palo Alto Arts and Recreation District, the JMZ has been a beloved city institution since 1940, offering children rich and diverse educational programs that were outgrowing the existing modest facility. CAW Architects, led by Brent McClure, AIA Principal-in-Charge, reimagined the new children’s museum and zoo. The extensive scope included the site masterplan development, including the museum, zoo, and education center to integrate it into the overall city complex; architectural design and interior design of the museum, education wing, and administrative support spaces; and site design including exhibit spaces around the museum exterior, zoo exhibit spaces, and zoo support spaces.

Challenged with integrating the zoo with the park and the surrounding residential context, designing a modern structure that compliments the adjacent historic buildings and fitting an immense amount of design program into a tiny set of spaces, the team found solutions by organizing the space around an exhibit hall, education center, and outdoor zoo. The new design creates a strong and visible presence through a large entrance porch and a variety of free outdoor exhibit spaces that extend into the adjacent surroundings.

“我们设计了一个鼓舞人心的互动空间,在这里,建筑和体验可以激发孩子的求知欲和好奇心,让他们在充满乐趣和游戏环境中探索科学和自然,”AIA负责人Brent McClure表示。
“We designed an inspiring and interactive space, where architecture and experiences can spark a child’s curiosity and wonder, to explore science and nature in a fun and play-based environment,” says Brent McClure, AIA, Principal-in-Charge.

建筑形式是与住宅和农业协调的乡土风格,具有简单干净的形式和棚顶,与周边的街区相呼应,并对邻近的由Birge Clark设计的Lucie Stern剧院历史结构进行了现代诠释。建筑形状尊重场地上原有的大橡树和特色树木,创造了主题性户外庭院空间,如侏罗纪庭院,可以为特定的教育活动提供场所。
The building forms fit a residential and agrarian vernacular with simple clean forms and shed roofs, echoing the surrounding neighborhood and inserting a modern interpretation on the historic adjacent structures of the Lucie Stern Theater, designed by Birge Clark. The building shapes fit in and around existing mature oaks and feature trees, where the buildings create theme-based outdoor courtyard spaces, such as the Jurassic courtyard, for specific educational opportunities.

From the outdoor courtyards and main entrance, the exhibit hall contains a variety of interactive and kinesthetic exhibits in which children can interact. Several large windows and skylights directly link the zoo with the exhibit hall, with some exhibits extending from the zoo directly into the museum. The museum crawl logs allow children to crawl from the museum directly into the center of the meerkat zoo exhibit, creating an immersive experience where they can interact with the animals.

Envisioned as “Loose in the Zoo,” the entire zoo is designed as a large aviary, allowing a wide range of birds to directly interact with the children. The exhibits within the zoo are layered vertically to give kids an opportunity to view the natural environment from different vantage points. The design allows children to experience the natural environment of spaces below, such as tree roots and water ponds, while also creating spaces above for children to explore in the central tree, while glancing down on the various zoo experiences. By providing different vantage points, children gain access to a richer and more diverse experience of the natural environment. Connecting the zoo spaces, the treehouse runs through the center of the zoo with rope bridges, ladders, net tubes, and platforms in order to create a vibrant and exciting play-based experience for children.
Combining the different functions of the zoo, museum, and education center is what ultimately forms the unique experience that is the Palo Alto Junior Museum and Zoo.

项目名称:Palo Alto Junior Museum + Zoo
项目地点:美国 加利福尼亚州 帕洛阿尔托
建筑设计公司:CAW Architects
首席建筑师:Brent McClure, AIA Principal
设计团队:Sarah Vaccaro, Project Architect, Jillian Cadouri, Job Captain, Lauren Schultz, Designer
客户:City of Palo Alto
动物园和树屋建设计:Studio Hansen Roberts – Conservation by Design
景观设计公司:Vallier Design
总承包商:Vance Brown Builders
结构工程:Hohbach Lewin
专业结构工程: Coffman Engineers INC.
岩土工程:Silicon Valley Soil Engineering
机械/管道:ACCO Engineered Systems
电气工程:H.A. Bowen Electric
树木研究:HortScience, Inc.
Project Name: Palo Alto Junior Museum + Zoo
Completion Year: 2021
Project location: Palo Alto, California
Building: 1,412 Square Meters (15,200 SF),
Zoo, including back-of-house spaces: 1,747, Square Meters (18,800 SF),
Project area: 12,140.5 Square Meters (3 Acres)
Architecture Firm: CAW Architects
Website: www.cawarchitects.com
Contact e-mail: team@designagencyco.com
Lead Architects: Brent McClure, AIA Principal
Design Team: Sarah Vaccaro, Project Architect, Jillian Cadouri, Job Captain, Lauren Schultz, Designer
Clients: City of Palo Alto
Zoo Design and Treehouse Architect: Studio Hansen Roberts – Conservation by Design
Landscape Firm: Vallier Design
Email: inquiries@cawarchitects.com
General Contractor: Vance Brown Builders
Structural Engineer: Hohbach Lewin
Specialized Structural Engineer: Coffman Engineers INC.
Giotechnical Engineer: Silicon Valley Soil Engineering
Civil Engineer: C2G
Mechanical/Plumbing: ACCO Engineered Systems
Electrical Engineer: H.A. Bowen Electric
Project Arborist: HortScience, Inc.
“ 设计为儿童和成人塑造了一种全新的独特体验,鼓励人们在亲密接触之上进行富有想象。”
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