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Thanks U / U Studio for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by U / U Studio.
U / U Studio:2021年秋季,经过几个月的努力,布拉格7号城区Vltavská街原本被忽视的地下通道被成功改造成无障碍运动场所。周边地区的重建使地下通道失去了原本用途,因此布拉格7区的目标是把这个破败之所变成一个让人驻足的地方。这种改造在中欧相当独特,然而,它可能给那些乍看之下条件恶劣的场所赋予更多可能性。换句话说,典型的城市禁区也有可能摇身一变成为每天吸引数百名游客的地方。
U / U Studio:In the autumn of 2021, after several months of hard work, Prague 7 has managed to transform the neglected underpasses on Vltavská Street into a barrier-free sports spot. After the reconstruction of the surrounding areas, the underpasses lost their original purpose, and therefore the Prague 7 district has set itself the goal of turning the unsightly spot into a place where people will have a reason and a desire to stop. Such transformation is still quite unique in Central Europe. However, it could eventually lead to a deeper understanding of what possibilities are provided by sites that may seem inhospitable at first sight. In other words, the typical city no-go zone can swiftly become a place that attracts hundreds of visitors every day.
▽项目俯瞰,原本是地下通道的消极空间 Overall view, the site was neglected underpasses

布拉格7区副市长兼布拉格文化和旅游市议员Hana Třeštíková说:“近年来,Vltavská街的地下通道更像是一个昏暗的迷宫,这是所有人都不愿意看到的。我们试图挽救这个位于布拉格市中心的空间,使它不再是一个荒废的死地,成为这座城市的耻辱。多亏了众多富有才华和创造力的设计师,我们终于激活了这块荒凉的区域,创造了一个新颖的社区空间。”
“The underpasses on Vltavská have been more of a poorly lit maze in recent years, which everyone preferred to avoid. We asked ourselves what to do with such a specific space in the centre of Prague so that it does not remain an unused dead place, which is only a disgrace in the city,” says the Deputy Mayor of Prague 7 and Prague City Councillor for culture and tourism Hana Třeštíková and she adds: “Thanks to the great commitment of a number of skilful and creative people, we managed to wake up this inhospitable zone and create an original community space.”
▽改造后的场地阳光明媚 The renovated site is bright

布拉格7区委托两位当地街道居民Richard Preisler和Martin Kontra提出具体的改造方案。为此,他们邀请了U / U Studio的建筑师来帮忙。 “最终讨论的结果建立是一个多功能体育和社交中心。地下通道现在布满了滑板和BMX、篮球架和抱石握把等运动元素。并且这个空间为每个人——孩子和父母、居民或路人提供了一个友好的环境,正是这种多功能性使这个地方变得充满活力、友好和安全。与此同时,行人能够欣赏到这些变化,而不是穿过黑暗、荒废的地下通道。施工完成后头几天的体验表明该项目是成功的,”Kontra和Preisler说。
It was a pair of local patriots Richard Preisler and Martin Kontra who were requested by Prague 7 to come up with a concrete solution. For this purpose, they invited architects from U / U Studio to help. “The result is a project of a multifunctional sports and social centre. Underpasses are now enlivened by sports elements for skateboarding and BMX, basketball hoops or bouldering grips. However, the space offers a friendly environment for everyone; parents with children and other inhabitants or any passers-by. It is particularly this multifunctionality thanks to which the place will be alive, friendly and safe. At the same time, the change will certainly be appreciated by pedestrians, who will no longer have to walk through a dark, neglected underpass. The experience of the first days after the completion of the construction suggests that the plan has been successful,” say Kontra and Preisler.
▽场地的各种运动元素 The various sports elements of the site

The idea behind this project also reflects modern trends in urbanism. Often, there is no need to demolish and then build from scratch. Restoring public spaces can sometimes be easier than it seems, for example by the use of colour scheme that humanizes the mass of concrete, as in this case. Kontra and Preisler explained what they followed in humanizing the space: “We had no intention of building another enclosed skate park. We mapped the needs of everyone – women and men across generations. At one point they crossed paths – only open sharing (in this case, the sharing of a sports site) has a chance to awaken empathy and respect in people within the contours of contemporary big-city stress. And that’s the point: when you meet, you have to find a way to get along. It is the leitmotif of every major settlement and connects Mumbai, Berlin, Sao Paulo and New York.” This is an important aspect that Prague 7 wished to promote here and hopefully even spread. The skate park and other sports elements will be open to the public free of charge all year round. The underpasses are illuminated, remain fully passable and do not close.

来自U / U Studio的Martin Hrouda说:“作为滑板建筑师,我们知道滑板和其他休闲活动的实施是对这个阴暗区域的完美治愈。滑板爱好者在场地开放以来就一直在使用并维护这个场地。青少年们都很高兴有一个防雨且全天有灯光的地方让他们可以整夜玩耍。项目策略有效地给这个地方注入了新的活力和欢乐,并且这个地方对每个人来说都是安全的。”
“ As a skate architects we immediately knew, that implementation of skateboarding and other leisure activities is the perfect healing of this shady area. Skate community occupy this spot right after opening and is taking care of it. Adolescents are happy to have a rain cover place where they can (due to 24/7 light) ride all day night. Putting new life and joy into the spot appeared to work and the place became to be safe for everyone.” say Martin Hrouda from U / U Studio.
▽夜景,24小时灯光在保证安全的同时使场地拥有更多可能 Night view, 24-hour lighting make the site more possible while ensuring safety

捷克全国各地的城市和直辖市都在致力于解决城市废弃空间的问题。因此,布拉格7区 也准备向所有受该项目启发的人提供经验和建议。归根结底,任何项目的成功都不局限于项目本身,还在于对公共空间可能性的意识传播。
Similar problems with deserted and unwelcoming spaces are solved by cities and municipalities throughout the country. Therefore, Prague 7 is also ready to offer its experience and advise to everyone who would be inspired by the project. In the end, the success of any project may not only be the project itself, but also the spread of awareness of the possibilities of how to approach public space today.

景观/建筑公司:U / U Studio
首席建筑师:Martin Hrouda, Jiří Kotal
设计团队:Andrea Nováková, Nikola Žuchová, Marek Petřík, Lukáš Kalivoda, Jakub Strejc
客户:Municipality of Prague 7
图片来源:U / U Studio
Project name: V7_underground
Completion Year: 2021
Size: 1000 m2
Project location: Prague
Landscape/Architecture Firm: U / U Studio
Website: https://uustudio.cz/
Contact e-mail: info@uustudio.cz
Lead Architects: Martin Hrouda, Jiří Kotal
Design Team: Andrea Nováková, Nikola Žuchová, Marek Petřík, Lukáš Kalivoda, Jakub Strejc
Clients: Municipality of Prague 7
Collaborators: Re_place
Photo credits: U / U Studio
Photographer’s website: https://uustudio.cz/
“ 地下通道消极空间改造,映射现代都市生活趋势。”
审稿编辑: gentlebeats
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