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BLUES: Based on the immense success of the Tianyue Yuncui project in Chengdu, a collaboration between Yuexiu and Landau, both parties quickly embarked on research for the Wangyue project. If Tianyue Yuncui embodies the “nobility” of Tianfu, then Wangyue represents the “elegance” of Sichuan.

The cultural elegance of Chengdu has a long history, tracing back to the pre-Qin period. Since the Tang and Song dynasties, it has nurtured rich forms of art, including poetry, calligraphy, and painting. The literati of the past depicted the prosperity and leisure of Chengdu through their writings, leaving a valuable cultural legacy for future generations.
The Wangyue landscape naturally flows with the elegance of Sichuan culture, representing a lifestyle and a spiritual pursuit. It is reflected in the daily lives of the people within the project, becoming an intrinsic part of the city’s essence. Here, you can feel the perfect fusion of ancient charm and modern style, experiencing the poetry and tranquility of life. As you step into Wangyue’s layered courtyards, you will be immersed in a strong oriental atmosphere. In the courtyards where water shadows dance, the landscape’s rustic style and the elegant, poetic furnishings exude a serene and far-reaching vibe. Here, you can appreciate the deeply refined aesthetic of oriental beauty and feel the Landau team’s pursuit of contemporary Sichuanese garden design.

Chengdu’s unique fusion of Confucianism, Taoism, and the everyday market life is expressed in Wangyue’s courtyards through the concepts of “Hidden,” “Luxury,” and “Elegance.” To concretely integrate these abstract and elusive concepts into daily life, we carefully balanced our approach: hidden yet substantial, luxurious without pretension, and elegant without being overly refined.

In the design process, the designer seemed to transform into a Song Dynasty painter, using natural landscapes as the foundation. The aim was to “please the viewer,” satisfying their desire to feel immersed in the landscape, while also “resonating with oneself,” capturing the essence and experience of the refined landscape through brush and ink. Following the seasonal cues of “Autumn,” “Summer,” and “Spring,” corresponding to the tones of Song paintings, three distinct and recognizable living scenes were crafted. This aligns with the vision depicted by Song Dynasty painter Guo Xi in his painting theory “The Lofty Message of Forests and Streams,” describing the seasonal variations of true landscapes: “The misty scenes of mountains and waters vary with the seasons—spring mountains are serene and smiling, summer mountains are lush and dripping, autumn mountains are clear and adorned, and winter mountains are bleak and sleepy.”
The elegance of Wangyue’s landscapes lies in the grace of all four seasons!

— Ren Gang


▽项目视频 video

▽设计草图 Design sketch


双面成都 Dual-Faced Chengdu


Fast and Slow, Trendy and Vintage, The Bustle of Old Town and the Tranquility of the New City, Two perspectives that ultimately converge into the spatial dimensions of “Wide” and “Narrow”.


▽成都夜景 (图片来源于网络)Chengdu Night View (Image Source: Internet)



古法造园——江南园林【留园】Traditional Garden Craftsmanship — Jiangnan Gardens【Liuyuan Garden】


A representative work of southern private gardens, known for its unique “mountain and water” layout. The various scenic areas are connected by winding corridors, featuring rich layers with alternating openness and enclosure, and a progressive sequence. Each step offers a changing view, as picturesque and poetic as a painting. In spring, the garden is adorned with peach blossoms and green willows; in summer, it is covered with lotus leaves; in autumn, the air is fragrant with osmanthus; and in winter, the snow-covered pines stand evergreen. The space offers endless variations and is renowned for its exquisite and elegant design.


▽留园平面关系 Liuyuan Garden Layout

▽以苏州”留园”为蓝本研究小体量空间的布局设计 Designing Small-Scale Space Layouts Based on Suzhou’s “Lingering Garden


[隐奢秘境]——繁华城芯的静谧画卷 [Hidden Luxury Realm] — A Tranquil Canvas in the Heart of the Bustling City

传承经典 /文化脉络 /雅集画卷


以若干抽象的景观元素,解锁山水自然三重生活场景。在古风雅韵的现代雕琢中,赋予成都“精致感” 与 “烟火气“灵魂,还原成都特有院落式的住区,界定成都的城市肌理,演绎当代城市雅奢自然。

Inheritance of Classics / Cultural Continuity / Elegant Gatherings and Scrolls

Unlocking the Threefold Natural Living Scenes with Abstract Landscape Elements
In the modern refinement of ancient elegance, infuse Chengdu with the essence of “Sophistication” and “Everyday Life.” Recreate the unique courtyard-style residential areas of Chengdu, defining the city’s urban texture and interpreting contemporary urban elegance with a natural touch.


