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Thanks Feldman Architecture for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Feldman Architecture.


Feldman Architecture:​该项目(The Sanctuary)的客户是一对即将退休的空巢老人,他们希望缩小并简化其在帕罗奥图(Palo Alto)新家的设计。客户购买这处房产时,前院和原有房屋被一道老旧的木栅栏隔开,同时也与街道隔绝。然而,在这道粗糙陈旧的栅栏后面,郁郁葱葱的植被笼罩着场地深处,俨然一座城市避护之所。这种不经意间发现美好的奇妙感被作为设计的灵感来源,并引导建筑师和客户将其展现得淋漓极致。

Feldman Architecture:The clients of The Sanctuary, recent empty-nesters planning ahead to retirement, hoped to downsize and simplify the design of their new Palo Alto home. When the clients purchased the property, an old wooden fence across the front yard and original house closed off the site from the street. Behind this rough and aged presentation however was an urban refuge of lush vegetation throughout the deep lot. This sense of discovery served as the original inspiration for the design of the house and directed both architect and client to its culmination.


© Joe Fletcher
© Joe Fletcher


这里不管是步行还是骑行都可以很快到达帕罗奥图市中心,优越的地理位置是客户购买该地块的根本原因,此外,​他们希望在城市环境中建造更高密度的建筑,因此在二楼设置了公寓。客户夫妇喜爱这个杂草丛生的花园并看到了其潜在的巨大价值,于是找到 Ground Studio 景观设计事务所帮助他们美化景观——保留宁静和令人惊喜的场景,同时营造更强的凝聚力与现代感。通过与景观设计师的合作,客户最终与我们(Feldman Architecture 设计事务所)建立了联系,并希望我们设计一栋经久耐用的现代住宅,既能舒适地融入周边社区,又能展现其独特迷人的景观环境。

The proximity of the downtown Palo Alto area by foot and bike was fundamental to the clients’ decision to purchase this lot, and their belief in building to a higher density in an urban setting lead to the inclusion of a second story apartment. The couple fell in love with the overgrown garden and its obvious potential, approaching Ground Studio Landscape to help them enhance the landscape; retaining scenes of serenity and surprise while creating more of a cohesive and modern feel. Through their collaboration with Ground Studio Landscape, the clients connected with our firm, bringing with them a desire to design a long-lasting modern house that fit comfortably into the surrounding neighborhood while featuring its unique and charming landscape.


© Joe Fletcher
© Joe Fletcher



The house is sited quietly behind the large heritage oak tree with its canopy stretching across the generously sized front yard. After passing under its branches, guests are lead through a series of courtyards and view gardens that weave through the undulating footprint of the building. Each interior space is paired with its own landscape moment, allowing the architecture and landscape to flow into each other.


© Joe Fletcher
© Joe Fletcher



The structure floats on piers, allowing the building to participate in dialogue with the trees on site while protecting the root areas. The floor plate projects beyond the building envelope and dissolves into balconies to blur the sense of indoor/outdoor while at the same time lifting the building up from the ground. Even the driveway is constructed out of floating concrete structural slabs supported on piers to minimize the impact on the heritage oak tree. By expanding the living area to spill into the outdoor spaces, our teams provided ample room for the clients to entertain their ever expanding family.


© Joe Fletcher
© Joe Fletcher
© Joe Fletcher
© Joe Fletcher
© Joe Fletcher



Three pavilions span the depth of the lot. The thoughtfully placed second story apartment is designed for rentals. Below, board-formed concrete walls serve as organizing elements in the main residence which separate private from public areas.


© Joe Fletcher
© Joe Fletcher
© Joe Fletcher
© Joe Fletcher
© Joe Fletcher



Diffused natural light streams into the space throughout the day, working gently with the clean material palette of concrete and Alaskan yellow cedar.


© Joe Fletcher
© Joe Fletcher
© Joe Fletcher
© Joe Fletcher



The Sanctuary was constructed as a modern house that allows the landscape to speak first. The design features its many hidden courtyards, inviting guests to experience the same sense of wonder that first drew our clients to this urban oasis.


© Joe Fletcher
© Joe Fletcher


▽平面图纸 Plans

© Feldman Architecture
© Feldman Architecture




项目名称:The Sanctuary
项目地点:加利福尼亚州 帕罗奥图
建筑设计:Feldman Architecture
室内设计:Feldman Architecture
照明设计:Kim Cladas Lighting Design
景观设计:Ground Studio Landscape Architecture
建造:Baywest Builders
树木学家:Urban Tree Management
结构工程:Strandberg Engineering
土木工程:BKF Engineers
岩土工程:Romig Engineers Inc
摄影:Joe Fletcher

Project Name: The Sanctuary
Location: Palo Alto, CA
Architect: Feldman Architecture
Interiors: Feldman Architecture
Lighting: Kim Cladas Lighting Design
Landscape Architect: Ground Studio Landscape Architecture
Builder: Baywest Builders
Arborist: Urban Tree Management
Structural Engineer: Strandberg Engineering
Civil Engineer: BKF Engineers
Geotechincal Engineer: Romig Engineers Inc
Photography: Joe Fletcher




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