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Thanks to TK Studio for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description and photos provided by TK Studio.
TK Studio:Taka Haus位于曼谷的黄金地段Ekkamai。为了打造出色的住宅景观,我们在这一小块土地上引入了有机环境。景观设计强调“森居”概念,以“鸟巢”的形式改造宅单元和公共空间,带给人强烈的安全感,并提供清新的鸟瞰视角观察周围环境。
TK Studio:Taka Haus is located in Ekkamai, a prime area of Bangkok. To create an outstanding residential landscape, we have introduced organic environment for this small plot. The landscape design emphasizes on housing in forest setting, and transforming dwelling units and communal space into nests of birds, so people can have strong sense of security and be able to oversee the surroundings from a refreshing bird eye perspective.

A design strategy is to simulate nature on an urban fabric by introducing natural landform, such as mountain and river. In order to create some serpentine landforms, the strategy of perceiving landscape as fabric is used. As fabrics are being ruffled, crooked texture will be formed, and fabrics will be tightly interweaving. Being inspired by this concept, the dynamic landform is designed, connecting people from ground level to the podium and creating different sizes of berms to reinforce the privacy of residents. All landscape features will follow the same design language of the serpentine landform, including feature wall, planter, curb and seating.

▽总平面图 Master plan

Follow intention to create a forest like atmosphere, forest trees are essential elements. With limited space, we have strategically group and plant big trees along the circulation and at all corners to give the forest vibe. All planting are multi-layered in order to reinforce the theme of forest. Similar to the composition of a natural forest, the ground level will be a resting space filled with ground cover and lush plantings; while the podium level will be the canopy where dynamic activities will take place and become the exclusive high ground for overlooking the land on lower levels.

地面层的景观设计以地块东部的Tree Haus为特色。这是一个多功能的空间,下层将是一个小型的露天剧场和被花草灌木环绕的吊床,上层是一个镜面的盒子,为人们提供了一个从上方欣赏景观的平台,同时将自身结构与植物融合在一起。
Landscape design on ground level features Tree Haus which locates at the east of the plot. It is a multifunctional space, on the lower level will be a mini amphitheater and hammocks surrounded by flowery shrubs, and the upper level will be a mirrored box, providing platform for people to enjoy landscape from above while blending the structure with the plants.
▽效果图 Renderings

The landscape also performs important role of linking the whole plot. At the gap of two condominium buildings, a secret pocket garden has been provided, giving additional seating space. When walk up to the podium, they will first encounter a cozy wooden deck with seating.
▽3层平面图 3rd floor plan

Next to the wooden deck are edible garden, where the herbs will be harvested for the co-kitchen space; a multipurpose lawn, and a high technology design pool.

项目名称:Taka Haus
项目地点:泰国 曼谷
景观事务所:TK Studio Company Limited
建筑公司:Quintrix Architects
首席建筑师:Mr. Tawatchai Kobkaikit
设计团队:Mr. Naratip Bundi, Mr. Phurit Sheeranangsu
客户:Sansiri Public Co., Ltd.
合作者: Tokyu corporation
图片来源:Mr. Rungkit Chareonwat
Project name: Taka Haus
Completion Year: 2019
Size: 5331.75 m²
Project location: Ekkamai 12, Bangkok, Thailand
Landscape Firm: TK Studio Company Limited
Architecture Firm: Quintrix Architects
Website: http://tkstudio.co.th/library/1/28
Contact e-mail: info@tkstudio.co.th
Lead Architects: Mr. Tawatchai Kobkaikit
Design Team: Mr. Naratip Bundi, Mr. Phurit Sheeranangsu
Clients: Sansiri Public Co., Ltd.
Collaborators: Tokyu corporation
Photo credits: Mr. Rungkit Chareonwat
“ 设计利用风吹皱布料时的形态提炼成设计语言,在有限的空间中塑造出了层次丰富的‘森居’空间。”
更多 Read more about:TK Studio Company Limited