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Thanks Fuyingbin Studio for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Fuyingbin Studio.
Fuyingbin Studio:Niujiaochong is located at the foot of the Dabie Mountains in Huoshan County, where tea production is one of the main industries. Besides the tea fields covering the hills, the village still preserves an oil mill built in the 1960s. However, like many traditional crafts, the method of producing tea oil in handcraft workshop has been replaced by factory machines, leaving the old oil mill standing idled. The village of Niujiaochong decided to renovate the oil mill and transform it into a cultural activity center and a showcase for local specialties.
▽项目视频 video
保留昔日的生活记忆 Preserving Memories of the Past
The oil mill is located in the tea fields along the village’s main road, back of the mill is a bamboo-covered hillside, with a small stream flowing from behind the mill. The oil mill consists of three traditional-styled rammed-earth houses arranged around a semi-open courtyard facing the village road. Due to long-term abandonment and lack of maintenance, the rammed-earth walls have developed multiple cracks, with some areas even leaning aside.
With the changes brought by time, not only has the craft of hand-pressing tea oil been replaced, but the traditional rammed-earth houses have also been rebuilt into modern-style buildings. The oil mill is almost the only remaining traditional building in the village. Although it is just a common rural structure without significant historical value, it embodies the past time of the local people. Therefore, the renovation should be based on preserving the general image of the oil mill, integrating it with new functions for its regeneration, redesigning the spatial layout, and balancing preservation, demolition, and new construction.
▽油坊原状 Before the renovation

流线与功能 Circulation and Function
Although the oil mill was surrounded by tea fields and bamboo forests, the landscape was not incorporated into its spatial relationship. The circulation of the oil mill was organized according to the production process and within the courtyard. The renovated oil mill will function as a culture center for showcasing, craft experiences, and educational presentations. It requires a meandering circulation for visitors, with close interaction with not only the interior space but also the surrounding landscape. Therefore, we introduced a continuous walkway as a tour path, floating above the original ground and linking the isolated building to the surrounding scenery.
▽鸟瞰照片 Bird view

▽俯瞰照片 Top view

▽前院 Front yard

▽菜地栈道 Walking path in the vegetable patch

The courtyard is enclosed with a low stone wall, transformed into an inward-facing courtyard that serves as a buffer from noisy transportation. Visitors are guided by the scenic wall, walking into the building through the tea fields, entering the inner courtyard and the riverside corridor, or ascending to the viewing platform extending into the tea fields. The walkway allows for continuous transitions between indoor and outdoor spaces and the experience of different spaces.
▽前院 Front yard

▽入口 Entrance

▽前院 Front yard

▽后院步道 Backyard walking path

▽后院步道及屏风 walking path and screen panel

▽滨水回廊 Riverside corridor

▽茶田栈道及屏风 Screen panel and walking path in the tea field

Part of the windows facing the river and tea fields are enlarged, and some walls are demolished to introduce the landscape into the building. A new corridor facing the river and a tea field platform were added to enrich the outdoor special experience. The façade facing the courtyard remains unchanged, the later additions were removed to rebuild the authentic appearance, making the courtyard a complete space for the past memories.
▽总平面图 Plan

▽轴测图 Axonometric

新与旧的关系 The Relationship Between the Old and the New
The walkway also serves as the foundation for the new construction. Benches, openings, corridors, platforms, and new functional spaces inside the building are all arranged according to the walkway. The walkway traverses between indoors and outdoors, elevated above the original ground of the oil mill, detaching from the walls, various in width, creating a dynamic figure-ground relationship in the floor plan. The original ground is covered with gravel, and the walkway and platforms float above like boats on water. The renovation uses exposed aggregate finishes outdoors and white epoxy resin paint indoors, to distinguish from the original materials, enhancing historical layering and recognition. The new constructions connect and integrate the separate buildings and landscape, forming a complete space full of fluidity.
Reparation of the rammed-earth walls was a challenge. In discussions with local workers, we unexpectedly learned that there were still craftsmen in the surrounding villages who mastered the skills of rammed-earth restoration. They corrected the tilted and cracked walls by first supporting and straightening the leaning walls, fixing them with wooden wedges at the base, and then repairing the gaps. By using traditional techniques not only maximized the preservation of the building’s authentic appearance but also made it possible to continue the traditional craft.
▽爆炸图 Exploded view

▽改造分析图 Renovation analysis diagram

The exhibition hall inside the oil mill collects various farm tools and photos from the old times, together with the oil mill, representing the village’s memory. As people gather, visit, and participate in activities in the space, they are also engaging in a dialogue with the past.
▽茶室 tea room

▽油坊体验区 Space for craft experience
▽特产展厅 Specialty exhibition room

▽活动室 Community room

结语 Conclusion
Unlike historical buildings that are often well-protected due to their cultural significance, normal buildings like oil mills, are usually demolished as times change. However, these buildings carry the lives of ordinary people in a specific region and period, and this everyday aspect, closely related to ordinary people, also deserves to be remembered and preserved. The oil mill is regenerated as a public space in Niujiaochong village, becoming a small boat carrying past memories sailing in the river of time.
▽细节 Details

Project Location: Niujiaochong Village, Huoshan County, Anhui Province, China
Design Year: August, 2021
Completion Year: July 2022
Site Area: 1580sqm
Chief Designer: FU Yingbin
Design Team: ZHAO Siyua, SONG Jia, GUAN Miaomiao
Article and translation: ZHAO Siyuan
Contact: fuyingbin999@126.com
Photographic Copyright: FU Yingbin Studio
“ 昔日老油坊的传承与文化再现。”
审稿编辑: Maggie
更多 Read more about: 傅英斌工作室 Fuyingbin Studio