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Studio Saxe:横向凉棚将哥斯达黎加海景别墅的室内与室外空间完美融合在一起。

Studio Saxe:”Horizontal Pergola Seamlessly Blends Indoor and Outdoor Spaces in a Costa Rican Ocean-View Beach House”


© Andres Garcia Lachner
© Andres Garcia Lachner


一场大火烧毁了客户栖居的家园,他们不得不踏上改变生活的旅程,最终选择在哥斯达黎加生机勃勃的风景中开始新的生活。为了追求与大自然的亲密接触,并为家人营造一种充满活力、积极向上的生活方式,他们向 Studio Saxe 寻求帮助,希望通过其专业知识重新设计他们的生活空间,使室内与室外之间能够完美融合。

After their home was affected by a fire, our clients embarked on a life-changing journey, choosing the vibrant landscapes of Costa Rica for a fresh start. In their pursuit of a connection with nature and a dynamic, active lifestyle for their family, they sought our expertise at Studio Saxe to reimagine their living space where the boundaries between indoor and outdoor are seamlessly blended.


© Andres Garcia Lachner
© Andres Garcia Lachner
© Andres Garcia Lachner
© Andres Garcia Lachner
© Andres Garcia Lachner
© Andres Garcia Lachner


设计理念 Concept

受哥斯达黎加自然美景的启发,Studio Saxe 提出了这样一种设计:让建筑本身成为绿色户外环境和私密室内空间之间的桥梁。整体设计以一系列优雅的凉棚为中心,不仅将花园与生活空间融为一体,还延伸了户外体验,将海岸轻柔的微风与山海交融的美景引入住宅之中​。

Inspired by the natural beauty of Costa Rica, Studio Saxe envisioned a design where the architecture itself becomes a bridge between the verdant outdoors and the intimate indoors. Our approach centered on a series of elegant pergolas, crafted not only to unify the garden with the living spaces but to extend the outdoor experience, inviting the gentle caress of coastal breezes and the symphony of mountain and ocean vistas into the heart of the home.


© Andres Garcia Lachner
© Andres Garcia Lachner
© Andres Garcia Lachner
© Andres Garcia Lachner
© Andres Garcia Lachner
© Andres Garcia Lachner
© Andres Garcia Lachner


设计 Design


We envisioned a series of structured rib elements designed to expand or contract, responding to the presence of trees and the nuances of the topography. This adaptability allows the architectural program to harmonize with its location seamlessly. In this spirit, we integrated trees and vegetation throughout, crafting intentional gaps in the roofline to accommodate and celebrate the existing natural elements.


© Andres Garcia Lachner
© Andres Garcia Lachner
© Andres Garcia Lachner


可持续性 Sustainability


This home embodies sustainable living, generating its energy from the sun while shielding itself from its heat with expansive pergolas and overhangs. These architectural elements, along with strategically placed windows, foster natural ventilation, drawing in cool air from both the ocean and the mountains. Water recycling systems nurture the surrounding landscape, allowing it to thrive and, in turn, cool the home’s exterior walls. This symbiotic relationship with the environment ensures the home is not only a haven for its inhabitants but a nurturing presence in the natural world.


© Andres Garcia Lachner
© Andres Garcia Lachner
© Andres Garcia Lachner
© Andres Garcia Lachner
© Andres Garcia Lachner
© Andres Garcia Lachner
© Andres Garcia Lachner
© Andres Garcia Lachner
© Andres Garcia Lachner
© Andres Garcia Lachner


施工 Construction



The construction process was a study in efficiency and sensitivity to the natural landscape. Structural metal ribs, prefabricated off-site, were brought in and assembled with precision, ensuring minimal disruption to the land. This method allowed for flexibility, letting the architecture fluidly adapt to its environment by navigating around existing trees and topographical challenges. The use of local materials alongside these prefabricated elements exemplifies our commitment to light-touch construction, binding innovation with traditional processes.

This home, born from a desire for renewal, now shines as a symbol of resilience and harmony, offering a sanctuary where family life flourishes amidst the nurturing embrace of nature.


© Andres Garcia Lachner
© Andres Garcia Lachner
© Andres Garcia Lachner
© Andres Garcia Lachner
© Andres Garcia Lachner
© Andres Garcia Lachner
© Andres Garcia Lachner


客户表示:“加州的一场野火导致我们出售了主要住宅,在突然失去了珍爱的避暑别墅后,我们不得不寻求一个新的开始。在这个关键时刻,我们来到了哥斯达黎加,憧憬着在这里建造一个象征着新生和人类顽强精神的家园。Studio Saxe 的设计理念深深吸引了我们,他们的设计不仅能与周围环境完美融合,还能体现居住者的个人历程。”

“Following the sale of our main residence and the sudden loss of our cherished summer home in the California wildfires, we were propelled to seek a fresh start. It was a pivotal moment that led us to the lush landscapes of Costa Rica, where we envisioned creating a home that would symbolize new beginnings and the resilience of the human spirit. Studio Saxe captivated us with their philosophy of design that not only blends seamlessly with its surroundings but also encapsulates the personal journey of its inhabitants.”


© Andres Garcia Lachner
© Andres Garcia Lachner


“我们希望打造一个既能与大自然的宁静相呼应,又能彰显我们家族在变化中适应和成长的空间。我们渴望设计出一个能给人心灵慰藉、激发与环境深层联系的空间,就像我们以前的家一样。Studio Saxe 致力于可持续发展和创新的建筑设计,这使他们成为我们的理想合作伙伴,他们在哥斯达黎加生机勃勃的背景下,将我们的梦想变为现实,打造了一座承载了希望与复兴的灯塔,成为我们新生活篇章的真正避风港。”

“Our vision was to craft a space that would echo the tranquility of nature while celebrating our family’s capacity to adapt and grow from change. We aspired for a design that would provide solace and inspire a deep connection with the environment, much like our previous home. Studio Saxe’s commitment to sustainable and innovative architecture made them the ideal partner to manifest our dream into a dwelling that stands as a beacon of hope and renewal amidst the vibrant backdrop of Costa Rica, a true haven for our family’s next chapter.” – The client


© Andres Garcia Lachner
© Andres Garcia Lachner
© Andres Garcia Lachner


▽概念草图 Concept

© Studio Saxe
© Studio Saxe
© Studio Saxe
© Studio Saxe





项目名称:Pergola House
项目地点:哥斯达黎加 瓜纳卡斯特格兰德海滩
竣工日期:2022 年 12 月
面积:约 400 平方米

建筑设计:Studio Saxe
设计总监:Benjamin G. Saxe
室内设计:Sofía Interiorismo
景观设计:Studio Saxe
结构工程:GUIDI Estructurales
摄影:Andres Garcia Lachner

Project Name: Pergola House
Location: Playa Grande, Guanacaste, Costa Rica
Date of Completion: December 2022
Area: 400m2 approx.

Architecture: Studio Saxe
Studio Saxe Design Director: Benjamin G. Saxe
Interior Design: Sofía Interiorismo
Landscape Design: Studio Saxe
Structural Engineer: GUIDI Estructurales
Electromechanical Engineer: DYNAMO
Builder: C+C
Photography: Andres Garcia Lachner




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