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Crossboundaries: 宋庄镇小堡村,北京知名画家村——通州区宋庄镇小堡村,近日在村口新添了一处占地上万平方米的开放式艺术公园。灰砖、不锈钢雕塑、铁锈板的组合,让公园充满“艺术范儿”,园内还为艺术家展示作品预留了大量空间。
Crossboundaries:Xiaobao Village, Songzhuang Town, a well-known painter village in Beijing—Xiaobao Village, Songzhuang Town, Tongzhou District, recently added an open art park covering an area of 10,000 square meters at the entrance of the village. The combination of gray bricks, stainless steel sculptures, and rust plates make the park full of “artistic style”, and a lot of space is reserved for artists to display works in the park.
▼项目视频 Video
Beijing’s rapid economic transition, unique political atmosphere and immense urban growth have shaped a trajectory of prominence of art villages in its metropolitan region from the 1900s. Its origins can be traced back to Yuanmingyuan, the grounds of the Old Summer Palace in the north-east of Beijing, where artist settled from all over China celebrating a creative community and period of intense artistic exploration. After this movement ended in 1994 many collective groups were constantly replicated around this urban fringe outside of the third ring, namely Factory 798, Caochandi and Songzhuang Art District.
▼项目区位 Project location
宋庄之最 The best Songzhuang
1.全球规模最大、艺术家最多的艺术区 The world’s largest art district with the most artists
2.全球民营美术馆最多的艺术区 The art district with the most private art galleries in the world
The total area of Songzhuang Town is about 115 square kilometers, and 27 of the 47 villages are inhabited by artists. The entire Songzhuang Art District currently has about 7,000 artists, of which 4,200 are registered as permanent residents.
Furthermore, Songzhuang Micro Community Park helps growing the largest gathering place for artists in China in a symbiotic relationship together with the community. Songzhuang Art and Creative Town is one of the characteristic towns to be built by Beijing’s sub-center, and it is also an important part of the construction of the sub-center’s cultural center and the establishment of a large cultural tourism pattern. Xiaobao Village is the core area of Songzhuang Art and Creative Town.
▼轴测图 Axonometric drawing

Understanding the challenge of offering versatile and inclusive communal facilities, a masterplan competition with international participation to reaffirm the importance of the new model of “Art City” was organized in 2018. In this framework, Crossboundaries was commissioned to regenerate a linear streetscape adjacent to a parking lot close to the Xiaopu Cultural Plaza into a lively outdoor community park.
▼局部鸟瞰 Partial bird’s eye view

宋庄镇政府对小堡南街公共空间的改造,不是孤立项目,项目背景是城市副中心建设,以副中心规划和小堡艺术区规划为蓝本,选取了这个重要节点,探索和尝试“城市更新”的手段落实规划,通过政府投资改善公共环境, 引导环境升级、功能升级,实现街区品质提升。本项目是宋庄艺术商业示范街的入口,也是艺术创意小镇南区中轴线上的重要节点,与小堡文化广场、印象街项目构成整体景观系统。
“The community park has proven a great success on bringing the district government agenda and investment plans together with a way of living that strengthen its own authentic heritage as a place for collective art and influence,” – says Dong Hao, Crossboundaries’ co-founder.
This project is the first realized vibrant design of many to come that will follow the lead of the new communal spirit.
▼黄色步道串联起客厅和绿地 The yellow trail connects the living room and the green space

The streetscape meets with responding to different people’s needs: the inclusive nature of the design, its variety of inviting, bright spaces with colorful accents was adopted and occupied instantly and stands for a true example for integration and encouragement of interaction for all age groups.

