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Thanks Dominique Coulon & associés for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Dominique Coulon & associés.
Dominique Coulon & associés:该项目旨在创造一种新的媒体图书馆模式,即通过颠覆传统媒体图书馆的功能,在媒体图书馆中融入“第三空间”——一个人人都可以做自己的主角、接纳所有创造的场所。使建筑中的展览、创作、音乐工作室和咖啡厅等各种活动空间相互融合贯通,形成一种动态的布局。
Dominique Coulon & associés:This project has the ambition of becoming a new model for media libraries. The programme calls the functions of a media library into question, lending it the content of a ‘third place’ – a place where members of the public become actors in their own condition, a place for creation as well as reception. The building includes areas for displays, creation, music studios, and a café-restaurant. The various activities in the programme blend into each other, creating a dynamic arrangement.

▼项目视频 Project Short film (BMX riders).
The building comes up close to the crown of plane trees – this proximity acts as a filter from the street, apparently playing with this first colonnade of plant-life. The facade functions as an unfurling ribbon that serves as a backdrop to the different universes contained in the programme.

The hollow and solid sections produce an ambiguity between inside and outside, questioning the borders of the public space. Space becomes uncertain: it ceases to have clear outlines, and calls itself into question in practical terms. Light spreads out along the ribbon, and the ribbon distributes the light to the area right in the heart of the building. A garden ramp offers another escape route to the outside, leading upwards to a summer bar, the culminating point of the architectural promenade.
▼图书馆旁的坡道直通屋顶花园 The garden ramp offers another escape route to the outside, leading upwards to a summer bar, the culminating point of the architectural promenade.

▼曲线形成的天井模糊了室内外的界限 The hollow and solid sections produce an ambiguity between inside and outside.

▼白天,阳光穿透“丝带”下方的玻璃立面,照亮整个建筑中心 Light spreads out along the ribbon, and the ribbon distributes the light to the area right in the heart of the building.

Getting closer to the line of the horizon; the town disappears, leaving just the crown of plane trees to dialogue with the sky. The building rests on a principle of stacking simple systems, each with their own logic, creating tension in the space and in how it is read. The optically perceived space eludes the Euclidean space and its preference for straight lines.

▼小镇好像消失了,只留下梧桐树与天空对话 The town disappears, leaving just the crown of plane trees to dialogue with the sky.

▼建筑设计尽量避免了几何及直线空间,以便营造更好的视觉感知空间 The optically perceived space eludes the Euclidean space and its preference for straight lines.

The bubbles contain very specific elements of the programme, such as a storytelling area, places for playing video games, a plastic arts room, etc. They are defined as cocoons where people are cut off from the other universes. The materials of the space bring out variations of light and colouring that contrast with the bubbles.
▼讲故事区 The storytelling area.

▼艺术室 The plastic arts room.

▼视频游戏区 The places for playing video games.

▼各种颜色材料和光影变化的空间,与这些泡泡形成了鲜明的对比 The materials of the space bring out variations of light and colouring that contrast with the bubbles.

The multiple routes offer constantly renewed viewpoints. The promenade turns into a process of revealing the various universes. This sophistication generates a “plastic acoustic”, an atmosphere which re-examines the relationship with the body and fluidity. There is no unequivocal reading of the space; the perception one has of it reveals a complexity and an unexpected richness. It is a place of freedom.

▼图书馆馆长Sylvie Terrier和建筑师Dominique Coulon采访 Documentary (interviews Library director Sylvie Terrier and architect Dominique Coulon).

▼项目平面图 Site Plan

▼建筑首层平面图 Ground floor plan

▼建筑剖面图&立面图 Section & Elevations

▼建筑立面细节 Façade detail

▼建筑轴测结构示意 Axo structure

▼建筑演变过程 DIAGRAMS

▼建筑模型制作过程 Making of the project model
项目地址:法国 蒂永维尔 马尔罗
客户:Ville de Thionville
建筑公司:Dominique Coulon & associés
首席建筑师:Dominique Coulon, Steve Letho Duclos
建筑师助理:Gautier Duthoit
施工现场监理:Steve Letho Duclos
结构工程:Batiserf Ingénierie
电气工程:BET G.Jost
机械管道工程:Solares Bauen
成本估算:E3 économie
声学:Euro sound project
景观:Bruno Kubler
3D动画:Brooklyn Foundry
摄影:Eugeni Pons, David Romero-Uzeda
Program: Media library, creative studios, broadcasting media room and auditorium
Address: 1 place Malraux, 57100 Thionville / Google Maps location: 49.359122, 6.161338
Surface: 4590 sq. m.
Budget: 11 000 000€
Competition: October 2010
Plans and technical phases: from march 2011 to january 2012
Construction: from may 2012 to september 2016
Client: Ville de Thionville
Architecture: Dominique Coulon & associés
Lead Architects: Dominique Coulon, Steve Letho Duclos
Architects assistants: Gautier Duthoit
Construction site supervision: Steve Letho Duclos
Engineers and consultants:
Structural Engineer: Batiserf Ingénierie
Electrical Engineer: BET G.Jost
Mechanical Plumbing Engineer: Solares Bauen
Cost Estimator: E3 économie
Acoustics: Euro sound project
Landscape: Bruno Kubler
Construction companies:
Earthworks road works (COSTANTINI), special foundations (SOLS ETANCHE BACHY), structure (CARI), metal structure (ERTCM), water proofing (SOPREMA), exterior metal joinery –glass (MGE / SOCOMET), metal works (SMF), exterior isolation and facade (ISOLA), scaffolding (KAPP), plastering (KUPELI), interior wood joinery (HUNSINGER), concrete slab (BATI PROCARRELAGE), tiled floors (BATI PROCARRELAGE), glued floors (DEBRA), cast flooring (GUINAMIC), interior painting cleaning (APPEL), elevator (FELLER), green areas (ISS), drainage (COSTANTINI), heating ventilation (LORRY), plombing drainage (LORRY), electricity (INEO), VDI cabling (INEO), scenic works (EUROPODIUM), audiovisual scenic equipements (MICHELSONNE)
3D Animation: Brooklyn Foundry
Photography: Eugeni Pons, David Romero-Uzeda
更多 Read more about: Dominique Coulon & associés