联系/Contact: +66 9 2450 3337
W Workspace是Wison Tungthunya创立的建筑摄影设计工作室。Wison是一名建筑摄影师,在泰国以及亚洲各地工作,之前从事建筑设计,后转向建筑摄影行业。Wison的拍摄生涯是从Skyline工作室开始,主要为art4d杂志做拍摄工作。从那以后,Wison也开始向其他领域进行探索,如平面设计、人物造型设计、产品设计、广告、品牌等,与亚洲各地的摄影行业都有交流。现在Wison已经是一名全职的建筑景观摄影师,W Workspace也从最初的两个人扩大到现在的8个人。
Wison Tungthunya is an architectural photographer working in Thailand and around Asia. W Workspace is an architectural photography and design studio. Wison is an architect turn architectural photographer. Wison started with Skyline Studio shooting primarily for art4d magazine. After that I turned to explore other fields – Graphic design, Character design, Product design, Advertising, Branding – parallel with photography along the way around Asia. Nowadays I am a full time architectural photographer happily ever after, W Workspace also expanded from the first two to the current eight.