T.C.L:  继南澳大利亚州政府规划,运输和基础设施部(DPTI)开展的设计竞赛之后,  T.C.L (Taylor Cullity Lethlean),Aurecon和Tonkin Zulaikha Greer于2012年参与设计新的Riverbank区人行天桥。

T.C.L:   T.C.L (Taylor Cullity Lethlean), Aurecon and Tonkin Zulaikha Greer were engaged in 2012 to design the new Riverbank Precinct Pedestrian Bridge, following a design competition run by the South Australian Government Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI).



河岸步行桥充当了城市的阿德莱德节日中心,阿德莱德火车站和最近重新开发的阿德莱德椭圆形之间的重要联系。这座255米长的大桥由麦康奈尔多威尔(McConnell Dowell)和托伦斯(Torrens)上的圆弧构成,连接南北两岸的两个关键目的地。升级的连接点在桥的每一端提供激活的目的地,交互式元素包括照明和水景。

The Riverbank Pedestrian Bridge provides a vital connection between the city’s highly visited Adelaide Festival Centre, Adelaide Railway Station and the recently redeveloped Adelaide Oval. The 255 meter long bridge was constructed by McConnell Dowell and arcs over the Torrens, connecting two key destination points on the north and south banks. The upgraded connection points provide activated destinations at each end of the bridge, with interactive elements including lighting and water features.



设计团队与文化研究教育和设计(CRED)的文化顾问Karl Telfer一起工作,以促进项目内当地的土着联系和故事叙述。南部的登陆场举办不锈钢艺术品,可以在白天看到蚀刻在钢铁表面的微妙动物痕迹,南部星座的表现可以在夜间看到。

The design team worked with Cultural Consultant, Karl Telfer from Cultural Research Education and Design (CRED) to facilitate local indigenous links and storytelling within the project. The south landing hosts a stainless steel artwork where subtle traces of animals etched into the surface of the steel can be seen by day, and representations of the southern constellations can be seen by night.
The completion of the Riverbank Precinct Pedestrian Bridge invites opportunities for revitalising the parts of the city that connect to this precinct.


Photos by John Gollings, Drew Lenman and Victoria Daniels.

客户: 南澳大利亚州政府规划、运输和基础设施部。
协作: 奥雷康和唐金·祖莱卡·格里尔,卡尔·特尔弗
地点: 南苏丹阿德莱德市中心
竣工日期:  2014年6月
建筑预算:  4000万美元
尺寸:  255米长

Client: South Australian Government Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI).
Collaboration: Aurecon and Tonkin Zulaikha Greer, Karl Telfer
Location: Adelaide City Centre, SA
Completion Date: June 2014
Construction budget: $40m
Size: 255M Long

更多 T.C.L (Taylor Cullity Lethlean)