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paly architects:该住宅倚靠山岩,顺应地形,整体采用天然材料建造,外形修长,北面受山体庇护,南面可眺望大海。该项目成功地将建筑融入环境,使用当地材料,充分利用景观,并能免受气候的影响。
paly architects: Leaning on the rock of the mountain, adapted to the landscape and built with natural materials, this residence has an elongated shape, protected from the north and views onto the sea on the south. The project succeeds adapting the building in the environment, use of local materials, exploitation of the view and protection from the weather conditions.

该度假别墅位于希腊克里特岛的利瓦迪亚(Livadia),距离恰尼亚(Chania)1 小时车程。地块靠近山脊(Cape Koutoulas),地处岩石地带,风景优美。建筑北面是山脊;南面和西南面是风景和大海;西面是巨大的天然岩石;东面则是长满橄榄树的大陆、小山丘和泥泞的土地。
Vacation residence in Crete, on Livadia, 1-hour road from Chania. The plot is near a ridge (Cape Koutoulas) on rocky ground and wild landscape. North is to the ridge, views and sea to the south and southwest. Big natural rocks project to the west and the mainland with olive trees, small hills and sloppy grounds on the east.

Two clean volumes, one with the living room, kitchen, dining room and one with the bedrooms, connected via a protected cross-bright semi-outdoor living space on the north-south direction, starting from the rock, ending on a raised platform suspended between mountain and sea, sky and earth. A long water element, created alongside the residence’s main spaces, also being the boundary to the steep slope, the view, the sea. The synthesis complete pergolas and shutters from metal and wood.

设计面临的挑战是如何使建筑与环境相协调,以不引人注目的方式在山岩上创造出尽可能小的“伤口”。建筑整体由一个一层楼高的长方体组成,北面和西面被 Γ 形的石墙环绕,南面设有大开间、水体和室外生活空间。石墙作为山体的边界,与平屋顶相连,延续了自然的地面。位于室内与室外空间的中间空间“庇护所”是建筑的基本组成元素。客厅的大型推拉窗将室内与室外空间统一起来,形成了一个覆盖着凉棚的大型生活空间,与半室外空间融为一体。
The challenge was adapting the building on the environment, with a non-provocative way and creating the smallest possible “wound” on the mountain. The synthesis consists of a one storey elongated rectangular parallelepiped hugged by a shape Γ stonewall on the north and west, with big openings, a water element and outdoor living spaces to the south. The stonewall-boundary of the mountain, that continuous onto the flat roof in a continuation of the natural ground. Basic synthetic element, the intermediate space between indoor-outdoor spaces, “the shelter”. Big sliding windows on the living room unify indoor and outdoor space creating a big covered with pergola living space, which unify with the semi-outdoor space.

The biggest problem of the construction was the long distance from the material supply spots and the rugged area. Access until the entrance, privacy with independent rooms with bathrooms, shading and protecting from the sun and wind alongside with the view, possibility of preparing a meal inside and outside, the long water element for sport swimming, complete privacy, peace and redefinition of the human-nature relationship were the issues of the strategy.

建筑所有外墙表面均由 Kourasani(灰泥)和稻草制成,与岩石环境的颜色相协调,所选材料能够耐受该地区的气候条件,同时建筑内可以使用太阳能电池板提供热水。外墙灰泥、Kourasani、锈色的金属、隔热框架和玻璃(用于夏季高温)以及所使用的其他材料都不需要特别的维护,并且在当地的气候条件下经久耐用。屋顶的混凝土、外墙的泥土色粘土、内墙的沙色Kourasani、锈色的金属、凉棚上的弯曲木材和天然干石材是别墅的基本材料,与别墅屋顶和外部空间的植被相结合,使得整座建筑就像是山体的延续。
It is a conventional construction from reinforced concrete, brick walls and local stone, internal walls from cement board. Internal and external flooring from big size tiles with stone texture on the environments earthy colour. The flat roofs are from visible uncoated concrete and the rest external flooring from local stone. Pergolas made from metal on the colour of rust, with irregular chestnut logs on top. Light dividers from wicker.
All the external surfaces made from Kourasani (mortar) with straw on the rocky environment colour. Materials chosen for endurance on the weather conditions of the area, solar panels for hot water. The specialized exterior plaster, kourasani, the rusty metals, the thermal insulating frames and glass for the high summer temperatures and the other materials used do not require special maintenance and are durable to the local weather conditions. The visible uncoated concrete, the clay on the colour of soil on the exterior walls, the kourasanit on the colour of sand on the interior walls, the rusty metals, the crooked wood on pergolas and the natural dry stone are the basic materials of the villa. The planting like a continuation of the mountain on the roof of the villa, and on the exterior spaces.

项目名称:Villa San Matteo
竣工年份:2018 年
项目地点:克里特岛 查尼亚利瓦迪亚
景观/建筑事务所:paly architects
首席建筑师:Nikos Lykoudis-Ismene Papaspiliopoulou
设计团队:Marina Gkolfomitsou, Konstantinos Platyrrachos, Katerina Argyropoulou, Eleftheria Chatzi
结构工程师:Apostolos Andreadis
装饰:Manos Kypritidis
图片来源:George Anastasakis
Project Name: Villa San Matteo
Completion Year: 2018
Scale: 4.800 sq.m.
Project Location: Livadia, Chania, Crete
Landscape/Architecture Firm: paly architects
Website: www.palyarch.com
Contact e-mail: palyarch@gmail.com
Lead Architects: Nikos Lykoudis-Ismene Papaspiliopoulou
Design Team: Marina Gkolfomitsou, Konstantinos Platyrrachos, Katerina Argyropoulou, Eleftheria Chatzi
Clients: Private
Collaborators: Structural engineer: Apostolos Andreadis
Decoration: Manos Kypritidis
Photo Credits: George Anastasakis
Photographer’s Website: https://georgeanastasakis.com/
“ 设计顺应地形,使用当地的材料修筑建筑,营造了一种质朴的生动感受。”
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