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Omer Arbel 完成了位于加拿大太平洋西北部一片牧场上的 75.9 号家庭住宅。该住宅围绕着巨大的“百合花梗”立柱(由工作室发明的一种混凝土浇筑方法建造而成)而建,标志着 Arbel 首次在建筑规模上应用其基于过程的设计方法。

Omer Arbel has completed 75.9, a family home on a hayfield in the Canadian Pacific Northwest. Built around monumental ‘lily pad’ columns – the results of a method of concrete pouring invented by the studio – the house marks the first time Arbel applies his process-based design approach on an architectural scale.



▽百合花梗 立柱 ‘lily pad’ columns


▽视频 The video


正式受托在温哥华南部郊区一片广阔的土地上建造这座房屋之前,Omer Arbel 就开始设计一种方法,将混凝土浇筑到轻质胶合板肋条之间呈放射状排列的织物中。直到第一根柱子在现场浇筑成功后,客户才同意让 Omer Arbel 围绕这根柱子设计住宅的其他部分。

Before Omer Arbel had been formally commissioned to build the home, on a vast acreage in the countryside south of Vancouver, Arbel started devising a method of pouring concrete into a fabric stretched out between lightweight plywood ribs arranged radially. Only after the first column was poured on site – in a successful first experiment – did the clients agree to let Omer Arbel design the rest of the home around it.




The fabric-formed columns are treated as if they were found archeological ruins in the landscape, with the house considered a contemporary construction built around and among them. The living spaces are separated into four double-height volumes, built in glass and cedar wood. On the roof grow magnolia trees, planted in the hollow tops of the columns. The surrounding hay field has been lifted like a carpet to cover the house’s connecting passages, allowing the architecture to merge with the landscape as if it were a natural extension of it.



在 75.9 号住宅内部(Arbel 的所有项目都按时间顺序编号),每根柱子的高度和位置各不相同,营造了一种电影般的家庭居住场景。双层高的起居室、用餐空间和开放式厨房都分布在柱子的顶棚之下。立柱粗糙的混凝土表面与抛光的混凝土地板形成鲜明对比,与暖色调的木质装置和家具,以及郁郁葱葱的日式室内花园相得益彰。整个空间的照明灯具均由 Bocci 照明公司(由 Arbel 在温哥华和柏林共同创立)提供。

Inside 75.9 (all Arbel’s projects are numbered chronologically) differing height and position for each column creates a cinematographic narrative of domestic habitation. The double-height living room, dining space, and open-plan kitchen are all under the canopy of one column. Its rough finish stands in contrast with the polished floors – also concrete – and complemented by warm timber fixtures and furniture, as well as a lush, Japan-inspired indoor garden. Throughout, spaces are illuminated with pendants from Bocci, the Vancouver- and Berlin- based lighting company co-founded by Arbel.



75.9 号住宅是 Arbel 十多年来对材料不断实验的结果,也是迄今为止 Arbel 以过程为导向的方法中最雄心勃勃的一次实验。通过重新审视一种古老的建筑材料,这座房子既是一种极具现代感的家居景观,又是一座具有考古意义的永恒纪念碑。

75.9 is a result of over a decade of experimentation with material, and the most ambitious experiment in Arbel’s process-driven approach to date. By considering an ancient construction material anew, the house is at once a highly contemporary domestic landscape and a timeless monument with an archaeological scope.



Omer Arbel 表示:“15 年来,我们已经形成了一种以物体的尺度来处理材料的方法。这是我们第一次有机会在建筑规模上尝试同样的方法。这是一种设计制作混凝土文物的方法,我们将它们视为被发现的形式,就像它们是考古遗址一样。我们将决策分为两个不同的阶段,一个阶段的重点是创造特定的物体,另一个阶段则是在这之后,将它们编织到家庭空间中。”


“For 15 years, we’ve developed a method of working with materials at the scale of an object,” says Omer Arbel. “This is the first project where we’ve had the opportunity of trying that same methodology at the scale of architecture. Our approach has been to design methods of making concrete artifacts and treating them as if they were found form, as if they were archaeological ruins. To divide the decision-making into two different phases, one focused on creating specific objects, and the other separate, much later, focussed on weaving them into domestic space.”

He continues: “We’re increasingly coming to a time in human history where anything that can be imagined can be built. In that world, it becomes increasingly important to question what is worthwhile. For me, the answer goes back to the analogue approach to materiality. We try to release control instead of gaining increased levels of more and more control. We try to set these systems in motion which let the material determine the form it takes.”



▽建设过程 Construction


▽设计图纸 Design drawing


项目名称:75.9 号住宅

客户:Joe 和 Keira Haley
设计师:Omer Arbel Office
承包商:Chris Wright(Build Wright Construction) 与 Joe Haley;Brad Martin(Treeline Construction)提供咨询
建筑师:Bruce Gernon Architect
结构:Thomas Duke and Nick de Ridder of Fast + Epp Structural Engineers
岩土工程:Matt Kokan of Geopacific Consultants
建筑围护结构:JRS Engineering

项目负责人:Mark Dennis
项目团队:Omer Arbel, Mark Dennis, Kathryn Lamoureux, Jaedan Leimert, Graeme Smith, Tyler Wied
模型团队:Brooklyn Bombardier, Christa Clay, Kevin Isherwood, Jaedan Leimert, Kevin Li, Jeremy Schipper


Project Name: 75.9 House
Project address: Canada
Date: 2017 – 2023
Gross floor area: 8000 ft2 | 740 m2
Client: Joe and Keira Haley
Designer: Omer Arbel Office
Contractor: Chris Wright of Build Wright Construction with Joe Haley and consulting by Brad Martin of Treeline Construction
Architect of record: Bruce Gernon Architect
Structural: Thomas Duke and Nick de Ridder of Fast + Epp Structural Engineers
Geotechnical: Matt Kokan of Geopacific Consultants
Building Envelope: JRS Engineering
Project Leader: Mark Dennis
Project Team: Omer Arbel, Mark Dennis, Kathryn Lamoureux, Jaedan Leimert, Graeme Smith, Tyler Wied
Model Team: Brooklyn Bombardier, Christa Clay, Kevin Isherwood, Jaedan Leimert, Kevin Li, Jeremy Schipper




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