宋庄:当宋庄不再是庄 Songzhuang: When Songzhuang is no longer a village
“It is an important milestone in the Songzhuang Xiaopu Art Zone Urban Design development, says Binke Lenhardt, co-founder of Crossboundaries, being the first executed project of the masterplan and a valuable example of quality public space for well-being and social encounter.”
Art not only changed the lives of the villagers, but also changed the life trajectory of the artist himself. Songzhuang provides a shelter for artists, and the artist has dedicated his artistic life to Songzhuang. In this sense: all Songzhuang artists are villagers here.
▼公园里的生活场景 Life scene in the park

有机更新:传统回忆与新潮 Organic Renewal: Traditional Memories and New Trends
The park is created to suit the site environment with a proper choice of material and plantation, combined with carefully designed spatial configuration, sequence, and atmosphere. The main component of the structure is a perforated grey brick wall with integrated seating in designated areas, alternating with a double lower layer of perforated Corten steel. Behind it lies a green zone filled with Southern Chinese pine trees and low bushes, forming a natural buffer to the parking area that can be accessed through various hidden pathways.
▼景观空间 Landscape space

▼景观一角 A corner of the landscape

On the street side, long planters framed with Corten steel edges contain Persian Silk trees, they form a natural separation from the busier road to the public area, which acknowledges the new addition to the site combined with the existing and preserved more mature trees (Chinese Locust trees) embedded within the re-used pavement stones.
▼保留的地砖 Reserved floor tiles

空间的自然属性 Natural attributes of space
公园景观的欣赏与重新认应从场地出发,问询居民需求,激活场地,在更新解决居民的需求的基础上,赋予居民生活的互动与体验,达到和谐共生,拥有健康与欢乐生活。丹麦建筑师扬·盖尔(Jan Gehl)认为,公共空间中活动的发生是吸引人们进行社会交往的诱因,而人又是影响空间活力的关键因素。扬·盖尔将公共空间中人的活动分为必要性活动、自发性活动和社会性活动3类,并剖析了市民日常活动与公共空间之间的作用原理,提出了公共空间—公共生活(PSPL)调研法,建立了“以人为本”城市公共空间设计理论。
Appreciation and re-recognition of the park landscape should start from the site, inquire about the needs of the residents, activate the site, and on the basis of renewing and solving the needs of the residents, give the residents the interaction and experience of life, achieve harmonious coexistence, and have a healthy and happy life.

Under the expansion of urbanization, socializing in rural areas and even neighborhoods around the world is still maintained. Let the threshing floor of the village become today’s urban living room.
The L-shaped plot features a series of outdoor ‘rooms’ that provide unrestricted usage and trigger a variety of activities along a linear loop track, a connecting element meandering between the street side pavement and the park at a pocket of the site. The yellow track connects the rooms physically with each other, as well as forms a visual link between the different public areas. The path is leading all the way into and through the small park area, which depicts a more natural landscape with London plane and Ginkgo trees in contrast to the organized promenade in the front. Linked by the yellow track, these rooms offer different levels of enclosure and boundary along a sequence: from completely open, forming a plaza like a prelude, to a slightly more defined area with a semitransparent grey backing wall, to a fully enclosed one but open to the sky, and finally a less strictly defined one within the new park zone, where only the ground surface marking its expanse.
▼黄色步道划分场地空间 The yellow trail divides the site space

▼也是路径的引导 It is also the guide of the path

Transforming the initial street corner into a small plaza, the first room opens up a semicircular space defined by angular brick walls and large mirror surfaces. In the morning, it’s a place for tai chi and fan dance, while in the evening, it attracts groups of rhythmic dancers. The occasional dog owners with their beloved pets are seen along the bright yellow asphalt loop that connects the rooms.
▼第一客厅景观动图 The first living room landscape animation

▼活动场景 Activity scene

▼记忆的青砖与现代材料的运用 The blue bricks of memory and the use of modern materials

▼半围合空间与人产生互动 Semi-enclosed space interacts with people

The second room is a place for tranquil interactions: long benches along the stepping profiles of interspersed brick walls invite Chinese chess players and their audience; groups of elderly ladies chat in the shadow of the trees; grandparents looking kindly after babies. On the weekends, younger people take selfies in front of the grey brick and Corten steel backdrop with drinks from the café across the road.
▼第二客厅景观动图 The second living room landscape animation

