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Thanks Peoples Architecture Office for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description and images provided by Peoples Architecture Office.
Peoples Architecture Office:Sunshine Kindergarten is a progressive school that offers innovative learning and STEAM curriculum to a disadvantaged rural community in Hebei, China. The project upgrades and expands the facilities of an existing school that was founded in 2004.
▽项目视频 Video © 朱雨蒙
▽探索环路鸟瞰图 Exploration Loop bird view

The design of the school encourages early learners to feed their curiosity and engage in creative exploration at an extremely formative period in their lives. The design introduces a covered walkway in the form of a loop that links new learning spaces to pre-existing ones. Disparate elements of the original school are woven together as a unified whole.
The loop becomes a social condenser where students mix and interact with intersecting spaces and programs. Also connected to the loop is a new multipurpose hall that serves as a central column-less social space.
▽功能概念演变 Functional concept evolution

▽设计推演 Design deduction

▽剖透视 Cutaway perspective

▽庭院改造前后对比 before&after courtyard

▽庭院 Courtyard

▽庭院夜景 Garden night view

▽庭院改造前后对比 before&after courtyard

▽庭院夜景 Garden night view

▽庭院活动空间 Courtyard activity space

▽多功能厅外部 Multi function hall exterior

▽多功能厅外部环廊 Multi function hall exterior corridor

▽多功能厅内部 Multi function hall interior

▽体验馆外部夜景 Exploration hall exterior

▽体验馆内部 Exploration hall interior

▽探索环路入口 Exploration Loop entrance

A flexible, informal learning space, the loop encourage self-directed exploration. The area under the loop supports activities that require more space, such as building large structures out of foam blocks. This space can also be transformed into imaginary environments for role-play such as a market street with food carts, and it can serve as an indoor play area when the weather is poor. Such activity is naturally led by the interests of each individual. In this way, space takes on the role of the ‘third teacher’ by supporting self-directed learning and helping to lighten the workload of teachers.
▽环廊分析 Loop Corridor Analysis

▽环廊改造前后对比 Before&after loop corridor

▽北侧环廊 North loop corridor

▽南侧环廊 South loop corridor

The Sunshine Kindergarten includes areas for large and small performances, a range of playscapes, as well as classrooms set up for traditional teaching. The design incorporates ways to connect students to the real world through experience-based learning. The school has indoor and outdoor gardens for students to learn from nature. Two STEAM classrooms are designed with hands-on activities in mind. There are kitchen and woodworking facilities and spaces that support activities for art, engineering, and astronomy. A mobile STEAM corner allows teachers the ability to bring such activities to different places in the school.
▽常规教室改造前后对比 before&after classroom

▽教室 Classroom

▽STEAM教室 STEAM classroom

To help students build confidence and learn self reliance, the school is designed to the scale of young children. A mini outdoor stage structure, tree house and green house are intimately sized for early learners.
Small nooks in classrooms allow for personal space and focused activities. And appropriately-scaled furniture and shelving provide tools and materials that are easily within the reach of young learners, encouraging independence.
▽树屋轴测图 Treehouse Axonometric View

▽树屋 Treehouse

▽舞台轴测图 Stage Axonometric View

▽舞台环廊入口 Exploration Loop stage

▽舞台 Stage

▽温室轴测图 Greenhouse Axonometric View

▽温室 Greenhouse

▽菜地改造前后对比 Before&after_vegetable garden

▽温室外菜地区域 Vegetable field outside the greenhouse

▽舞台外菜地区域 Off-stage vegetable area

The design nurtures social interaction and creates a cohesive learning community through an interconnected campus of diverse spaces and program. By strategically incorporating spaces and tools for autonomous play and development, the design aims to cultivate lifelong learners of tomorrow.
▽探学环访谈录视频 Interview video © 众建筑
▽总平面图 Site Plan

▽平面图 Plan

▽剖面A-A Section A-A

▽剖面B-B Section B-B

▽剖面C-C Section C-C

▽剖面D-D Section D-D

设计主持:何哲,沈海恩(James Shen),臧峰
项目团队:王一博,何京蕴(Anouchka van Driel),金茶璇(Kim Dahyun),林伊柔
Client: Xian County Sunshine Kindergarten
Location: Cangzhou, Hebei
Principals: He Zhe, James Shen, Zang Feng
Project Leader: Kong Ming, Xu Jialing
Project Team: Wang Yibo, Anouchka van Driel , Kim Dahyun, Lin Yirou
Structural Design: Yu Fengbo
Date of Design: Aug, 2019
Date of Completion: Sep, 2020
Building Area: 2165 sqm
STEAM Space Project Funder: Leping Social Entrepreneur Foundation
Photographer: Zhu Yumeng
“ 将新旧不同的学习空间进行融合编织,让正在形成认知的孩子在里面进行多创造性的探索。”
审稿编辑: 王琪 Maggie
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