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Clap Studio:瓦伦西亚市(Valencia)被世界设计组织(World Design Organization, WDO)选定为2022年的世界设计之都,在此背景下,Clap Studio受世界设计组织的委托,为瓦伦西亚设计了一个临时性装置,该装置从2021年开始到2022年之后的一段时间内,都与瓦伦西亚市同在。装置所处的空间主要用作电视放映,也可以举办一些不同类型的教育活动、辩论会和庆祝活动。
Clap Studio: The city of Valencia has been named World Design Capital by the World Design Organization for the year 2022. In this context, the organization has commissioned Clap Studio to design an installation that has the capacity to accompany the capital in 2021, throughout 2022 and that can last over time. A space that will function mainly as a television set, and which will also host many different types of educational activities, debates and celebrations.

Clap Studio设计的临时装置“海”(The Sea)位于特色地标性建筑“Veles e Vents”的室内,这栋建筑由David Chipperfield所设计。该装置旨在使设计更加平易近人,同时作为一个多功能空间来使用,以支持所有可能发生的多样活动。除了为表演、娱乐和活动项目提供空间之外,装置本身也可以根据当前的需要进行展示和变化。
Located inside the unique Veles e Vents building designed by David Chipperfield, The Sea intends to bring design closer to the population and act as a multifunctional space in which to carry out all the different activities that may arise. To this end, Clap has designed a temporary installation that, in addition to providing space for performances, entertainment and events, is a space designed so that the installation itself can also perform and transform itself to adapt to the needs of the moment.

The Sea装置的命名与设计源于其所在的环境,建筑大楼位于地中海沿岸的“瓦伦西亚码头” (La Marina de Valencia)。受海浪的启发,Clap Studio在室内创造了一个由电焊网模块相互叠加而成的概念化的海洋,有不同的通透度和纵深。工作室还考虑了空间的环境照明,使用集成球形灯来模拟悬浮在这片海域里的水母。
The Sea, arises from the context in which the installation is located, in “La Marina de Valencia”, on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. Inspired by the waves of the sea, Clap Studio created a conceptual sea made from electro-welded wire mesh modules that are superimposed on each other, generating different opacities, different depths in the sea. The studio also thought about the ambient lighting of the space using integrated spherical lights that simulate jellyfish suspended in this sea.

The Sea不仅仅是一个空间,它还是一个多功能装置。仅由3个不同的模块组成,易于组装、拆卸和运输。模块之间的连接通过基座中的简易联轴节实现,并采用法兰盘来稳固装置。多功能和易于组装拆卸的特点激发了工作室对于大众的、轻质的材料与简易固定系统的思考。建筑中常用的回收材料所制成的阻燃泡沫材料在这里被赋予了新的用途,工作室决定将这种耐火材料作为坐垫,用两条简单的带子将它们固定在装置上。
The Sea indeed is more than a space, it is a hyper-functional system. It is made up of only 3 different modules that are easy to assemble, disassemble and transport. The connection between modules is made through simple couplings in the base and to secure the system, flanges are used to fix the installation. The premise of versatility and ease of assembly and disassembly inspired the studio to think in terms of democratic and lightweight materials together with simple fastening systems. For the seats, Clap decided to give a new use to the fire-retardant foams made from recycled materials commonly used in construction. Instead, the studio decided to use them as seat cushions and attach them with two simple straps to the system.
▼阻燃泡沫材料被用作坐垫固定在装置上 The fire-retardant foams are used as seat cushions and attached with two simple straps to the system

The Sea成为了一个渗透式空间,根据模块的组合和参观者的位置或多或少地变化着通透度。模块的网格游戏创造了不同的纵深,并与进入到空间中的公众互动,他们就像是被淹没在海里一样。
The Sea becomes a permeable space that has more or less opacity depending on the composition of the modules and the position of the viewer. The play of the grids creates different depths and plays with the public who, on entering this space, seem to be submerged in the sea.

设计:Clap Studio
摄影:David Zarzoso
地点:瓦伦西亚Veles e Vents
Client: World Design Capital Valencia 2022
Design: Clap Studio
Photography: David Zarzoso
Location: Veles e Vents Valencia
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