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Thanks Arsomsilp Architect for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Arsomsilp Architect.
Arsomsilp Architect:曼谷都市区作为世界上最拥挤的城市之一,它一直以来的一个问题就是缺乏绿化面积,而且似乎也不容易解决(人均绿地面积为6.7平方米/人)。因此,该项目可以在一定程度上帮助城市增加绿化面积,即使它很小,而且也不是公共区域,但合作创造绿色区域是我们大家的共同责任。The Base销售中心不仅仅是一个商业项目的外部空间设计,更是一个充满人文关怀的设计,它意识到了城市绿地的重要性,并尽力为如今很少能找到绿地的城市居民分担责任。
Arsomsilp Architect:Bangkok Metropolitan is regarded as one of the crowded cities in the world, but the lack of green area has been a problem for a long time, and it does not seem to be solved easily (the ratio of green area to one person is 6.7 Sq.M./person). Therefore, this project can partially help in increasing green area to the city. Even if it is small and not a public area, the collaboration in creating green area is the duty of all. The Base Sales gallery is not only an outer space design for a commercial project but a thoughtful design which realizes the importance of urban green space and tries to share the responsibility to city dwellers who can rarely find green space nowadays.
The apparent conceptual idea of landscape design within Sales gallery – is to connect the nature to people’s lives. Thus “Living Sculpture” is derived. It is alive, grows, and gives oxygen to human in every passing minute. Such sculpture is not merely to be looked at, but it can give lives, reduce air pollutions, provide shadings, lower heat, be a refuge for human and animals, and be a decent lung for the city.

Vertical green/Green Tunnel: Due to the small project area (1,580 sq.m.) the design aims to create as much green space as possible. Thus, the vertical green design option to increase green space has been selected. It also attracts those passersby. The designed green space will be grown to green tunnel in order to create the access that can block externa chaos and sky train track which flows through the project area. Using durable, easy care, fast-growing climbers is one of the success factors of the project.
▼项目总平面-将轻轨下方空间延伸为绿地 Master Plan-The project has expanded it green area length from 22 meters to 61 meters along the road to have the longest possible green.

The vertical green is made to increase the volume of green space for the community and passerby while the main purpose of the sale gallery can be kept going and even more attractive as it is rather eye-catching. Since such vertical green is quite obvious, the sales gallery becomes very identical with lighting design shown at night in contrast to the construction sites in front of the project, sky train tracks and road. “Living Sculpture” helps in reducing noise and air pollutions from the constructions. It is a green pocket that produces oxygen and delightful view, relaxing area, and green space for the community. All is the value created by the project.
Toward the project itself, “Living Sculpture” tranquillizes the area, lowers dusts, noises, visual pollution, and provides shadings. Without solid fencing, the design only grows some green fence which is more community friendly. The design makes the small space look larger, the shorter area looks longer, the area under the structure looks nothing above.
▼垂直绿化设计旨在增加社区绿化率 The vertical green is made to increase the volume of green space for the community

▼设计的绿色空间将被开发成绿色隧道,作为入口通道,屏蔽外部的混乱和轻轨轨道 The designed green space will be grown to green tunnel in order to create the access that can block externa chaos and sky train track which flows through the project area

设计意图 Design Intent:
Expanded green space: The project has expanded it green area length from 22 meters to 61 meters along the road to have the longest possible green. The extension is the area under the sky train on which the mound is designed to increase the dimension deepening the green area resulted in better vision for the passersby and 3 times oxygen level raise for the city.
▼利用轻轨轨道下方区域延伸绿地空间 Expanded green space by using the area under the sky train

▼利用轻轨轨道下方区域延伸绿地示意图 Drawings-Expanded green space by using the area under the sky train

Without boundary: The design has no fencing cut through public walkway and green area in the project. It can be reached practically. And tree fencing is community friendly. The project has become a community pocket park in the sense even though no any facilities equipment.
▼该项目中没有设计穿过公共人行道和绿地的围栏 The design has no fencing cut through public walkway and green area in the project

Universal design: All the walkway is designed as ramp. Everyone can access the project regardless of gender, age, or physical ability.

Outside in: Looking into the project the vertical green and tree will be seen. It is the pocket park for the community in a sense.

Inside Out: Staying in the project the messy road, cars, and buildings will not be seen.

Approach: 11-meters distance from the parking area to the building is considered rather short. The walkway is thus designed to be meandering path of 32 meter in length in order to create depth and dimension to the building access. And the visitors are then allowed to experience shady atmosphere shifting their moods from external mess before approaching the sales office.

Materials Design: Focus on simple materials, construction and easy maintenance. Materials are used as general materials. Such as sand wash walkways, Sculpture pillars made of painted steel, increasing the value of the material by d interesting details design.
– Lighting Feature integrated with some pillars of sculpture, create this area able to stand out even at night.
– Some pillars cladding with stainless steel, black chrome. To reflect the tree, the material itself and the surrounding context to create interesting movements.
▼使用简单的材料,通过有趣的细节设计增加观赏价值 Focus on simple materials, increasing the value of the material by d interesting details design.

▼灯光与雕塑柱相结合,创造出即使在晚上也能引人注目的景观空间 Lighting Feature integrated with some pillars of sculpture, create this area able to stand out even at night.

-种植Antidesma thwaitesianum、印度橡树等特色树种。
Planting Design:
– Choose a variety of shrubs that are easy maintenance, such as False Heather, Ganges Primrose, Gerdenia Crape Jasmine, Flame flower etc.
– Provide a fast-growing climbers and have different colored flowers, texture namely, Bengal Trumpet and Hammock viperstail.
– Trees proposed the feature trees such as Antidesma thwaitesianum , Indian oak etc.
To promote the atmosphere to look more natural And also helps to camouflage the top structures with nature.
▼快速生长的攀援植物是这个项目的成功因素之一 Fast-growing climbers is one of the success factors of the project

景观事务所:Arsomsilp community and environmental architect co.,ltd
建筑设计:DB Studio
客户:Sansiri PLC
摄影:W Workspace
Project name: The Base-Phetkasem Sales gallery
Completion Year: 2019
Design Area: 1,580 Sq.M.
Project location: Phetkasem29 , Bangkok
Landscape Firm: Arsomsilp community and environmental architect co.,ltd
Contact e-mail: Arch@Arsomsilp.in.th
Lead Architects: DB Studio
Design Team: Landscape studio by Arsomsilp
Clients: Sansiri PLC
Photo credits: W Workspace
奖项 Awards
Awards: TALA Award 2018
Level of awards: HONOR AWARD
Award Categories: Landscape Art / Exhibition
更多 Read more about: Arsomsilp Architect