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Thanks Kengo Kuma and Associates for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Kengo Kuma and Associates.
KKAA:瑞聖寺(Minato-ku, Tokyo)是日本大武派(Obaku)在东京的主要寺院,大武派是江户时代由Ingen神父从中国带到日本的禅宗流派之一。我们在这个项目中重建了圣殿中祭司的住所。
KKAA:Zuisho-ji Temple (Minato-ku, Tokyo) is the main temple in Tokyo of Obaku Sect, one of the Zen sects (schools) that was brought to Japan from China by the Priest Ingen during the Edo Period. In this project, we rebuilt the priests’ quarters in the temple.

We paid attention to the axis extending from the temple’s repository, designated as Japan’s Important Cultural Property, and came up with a design that would reflect the characteristics of the arrangement in Chinese temples that stressed on the depths and emphatic axis.

We placed a U-shaped cloister on the south side of the axis so that the temple could be technically more accessible to the community. At the center of the courtyard is a water pool with a raised stage to encourage people to hold events and performances for the community on it.

The building is supported by the combination of steel frame in minimum quantity and the wooden joists. The joists and the wooden louvers in the exterior resonate with each other and create a geometric pattern that represents the uniqueness of Obaku Sect.

地点:日本 东京
项目面积:712.45 m²
合伙负责人:Minoru Yokoo
项目团队:Tomoyuki Yokoi、Kimio Suzuki(可视化)、Yuzuru Kamiya(模型)
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Completion: 2018.11
Area: 712.45m²
Program: Temple
Partner in charge: Minoru Yokoo
Project team: Tomoyuki Yokoi, Kimio Suzuki (Visualization), Yuzuru Kamiya(model)
更多 Read more about: 隈研吾建筑都市设计事务所