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墨刻景观:菩提本无树,明镜亦非台。本来无一物,何处惹尘埃。” ——六世祖慧能
MEKE Landscape:“There is no wisdom tree; nor a stand of a mirror bright, Since all is void, where can the dust alight?”, Hui-neng, the sixth great patriarch of Zen

▽無言斋上海桃花源私庭营造实录 Shanghai TAOHUAYUAN Courtyard Design by WUYANZHAI GARDENING
The Bodhi and mirror, vast and void, reflect inner truths, debates long forgotten. Waterfalls leap from foggy gorges, sunlight streams from the mountain’s heart. A plank bridge arches over rocks, trailing to the peaks, as the forest grows lush alongside the stream. Within the defined space of the courtyard walls, there are no bounds for the Zen thoughts. The mind, like water, is disturbed by the faintest breeze, rippling with each passing thought.

Rugged rocks tier by tier, slowly ascending the green cliffs. A clear pond reflects the sky’s light, Simple stones hold the universe within, Looking up, trees accompany the flowing water, Looking down, the river and mountains are enchanting. A spoonful of landscape, a world within, The vibrant Zen Courtyard, the solemn stone court, The quiet leisure court, the refined tea court… Crafted with care, they seem to emerge at a call.

The Zen Courtyard, just ten meters by four, is underground, a world within a jar. The tiny garden is boundless, vast without walls. The landscape stands still, yet with a thoughtful heart, it seems to move. The answer lies both within and beyond the garden. Seeking the Peach Garden, one leans on a wall, finding a mountain, channeling water through a trench. A stone bridge juts out, sitting there, the riverbanks are forgotten. The living room’s north and south views converge here. The garden should not be cramped, but left with space, where the heart is mirrored. This small garden, a step away, holds the essence of the Peach Garden, capturing tranquility in the heart.

Gazing south, the entire Zen Courtyard unfurls like a scroll of “Travelers among Streams and Mountains.” The uneven cedar slopes, yellow and old stone skin between the grasses sequentially spread, extending indoors, where stone, shipment, and nature converge. Moss grows in stone fissures, deep and shallow hues on stone slabs, creating a spirit within the empty space. The courtyard’s corners are vibrant with new foliage, moss, rocks, and woods that naturally attract cicadas and butterflies. The Buddha faces west, observing the four seasons, sunny, rainy, snowy, or misty, breathing in and out, ingesting the world.

The purely hand chiselled running-water backdrop reflects a solemn, calm, and natural space. In the environment of Jiangnan pink walls and tiles, the Yellow Of Bai Po reveals its rough and atmospheric side. Between sky light and shadow, a distinction emerges between the delicate and the rough, yin and yang, motion and stillness.

Seeking stone and tree, carving a continuous depth. Stone creation is crucial in gardening. Bridge board stones must be flat and versatile, not too delicate, just right. After slight carving by the stonemason, on-site layout, adjustments, the angle from which it is seen must be fitting. No negligence in the entry and exit of stones, the locking of edges, and the stepping of pressure. Due to length limitations, a dovetail joint is necessary, its size and form must be appropriate. In summary, only with meticulous craftsmanship can a simple bridge be laid

禅庭 The Zen Courtyard
丨禅庭 The Zen Courtyard
The waterfall’s shadow dances in the fluid light, simple, profound, and unpretentious, craftsmanship in three parts, poetry in seven.
The courtyard, serene and profound, its leisurely calmness quiets the mind, like water. The orchid’s seclusion beyond, reveals both the Buddha’s essence and one’s own nature.
▽禅庭轴测图 Axonometry of the Zen court

The Zen Courtyard at dusk, with flickering lights, is warm and quiet. The lights are not excessive, but their soft projection is essential, casting long shadows of trees onto the white walls, creating a dance of illusions and shadows. In the distance, the interplay of light and shadow shapes the Buddha’s figure, revealing the texture of the flowing wall; close by, deep green moss grows in the stone crevices, and cypress branches hang over the other side; within, a sense of vitality and tranquility is felt, a profound stillness.

The Buddha in the garden was sourced from the “Xiangtangshan” cave temples in Handan, Hebei, carved during the Northern Qi Dynasty, with a sitting Buddha figure, exquisitely carved, hands in mudra, solemn and stately. The owner invited the Buddha into the garden, which is both a blessing and a wisdom, nestled in nature, touching the heart to goodness, creating good deeds and connections. It is both the centerpiece of the garden’s art and the garden’s eye, making the garden a sanctuary of the enlightened.

The Yellow Of Bai Po in the garden comes from Pingshan, Shijiazhuang, Hebei. Its texture is hard, with a yellow color mixed with green. Due to the color variation and flow lines of the Yellow, when used in large areas, the rough-textured lychee surface is highly regarded. This makes the stone’s reflection softer, with a natural grainy structure, and the color patterns are subtle, reducing the color difference and making it more natural.

中国人说人生如寄,山水有情。桃花源依傍黄浦东岸,于闹中取静,远山远水,却能以一园藏之,仿若置身在真山水间造园寄居。也是对当代“寄居园林”生活的一种探索 。为此,设计之初,我们就建议以真山水造臻园林,少就是多,方才有“空”立园,以筑围园。并以“流光”开篇,绕林板桥入境,晦明随时推移,外旷内幽,瀑挂隆然高壁,池中真趣隐藏,园景意趣次第展开⋯⋯
Life is seen as a temporary stay, with mountains and rivers full of emotion. The TAOHUAYUAN, adjacent to the east bank of the Huangpu River, seeks tranquility amidst the busy city, with distant mountains and waters, yet it encapsulates a garden that feels like a real mountain and river retreat. This reflects an exploration of contemporary “gardened residence” living. The design was conceptualized with the idea of creating a garden with real mountains and rivers, emphasizing simplicity to achieve a sense of “emptiness” that defines the garden’s boundaries. The design begins with “flowing light,” leading through a forested bridge into the garden, where light and shadow shift, creating an open exterior and a secluded interior. Waterfalls cascade down high cliffs, and the pool hides its true charm, as the garden’s scenes are revealed one by one…

The design process, from concept to stone and tree selection, to the arrangement of stones and water, and finally to construction and refinement, remains consistent with the original vision.