▽隐 /Hidden





山境 Mountain Landscape





Viewing the Estate from the Gate, Autumn Mountains Adorned Like Makeup · Bashan and Shushui

Gleaming Water Jade

The over 80-meter-long entrance porch, standing about 5.5 meters high, integrates water features, sculptures, and pine trees in a welcoming pose, showcasing the grandeur of traditional deep courtyards and the prestigious elegance of a distinguished entrance. The main gate’s scenic wall features a selection of luxurious stones and materials, combining intricate textures with craftsmanship to create a subtle, luxurious feel and a serene atmosphere.


▽入口空间 Entrance space




入口造景松由团队辗转多地,终在泰山脚下寻得此株, 其形彰显迎宾之势,其质坚毅内敛又不失雅致矜贵。

Jade-Colored Entrance Reflects Brilliance, Exquisite Pine Welcomes Guests Like a Treasure

The entrance water feature uses pure black materials, whose simple and tiered design complements the ultra-long scale of the entrance porch, presenting a luxurious and grand gateway image. Additionally, the flowing water in front of the door symbolizes good fortune. The entrance landscape features a pine tree, which the team searched for extensively before finding this specimen at the foot of Mount Tai. Its form highlights a welcoming presence, while its quality is both resilient and understated yet elegant and refined.


▽入口水景 Entrance water feature





Ascending the gate and gazing at the pavilion, the four waters return to the hall
As soon as you enter the hall, you will retreat to the mountain gate, with a vermilion gate and a floral pattern of crane feathers, symbolizing classical symbolism.
The crane feather patterned marble wall on the opposite side is designed in the form of a screen wall, with an overall restrained appearance and a pursuit of a handsome and elegant temperament that hides luxury inside.


▽对景景墙 A wall with a view




As you progress from the entrance atrium into the inner courtyard, you traverse a water corridor where light from the sky and reflections on the water intermingle. This design shields you from the noise of external roads, gradually calming the mind and enhancing the experience of coming home.


▽艺术水廊 Art gallery




Passing through the water and the corridor, you arrive at an ideal viewing spot at the autumn equinox. The background wall is clad in stone with a narrow window left open, while the sculptural pine in front of the wall harmonizes with the sky and foliage behind it. This creates a seamless blend of internal and external scenery. Detached from the hustle and bustle, one can quietly appreciate the essence of nature.


▽整石水景 The whole stone water feature



The small sculpture, carved from solid black granite with gray hues and white veining, depicts a scene of overflowing water. This symbolizes beauty and abundance, recreating a touch of natural elegance amidst the bustling city.



水境 Water Realm



连廊环抱一方静池,茶亭270°视线环绕,三面观水,亭外为百叶羽翼景墙, 柔美中不失硬朗,中心处的池塘在无风时洽如一面平静的水镜,微风抚过时,又如一方细腻的丝绸漾起微微褶皱,整个场域宁静详和。

Water Shadows and Breezy Corridors, Clear Breeze and White Dew · Waterside Boat House

A corridor encloses a tranquil pond, with the tea pavilion offering a 270° panoramic view. Three sides overlook the water, while the exterior features a louvered wing wall, blending softness with strength. The central pond mirrors calmness on windless days, and with a gentle breeze, it resembles delicate silk with slight ripples. The entire area exudes tranquility and peace.





The pond bottom is covered with granite gravel, resembling a natural pond. The variegated stones spread across the bottom create a shimmering effect of sky and water reflections. In the courtyard, three Chinese tallow trees (Sapium sebiferum) with graceful forms show distinct seasonal changes. In autumn, the leaves gradually turn red, highlighting the theme of ‘Autumn Scenery of Stream and Mountain.


