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Thanks Consequence forma architects for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Consequence forma architects.
Consequence forma architects:基于城市、建筑、景观与社会之间的联系,我们对这片土地进行了解码。由此产生的设计方案改善了公园的可达性,并保留了其原有的景观价值。改造方案在空间上以公园中心具有文化与社会潜力的空地为主,这片空地周围环绕着成熟的树木,我们通过丰富植物的配置,同时引入一条环形的长廊,为人们提供了进入公园的便捷通道,并在沿途设置了一个咖啡馆和一个游乐场。设计秉承不同的空间承载不同的使用强度这一基本原则,计划让咖啡馆周围区域与公园中心空间承担最大的人流荷载,并逐渐向外围空间递减。树荫下的长廊带给人宁静的氛围,中心区域则为各种活动和游戏提供了空间。
Consequence forma architects:Based on urban, architectural, landscape, and social connections, we decode the territory. The resulting design makes the park accessible and preserves its original landscape values. The concept is spatially dominated by the void in the center of the park with its cultural and social potential and a defined ring of mature trees, which we complement but also make accessible through a circular promenade with a café and a playground. Various intensities of use are one of the fundamental principles of the concept, where the area around the café and the central space assumes the highest load, gradually diminishing towards the outer edge. The promenade under the canopies of mature trees offers tranquility, while the central area provides space for various activities and play.

The park on the Moravian Square in Brno has become a new vibrant place, establishing its own poetics of peace and action, starkly contrasting the city’s constant commotion and traffic. The project represents a comprehensive approach to revitalising a heavily frequented public space in Brno’s historic centre, meeting the demands of the 21st century. It incorporates the blue-green infrastructure elements, environmental sustainability requirements and biodiversity, co-creating community, and embracing inclusivity.

A distinctive and prominent feature is the central area, which introduces a new public space to Brno – the urban arena. It is a gathering place in the heart of the park, featuring a fountain that creates a water mirror or a misty cloud. The arena is defined by a massive bench, providing a sense of serenity to the place and forming an embracing ring. This unique space is exclusively designed for pedestrians, offering a new concept – shared comfort. The generous bench invites a sense of freedom, where everyone can recline, sit, relax, and play. The place is therefore greatly enlivened.

As the first light of day breaks, the arena comes alive. The fountain area transforms into a stage. There is always something to see and always something going on. It is a blend of action and tranquility on the water’s surface. Everyone passing by gets engaged in their own movement. The water enhances every situation with a mirrored reflection. The fountain’s mode greatly influences the activity in the centre, attracting and encouraging interaction and play. In the summertime, as life in the public space flourishes, the place teems with children. Adults also enjoy occasional refreshing moments. The location offers relaxation and activity, sunbathing and refreshment, earning its nickname ‘The Brno Sea.’ The central area, with its dynamic vibrancy and poetic calmness, is the core of the design. The place changes its rhythm with the seasons and even throughout the day.

此外,挖掘场地北侧的潜力并将咖啡馆和儿童游乐场纳入公园设计并为其注入新的面貌也十分重要。过去闲置的区域被完全改造成了一个极具吸引力的场所,如今在这里可以俯瞰全新角度的城市景观和圣托马斯教堂。咖啡馆作为公园与城市的连接点,加强了交通繁忙的 Koliště 街的城市特色,并有助于其逐步演变成一条城市林荫大道。咖啡馆本身及其露台成为树荫下的环形林荫长廊的一部分,并创造了各种休闲和互动空间。咖啡馆为顾客以及邻近的儿童游乐场提供便利设施,也为偶尔会举办小型戏剧、音乐剧和其他活动的“演讲角”提供便利。它是社交和公共活动的重要场所,也是公园的核心。
It was also highly important to discover the potential of the northern part and incorporate a café and a children’s playground into the new appearance of the park. Previously unused areas have been entirely transformed into an attractive place overlooking the newly discovered city vista with the Church of St. Thomas. The café pavilion acts as an interface between the park and the city, reinforcing the urban character of the otherwise traffic-heavy Koliště Street, which is gradually evolving into an urban boulevard. The café itself, along with its terrace, concludes the circular shaded promenade beneath mature trees and creates various spaces for relaxation and interaction. It provides amenities for its patrons, as well as for the adjacent children’s playground or its ‘speakers corner,’ where occasional small theatre, musical, and other events take place. The café serves as an important generator of social and communal activities and becomes the focal point of the park.