匠意 The Ingenuity
▽施工节点——流水面三面手打 Construction Details – Hand-troweled finish on three sides of the flowing water surface

▽施工节点——流水面分仓湿挂 Construction Details – Wet hanging of the flowing water surface in separate compartments
▽施工节点——石桥大切、预拼 Construction Details – Large-scale cutting and pre-assembly of the stone bridge

▽施工节点——石桥拼装、榫接 Construction Details – Assembly and mortise-tenon joining of the stone bridge

▽施工节点——石桥面层粗凿 Construction Details – Rough chiseling of the stone bridge surface layer

▽施工节点——燕尾锁细节 Construction Details – Detailing of the dovetail lock

▽施工节点——种植运输 Construction Details – Planting and transportation

▽从场地到施工(gif动图)From site preparation to construction

▽来自源头石材厂家的精雕细琢 Fine craftsmanship from the source stone manufacturer

石庭 The Stone Courtyard
丨石庭 Stone Courtyard
Time falls silent, only stones speak. Ink-stained stones scatter elegance across the courtyard, while gaps between stones are dotted with green, reflecting the spirit of the noble-minded.
▽石庭轴测图 Stone court axis mapping

In the Zen Courtyard’s southwest corner, once a sunny patio of 6 square meters, the initial design echoed “an unpretentious creek,” with a minimalist pond and a gardenia corner. The “simple water” effect is achieved through polished Chinese black stone, dotted for texture. It’s laid in tiers, with the Yellow Of Bai Po as a base, and distant stones for a green accent. A stone by the shore mimics a river’s layers, evoking a distant, rocky scene.
This small stone courtyard offers a unique view from above. It follows a traditional Chinese painting approach, with the Yellow Of Bai Po dominating, gardenias and moss in corners, and Chinese black stones outlining the edges, balancing roughness and fineness, light and shadow, yin and yang. It’s a microcosm of the larger.

In the yellow landscape, ferns, mosses, and pines compete in greenery. It initially appears as a sleeping creekin winter, but it’s really a scene of concentrated ink, ancient stones, yellow vines, and dotted green moss, like a “Thousand Mile River and Mountain” scroll.

匠意 The Ingenuity
▽施工节点——种植 Construction milestones – Planting

▽石作工艺 Stonework techniques

▽砾石选型 Gravel selection

闲庭 The Leisurely Courtyard
丨闲庭 The Leisurely Courtyard
With lush plants and trees, joy in every season, cleansed of all vulgarity, deep affection poured, everything is poetic.
▽闲庭轴测图 Leisure court axonometry

The Leisurely Courtyard, located at the southwest corner of the fitness center near a light well, is a place for soaking up the energies of heaven and earth. It embodies the concept of “taking just one scoop from the vast ocean of water,” symbolizing the garden’s springtime abundance. A stone basin with flowing water watches flowers bloom and leaves yellow, while a four-legged, domed stone lantern, a cherished treasure of the Leisurely Courtyard, stands guard like a protector, warming through the seasons, and conveying the profound meaning of “vertical brightness.”

After the leisure of dawn and dusk, the most enchanting beauty lies in the basin of yellow leaves.

茶庭 The Tea Courtyard
丨茶庭 The Tea Courtyard
Green trees sway, ferns shade, Bamboo streams gurgle, wetting stone lanterns. A spoonful of mountain and river, A few moments of leisurely delight.
▽茶庭轴测图 Tea court axonometry

The Tea Courtyard is an extension of the indoor tea-drinking space, about 21 square meters, elongated in shape. With a simple platform and a hint of tea fragrance, an afternoon of leisure unfolds. The courtyard is lush with various trees, and the stepping stones meander, offering delightful surprises with every turn.

The breezes weave through maple leaves, the flames of wisdom shine on eternally.
These stone lanterns, of towering classic design, boast a heavy treasure-top, slightly upturned at the six corners. Within, an empty fire bag holds a flame that never dies, while the base, adorned with six lotus petals, reflects a playful charm. Standing tall, they symbolize smoothness and completion.

The moss, and the ferns, are the green sprites of the garden. Like “Vittaria, the mother fern, the red-capped Pteris, the black-footed Pteris, the Japanese Pteris,” they grow in stone crevices, or upon moss, or lean against the green maples, infusing the garden with vitality from their exquisite forms.
匠意 The Ingenuity
▽从场地到施工(gif动图)From site preparation to construction
▽满池落叶的园子(gif动图)A garden full of leaves floating on the pond’s surface

▽平面图 Plan

Project Name: Shanghai TAOHUAYUAN (Phase II) Courtyard Design
Project Type: Courtyard Design
Contact Email: 1904083453@qq.com
Completion Year: December 2023
Project Location: TAOHUAYUAN Villa, Minhang District, Shanghai
Landscape Area: 55㎡
Stone Manufacturer: Hebei Lishan Black Jade Carving Co., Ltd.
Photography Copyright: Xia Xun, Chen Hao
“ 园小无碍,无界则大;山水不可移,心远自然来;设计营造禅意静心的庭院景观为使用者疗愈身心。”
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