▼营造交友的空间场景 Create a space scene for making friends

On the corner to the extending park, the third room is all about children’s play: a bright yellow room inside a room; layered brick walls with differently sized openings for peek-a-boo and hide-and-seek; connecting speaking tubes through which shouting and singing can be heard. In front of it, grandparents, parents, and other caretakers can watch the children play from a distance.
▼第三客厅景观动图 The third living room landscape animation

▼玩乐客厅 Play living room

▼趣味的互动设置,丰富娱乐活动 Interesting interactive settings, enriching entertainment activities

Inside the rectangle of the park, the yellow loop track itself spans up the fourth room, increasing in size to an open-air gym, an exercise space in the middle of green meadows. Between the sports equipment and the circular seating, all community members find their own place.
▼第四客厅景观动图 The fourth living room landscape animation

▼运动健身活动空间 Sports and fitness activity space

Create a space for people to stay. Pedestrian trails connect nodes in series to form a pleasant walking experience. Tree-lined avenues with four seasons and rich levels of walking space allow artists, residents and visitors to escape the hustle and bustle of the city and relax and communicate in a space with an artistic atmosphere. This open art park is also a platform for artists to display their works.
▼公园中的活动场景 Activity scene in the garden
▼互动参与的活动场景 Interactive event scene
“In the past, the sidewalk on Xiaobao South Street was very narrow, and the two rows of trees were interspersed with parked cars, and pedestrians walked on the main road.” The design re-adjusted the greening on the sidewalk and the spacing between trees, and vehicles were concentrated in the parking lot to improve the street. The spatial order. Take a walk in the park, taste perfect delicacies, and feel the strong artistic atmosphere.
▼改造前后空间对比 Space comparison before and after renovation
The streetscape meets with responding to different people’s needs: the inclusive nature of the design, its variety of inviting, bright spaces with colorful accents was adopted and occupied instantly and stands for a true example for integration and encouragement of interaction for all age groups. Furthermore, Songzhuang Micro Community Park helps growing the largest gathering place for artists in China in a symbiotic relationship together with the community.

▼细节处理 Detail processing
The community park has proven a great success on bringing the district government agenda and investment plans together with a way of living that strengthen its own authentic heritage as a place for collective art and influence. It is an important milestone in the Songzhuang Xiaopu Art Zone Urban Design development, being the first executed project of the masterplan and a valuable example of quality public space for well-being and social encounter.
▼总平面图 Plan

▼剖面图 Section view

场地面积:5,900 m2
建筑师:Crossboundaries, 中国,北京
项目负责人:蓝冰可(Binke Lenhardt),董灝
设计团队:高旸、Silvia Campi、陈鹏宇、Marijana Simic、于兆雄、于泓浴、Elena Gamez Miguelez
Project name: Songzhuang Micro Community Park
Location: Xiaopu Village, Songzhuang, Tongzhou, Beijing, China
Client: Beijing Songzhuang Investment Development Co., Ltd
Size: 5900 m2
Design period: May to October 2020
Construction period: October 2020 to June 2021
Completion date: June 2021
Architect: Crossboundaries, Beijing, China
Partners in charge: Binke Lenhardt, DONG Hao
Design team: GAO Yang, Silvia Campi, CHEN Pengyu, Marijana Simic, Sean Yu, YU Hongyu, Elena Gamez Miguelez
Construction Company: Beijing Songzhuang Xinjing Landscape Engineering Co., Ltd
Photographers: BAI Yu, YANG Chaoying
“ 质朴、趣味的城市一角,公园从场地出发,保留了传统回忆,满足功能需求的同时激活场地,赋予居民生活的互动与体验。”
审稿编辑 王琪 – Maggie
更多 Read more about: Crossboundaries
很哇塞 小空间做的很有意思,景墙和步道颜色对比强烈,朴素与活泼共存