The café’s partially transparent roof accommodates a tree growing through it. The foundations elevate an eight-meter ellipse – the Sun, intersected by the café’s roof. Half of the structure mirrors above the rooftop plane. The polished steel ellipse disappears during the day and reappears with the sunset thanks to a lighting installation, delicately completing the visual axis from the centre. The theme of reflection, beginnings, and subtle questions related to our society is evoked by the neon word ‘Budoucnost’ (Future) on the rusty façade of the café, as the facade is made of weather-resistant steel that gradually rusts.

The light gravel beneath the tree canopies, casting flickering shadows, invites you to stay. The carousel and differently-sized chairs and tables are the focus of the children. Original play elements are inspired by the concept of the city as a cafe metropolis. Various-sized white elements seem to scatter throughout the park. In contrast to the lively surroundings of the café, there are grassy and meadow areas that, on the contrary, offer peace and shade along the circular promenade. A prominent edge visually connects the park to its surroundings. Walking around, one can enjoy each season based on the currently blooming perennials and bulbs. A protected habitat is created by flowers, shrubs, and trees, shaping an oasis of tranquility and safety. Park entrances are designed along observed paths. A method mapping original beaten paths in fresh snow using drone imagery was employed. A crucial route consists of a wide main pathway, smaller radial connections, and a circular promenade complemented by small grass-covered trails.

环境可持续性 Environmental Sustainability
The blue-green infrastructure restores the water regime to its original state. These nature-inspired measures maximise rainwater retention within the park, allowing it to safely infiltrate the ground and provide better support to the vegetation. During hot days, the park and its surroundings enjoy a favourable microclimate, which is also enhanced by the fountain feature and its cooling mist nozzles. Blue-green infrastructure is a fundamental measure for adapting to climate change in urbanised areas because it addresses flood prevention and drought systematically and most effectively. The park, with its blue-green infrastructure components, offers ecosystem services to citizens during climate fluctuations.
All paved surfaces are sloped, directing water into gravel swales and gravel furrow systems. A portion of the rainwater is used for watering the floodplain bed, trees in the gravel, or the strip on the northern edge of the park. New trees in the gravel are planted with a structural substrate (gravel enriched with biochar and compost) that retains moisture long after rainfall, preserves soil air, and distributes nutrients. Additional trees complement the park’s perimeter. The selection of species continues the existing diversity and adds non-native species with climate change tolerance. The crowns of shrubs are gradually pruned into solitary trees.

Larger lawn areas and understory beds receive and absorb water extensively due to their deep gravel profiles. Lawns come in three types: a picnic ground in the central park area; a grass and herb community in the semi-shaded areas under the trees and in the swale; gravel lawns around play equipment and seeded joints of granite paving.
A prominent feature of the park is the edging, comprising herbaceous layers, shrubs, and trees. This creates a protected and well-defined environmental framework with good conditions for the development of a diverse natural community. The bed with modelled depressions and elevations (mounds and swales) is inspired by natural processes in periodically flooded biotopes – ridges in the terrain of the floodplain landscapes of Moravia. Three types of habitats respecting hydric conditions include depressions, uplands, and a transitional zone. Similarly, a water-endowed bed of grass and ferns is found near the café.

