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Thanks Nonscale Co for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Nonscale Co.
Nonscale Co:这个现代艺术装置所表达的是陨落的北极星以及一些小恒星,在地球旋转轴上与太阳之间的对话。这是我们对客户提出的天空主题所作出的诠释,也是我们用增加了许多戏剧性效果(色彩、白天、黑夜、纹理、雨、阳光等)的太阳、月亮、星星、云等元素来表达如此复杂球体的一种方式。
Nonscale Co:The design for this contemporary Pavilion represents the fallen North Star accompanied by a number of smaller stars from the Sky in dialogue with the sun on the earth’s axis of rotation. It is an interpretation of the Client’s theme of Sky and a way of expressing such a complex sphere with elements such as sun, moon, stars and clouds which all add to the dramatic effects of colour, day, night, texture, rain, sunshine etc.

It was about creating a unique space within the site (Museum Gardens) that will intrigue and invite visitors to appreciate the role the sky and its elements in the perception of architectural structures, our well-being and the world around us as a whole.

The sundial element of the open Pavilion works by casting a shadow over the thin cut grid lines on the sundial platform surface in relation to the gnomon or thin rod on the Northern Star tip which is set to True North and correct latitude in the Museum. This indicates the time by apparent position of the Sun across the sky as it cast a shadow creating an angle and aligns with different cut hour-lines on the surface indication the hours of the day specifically in the Museum Gardens. This movement of the sun in fact means it directly measures the sun’s hour-angle by the shadow of the edge parallel to the axis of the Earth’s rotation. The shadow on the Sky Pavilion sundial is longer in the afternoon as the Sun is lower in the sky, however at midday it is shadow is shorter as the Sun is at the highest position in the sky, this is why the shadow on the Sky Pavilion sundial would be affected by the seasons of winter, autumn, spring and summer.

▼日晷刻度细节 The sundial detail
▼装置 The pavilion

▼装置细节 The pavilion detail (Photography: Giacomo Cannata – ArchTriumph)
▼下午时分的装置 The pavilion in the afternoon

▼夜晚的装置 Night View

▼装置平面图 Plan

▼装置投影示意图 Latitude Elevation

▼装置立面图 Elevations
▼装置效果图 Rendering
项目名称:Triumph Pavilion 2015: Sky Pavilion
建筑设计:Nonscale Co(日本东京)
项目地点:英国伦敦剑桥希思路博物馆花园E2 9PA (V&A儿童博物馆旁)
Project Title: Triumph Pavilion 2015: Sky Pavilion
Client: ArchTriumph
Architectural Design: Nonscale Co, Tokyo, Japan
Site Total area: 10,520 Square Metres
Total Permitted Build area: 100 Square Metres
Pavilion Gross Floor area: 62 Square Metres
Pavilion Height: 4 Metres
Materials: Steel Composite, Untreated Mild Steel, Plywood and Timber
Location: Museum Gardens, Cambridge Heath Road, London E2 9PA, United Kingdom (next to the V&A Museum of Childhood)
Status: Completed
Project Start Date: 12 January 2015
Project Complete Date: 04 June 2015
Triumph Pavilion 2015 Project Team
Design:Nonscale Co., Tokyo, Japan
Contractor: Koichi Yamano, Tokyo, Japan
Project Coordination & Management: ArchTriumph, London, United Kingdom
Sponsors: ArchTriumph Suslight Industry Co., Japan
Structural Engineering: Ejiri Structural Engineers, Tokyo, Japan
UK Engineering Advisory: Structure Workshop, London, UK
UK Architectural Advisory: D N Izoulet, London, UK
Laser Cutting: Taiyo Kogyo, Fukushima, Japan
Cut and Construct: London, UK
Anchoring: SpiraFix, Newport, UK
Project Curator: K B Stowe, London, UK
更多 Read more about: Nonscale Co