▽静面水景 Still surface water feature



The louvered landscape wall is inspired by the wings of the crane, with layers of feathers allowing the crane to soar freely between heaven and earth. The middle lower part is elevated, and a waterfall pours out from the scenic wall. Cleverly utilizing visual differences to separate the waterfall from the pond, avoiding water disturbance to the calm surface of the pond, presenting a static yet dynamic effect.


▽百叶景墙 Shutter view wall



Borrowing the special composition form of traditional Chinese painting, although the area is limited, a large still water surface is used to express the blank space, and the effect of expanding the site is achieved by reflecting the sky light and surrounding scenery.



谷境 Valley Realm




Valley Secluded Garden, A Single Leaf Indicates Autumn · Mountain Forest in Close Proximity

The central water courtyard of the sinking club is close to the freehand style of landscape painting, using water as a pen. On the border water, the famous pine trees that complement each other are interesting. With natural scenery to create courtesy home, build the Oriental aesthetic life scene.


▽下沉水院 Sinking yard




Four rivers converge at the hall, water gathers at the heart of the heavens; mountain light delights the birds, and the pond’s reflection clears the human mind. By placing oil pines on stones over the water, a classic layout of three mountains in a pond is created, illustrating a thousand-mile scenic view with Oriental aesthetics within a small space.




Leaf shape of the whole stone carved, floating on the water, meaning “a leaf knows autumn”, representing all things began to grow from luxuriant to harvest mature.


▽漂浮于水面的整石水景 The whole stone water feature floating on the water



The pool’s bottom is made of pure black material, offering a warm and elegant texture. The walls are painted with refined colors, showcasing lacquer techniques and providing a feast for the eyes and soul. Standing on the platform, one feels as if floating on the water, with the pine forest unfolding like a scroll; sitting in the elegant seating area, sipping slowly and chatting leisurely, one experiences a relaxed comfort enveloped by nature.



林境 Forest Realm




Reception Courtyard, New Coolness of Late Summer · Literary Gathering Tea Break

The end of heat has arrived, the new cool in the court, the GUI Kui bright, the eyes are seeing the autumn scenery. All things no longer grow vigorously, but become clear and bright, precipitating the meaning of maturity.

From walking to sitting, the functional space is hidden in nature, and the nature is also integrated into lifeEnjoy the time of heaven, read the elegant environment.


▽会客院落 Reception yard




Away from the summer clouds, curling autumn wind up, the pace of autumn is calm, and light, through the water into the calm.

The ground splicing is carefully designed, and then it is completed with strict craft techniques. Step by step, you can feel the romance of each season in Chengdu.




The household continues the style and materials of the main entrance of the community, and the hidden luxury of the whole area is unified. Artistic paving combined with custom landscape wall and plant collocation, exquisite technology, through careful treatment of each landscape detail gives the entrance scene unique charm and personality, hidden quiet and luxury field, accompany you home.


▽入户空间 Entry space


工艺匠心 Artisan Craftsmanship

【東方美学】[Oriental Aesthetics]



飞檐 Eaves


Sparse Yet Not Empty, Full Yet Not Overflowing. The fabric base with mountain and water pattern,interprets the elegance and charm of Eastern culture, illustrating the ’empty space’ aesthetic of ink wash painting

Elegant recreation of ‘flying eaves, tile ridges, and curtain rods’ with the timeless charm of batik-style camellia wood grain aluminum panels, inscribed with an Eastern backdrop


▽细节设计 Detail design


现场支持 On-Site Support


From material selection and usage to construction techniques, the choice of landscape stones and the pairing of plant colors, we meticulously refine every process with craftsmanship, creating an urban residence that embodies Oriental aesthetics within a modern context.


▽施工过程 Construction process




Project Name: Yuexiu · Wangyue
Landscape Design: BLUES · Design Division Five
Landscape Area: 19,938㎡
Completion Date: 2024
Project Location: Chenghua District, Chengdu
Landscape Construction Company: Sichuan Shanhai Jinxiu Construction Engineering Co., Ltd.
Architectural Design Firm: HZS Huizhangsi Chengdu
Interior Design Firm: ONE-CU Yifang Design
Photography: Hejin Photography




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