▽概念分析 Concept diagram

▽场地平面 Site Plan

▽项目平面 Architectural site plan

▽植物方案 Scheme trees

▽分析图 Surfaces graph

▽城市规划视角分析 Schema urbanism

▽建筑视角分析 Schema architecture

▽植被种植方案 Schema vegetation

▽雨水管理方案 Schema rainwater management

▽咖啡馆屋顶平面 Cafe roof

▽咖啡馆平面 Cafe ground floor plan

▽咖啡馆剖面图 Cafe section

▽咖啡馆南侧立面图 Cafe elevation on south

▽咖啡馆北侧立面图 Cafe elevation on north

▽咖啡馆东/西侧立面图 Cafe elevation on east/west

项目地点:布尔诺 摩拉维亚广场
建筑面积:带露台的咖啡馆 334平方米
带水箱的喷泉机房:41 平方米
公园总面积:含周边人行道 22 365 平方米
植被和铺装区:19 887 平方米
设计工作室:Consequence forma architects
作者:Martin Sládek, Janica Šipulová
工作室地址:捷克共和国 Botanická 59, 612 00 Brno
景观-植物设计:Klára Zahradníčkova
儿童游乐元素、椭圆形结构设计:Richard Loskot
项目协调员:Nina Vlček Ličková [Consequence forma architects]
工程设计:Barbora Bělunková [Consequence forma architects]
景观设计:Jan Schleider, Petra Buganská [Consequence forma architects]
部分合作:Prokop Matěj, Zuzana Včeláková, Katka Hlavičková [Consequence forma architects]
景观监理:Karin Standler
建筑监理:Franz Sumnitsch
雨水管理:Jiří Vítek
树木学家:David Hora
多年生植物和球茎:Ondřej Fous, Michaela Sinkulova
草地群落:Marie Straková
预算:Rudolf Hlaváč, Hana Pollertová
咖啡馆屋顶静力学:Radek Bartoněk
交通和技术咨询:Petr Bijok
施工技术咨询:Babka & Šuchma
砾石技术咨询:Karel Zlatuška
摄影师:BoysPlayNice, info@boysplaynice.com, www.boysplaynice.com
ProjectName: The Moravian Square Park Revitalisation
Project location: Moravian Square, Brno
Project country: Czech Republic
Project year: 2016–2021
Completion year: 2022
Built-up area: 334 m² pavilion [café with terrace]
41 m² engine room of the fountain with water tank [underground]
304 m² discovered salvaged cellar of the German House [underground]
Plot size: total area of the park including the perimeter walkway 22 365 m²
vegetation and paved areas 19 887 m²
Studio: Consequence forma architects
Author: Martin Sládek, Janica Šipulová
Contact E-mail: info@consequence.cz
Website: www.consequence.cz
Social media: www.facebook.com/consequenceforma
Studio address: Botanická 59, 612 00 Brno, Czech Republic
Design team
Landscape-vegetation solutions: Klára Zahradníčkova
Children’s elements, collaboration on the ellipse: Richard Loskot
Project coordinator: Nina Vlček Ličková [Consequence forma architects]
Engineering: Barbora Bělunková [Consequence forma architects]
Landscape architecture, architecture: Jan Schleider, Petra Buganská [Consequence forma architects]
Partial cooperation: Prokop Matěj, Zuzana Včeláková, Katka Hlavičková [Consequence forma architects]
Landscape supervision: Karin Standler
Architectural supervision: Franz Sumnitsch
Rainwater management: Jiří Vítek
Arborist: David Hora
Perennials and bulbs: Ondřej Fous and Michaela Sinkulova
Grass communities: Marie Straková
Budget: Rudolf Hlaváč, Hana Pollertová
Standard furnishing design: mmcité
Statics of the café roof: Radek Bartoněk
Traffic and technical consultation: Petr Bijok
Construction technical consultation: Babka & Šuchma
Gravel technical consultation: Karel Zlatuška
Client: Office of the Municipal District of Brno-střed
Client’s e-mail: podatelna@brno-stred.cz
Client’s website: www.brno-stred.cz
Photographer: BoysPlayNice, info@boysplaynice.com, www.boysplaynice.com
“ 该项目以一种综合的治理方式振兴了布尔诺历史中心人流密集的公共空间,满足了时代变化的需求。它融合了蓝绿基础设施元素、环境可持续性要求、生物多样性、社区共创,并具有十足的包容性。”
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