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Thanks Interesting Landscape for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Interesting Landscape.



Interesting Landscape: The project is located at the gateway of Tongnan District, Chongqing, based on the bridgehead on the east side of Fujiang Bridge, and enjoys the river view resources. Standing on the project site, the water of the Fujiang River is in front of you. On the opposite side of the Fujiang National Wetland Park, citizens are leisurely walking on the trestle bridge. The sun passes through the two rows of tall camphor trees in the site, writing the leisure and peaceful side of urban life.


▽潼州府第示范区现场 Tongzhoufudi Demonstration zone site


“隐与显”——景观与建筑的对话 “Hidden and visible” — the dialogue between landscape and architecture


The sales office building, which would later function as an urban exhibition hall, was designed as a white volume more like an art museum, facing the river view. Coupled with the topographic height of the site itself, it strengthens the sense of declaration as a landmark building, which is very imposing and proudly standing there, calm and straightforward.


▽场地分析 Site analysis

▽平面图 Plan

▽场地剖面 Site profile



As landscape architects, we ultimately chose a softer approach to the dialogue between landscape and architecture. By relying on the meandering form of the site’s terrain, it makes up for the lack of intimacy in the rigid form of the building. At the same time, the landscape entrance of the demonstration area is deliberately hidden into the landscape environment to imitate the natural canyon space, and introduce the customer to the interior of the site inadvertently.


▽设计效果图 Design effect drawing

▽峡谷空间 Canyon space



This approach is still derived from the philosophical view of “harmony” in traditional Chinese theory, which drives the spiritual core of the site with tough buildings, and shortens the intimacy between the site and people with soft landscapes. This approach also foreshadows the theme of “the quiet beauty of flow”.



流动中的园林趣味 Garden interest in motion




Although the spatial properties of the front and back fields of the demonstration area are fluid, it is not recommended to let people stay for a long time from the function, but it is not expected that customers can quickly pass through the garden without any experience. What we prefer to see is that the guests are leisurely walking in the garden and relaxing. Therefore, the landscape of interest is must show. This requires the flow line to show different spatial levels in the process of movement, sometimes tightening such as canyons, sometimes a pool of mirror water, quiet and peaceful, visitors sometimes walk through the dense forest, and sometimes they can empty their eyes to the distant river. This is in response to the three criteria of Mr TongJuan for good landscape: density properly, twists and turns, and a scene in front of me. People experience the interesting beauty of the garden in the set flow line and feel the happiness brought by the environment.


▽设计效果图 Design effect drawing

▽流动的场地空间 Flowing field space


空间的折叠与穿越 Folding and crossing of space


It is an interesting process to resolve the contradiction between the relative constriction of the available space and the richness of the level of experience of the moving line. First of all, we preset a series of visiting experiences: climbing, looking, shuttling, sitting, looking back and so on; Then the contents of these experiences are arranged in a certain logical order; Then it turns out that the available spatial scales are simply not enough to support these things. But at the same time, we also noticed some possibilities brought about by vertical changes in the mountains.




So we set up a core space in the landscape, with this core as the center, the front and back flow lines around it, and add the experience we mentioned earlier to this elongated fluid form of the moving line, some of the content of the heart, some of the outwards. In short, all experiences are folded and traversed in this spiral shaped limited space, and finally obtain a small and infinite extension space effect.


▽核心景观 Core landscape


极简主义下的艺术导向 An artistic orientation under minimalism


Artistic orientation is a broad concept, and the word “aesthetic” has a large degree of subjectivity and is difficult to standardize. The definition of art is also very different in different fields. Mr. Zhang Dong believes that: in landscape design, aesthetics is not limited to formal aesthetics, we should pay more attention to whether this form belongs to the site or the surrounding environment, and the appropriate atmosphere is often more important than considering the beauty of the form alone.




While setting a landscape theme of “the quiet beauty of flow”, we also have certain assumptions about its artistic logic. In this demonstration area like an art museum, there is no need for overly complicated decorative surfaces, and everything should be returned to the simplest and most original way, with the most simple elements colliding with the most natural environment, intertwine a mutual blend and musical rhythm, but does not emphasize the harmonious aesthetic.




Under this aesthetic view, two attributes need to be highlighted: flow and quiet beauty. As we mentioned earlier, we want visitors to enjoy the landscape neither to stay for a long time, nor to pass quickly, but hope to flow in the garden in a slow and quiet way, and experience the beauty of the environment to life.





Project name: Taiji Tongchengtongfudi
Project location: Tongnan District, Chongqing
Project size: 12658.13㎡
Project type: Residential
Party A’s team: Xiao Han, Yu Zhenfu
Commissioned unit: Chongqing Taixin Real Estate Development Co., LTD
Design unit: Chengdu INCH Design
Completion date: January 2021
Photography team: Mirror photography



审稿编辑: Maggie

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