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Thanks TK Studio for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by TK Studio.


TK Studio: sivakorn庄园位于Khao Yai国家公园附近,包含一组泰国建筑和一洞高尔夫球场,建在3英亩的地产上;海拔450米的MSL,空气清新凉爽,可以欣赏到高山国家公园的美景。然而,建筑和高尔夫球场似乎相互阻塞,没有利用它的山景,通风、排水、潮湿、缺乏开放性和场所感等问题也被发现。

TK Studio:  Sivakorn estate is located near Khao Yai national park, contained a group of Thai buildings and one-hole golf course, built on 3 acres property; at 450 meter elevation MSL, with fresh cool air and superb view of the mountainous national park.However, buildings and golf course appeared blocking each other and not utilizing its mountains view, the problems of ventilation, drainage, moisture, lack of openness and sense of place were also found.



总平面图   Master Plan



Landscape renovation is needed to improve those problems, create sense of place that seamlessly blend with its surrounding, and provide warm and tranquility atmosphere suitable for Thai hospitality. Small gardens and circulation were redesigned to create dramatic linkage and interesting spaces. Existing trees were carefully kept and used for enhancing Thai characteristic; providing shade and shadow, creating depth effect when season changed.  Open curved lawn with rolling terrain reaching out to the mountains replacing gulf-course and creating endless perspective and sense of natural serenity.  Water-lily pond upfront the Thai style main building provided warm welcoming to a perfect retreat home within nature.



名称: Ruean Sivakorn
设计总监:Tawatchai Kobkaikit
年份: 2009年
面积: 12,425平方米
地点: 泰国纳洪·拉特恰希马

Name: Ruean Sivakorn
Design Director: Tawatchai Kobkaikit
Area:12,425 ㎡
Location:Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand

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