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GTD:Jiaxing has been a land of fish and rice since ancient times, rich in products and developed in water system. Luxihui Historical District, where TSUBASA is located, is located in the old city of Jinghang Ancient Canal River. Here was the earliest commercial center and trade distribution center of Jiaxing, because most of the shops for buying and selling reed MATS, often piled up by the river, so called “Luxihui”. There are five rivers meeting in the block, and the riverfront is rebuilt according to traditional Jiangnan folk houses. There are usually water pavilions or private quays behind the river in front of the courtyard, so that both water and land are accessible, with strong characteristics of Jiangnan water town.



|| 依水而居,里弄交错的江南水乡 lanes crisscross of waterside villages


The boat glided through the water, the lights flickering and the waves rippling. At the beginning of the lantern, the residential houses on both sides of the river showed a warm light. The endless misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River, and not enough to see the small bridges, flowing water and houses.


▽船行水中,远观翼会席,白墙黛瓦乌檐,浓浓的江南水乡。The boat floating in the water, far view of TSUBASA, white wall, black tile, typical Jiangnan riverside town.


|| 象征着生命张力的300年古橄榄树 The 300 years old olive trees – symbolization of life tension 


The courtyard of TSUBASA is the visual core of the whole shop. The moving lines and customers are all centered around the atrium. A 300-year-old Spanish olive tree has been chosen and planted here. Its trunk is stout and its branches are luxuriant. In a square place, its limbs stretch powerfully into the sky, full of life tension. Sitting by the old trees, which are full of resilience and vicissitudes of life, brings peace and serenity to the mind. The beauty of nature can touch the heart.


▽为硕大的古树安家落户,煞是壮观 For the huge old tree settled down, very spectacular



The olive trees are surrounded by transparent glass, which not only maximizes the lighting, but also creates as large a landscape as possible for the guests. It is like sitting in a natural forest for immersive dining.



|| 悬浮的和纸屋 The suspended washi house


Entering TSUBASA will first see a suspended washi house, which is a 4-person box, from the visual partition to create a sense of mystery, in order to avoid a glance after entering the store. Under the tatami it is decorated with large and small stone landscape, rough raw stone act as an ornament, and the enclosure made of washi can open and close freely. Sit in the washi house, through the glass can see the centennial olive atrium. And people outside come and go, only hear the sound without seeing, enjoy the feeling of “both have the world and free from interference”.



|| 有趣的榻榻米圆洞 Interesting tatami round hole


The scattered seating area on the first floor is formed by round holes of different sizes. By using raised tatami MATS, large and small round holes are dug out orderly according to the needs of the seating. After sitting down, the feet are placed in the round hole, which has a considerable sense of experience and fun.



|| 包厢区 Private area


The second floor is set up as private area, which can accommodate 4-14 people differently. The gallery leading to the balcony is looped around the centuries-old olive trees. The window face of each box is as large as possible to ensure that each room has a quality view.



|| 每一件陈设都用心 Every display


Every piece of decoration in TSUBASA is strive to be exquisite and have its source, so we specially invited “Yuanbai Cultural Creativity” for its selection of many artists’ works. Every piece of decoration we see is famous, such as: ceramic artists Anji Kenta, Nishikawa Satoshi, Tsuruno Keiji, glass artists Arakawa Naoya, Nishiyama Yoshihiro, woodwork author Kaidi, Igarashi Yuki and so on.



|| 移步换景,游走在江南庭院里 Wandering in jiangnan style garden


The building of TSUBASA is a typical residential house in Jiangnan riverside town, with white walls, black tiles and black eaves. In addition to the entrance garden along the street and the back garden near the water, there are also front, middle and back courtyard. Japanese restaurants prefer nature the most. In the design, we give full play to the building’s own landscape conditions to bring vitality to the interior.


▽翼会席1F平面布局,呈狭长型,处处是风景。 The plane layout of 1F of TSUBASA, it’s narrow and long, and the scenery is everywhere.

▽翼会席前街,烟雨江南的秀丽。The front street of TSUBASA, beautiful Jiangnan in misty rain.


沿街的入户花园,选用翡翠草坪,搭配植物中的爱马仕 — 冬青先令,辅以大块鹅卵石散落,入户的青石板道路两侧种上狐尾天门冬,墙角几株雨打芭蕉,配合着二十四小时喷雾系统,氤氲缭绕。

In the indoor garden along the street, emerald lawn is selected, which is matched with Hermes — Holly shilling in plants, with large pebbles scattered. Foxtail asparagus is planted on both sides of the green flagstone road, and a few rain planches in the corner are planted, accompanied with 24-hour spray system, dense and winding.




The courtyard is different. Black stone covered, large slabs scattered for the trail, carefully selected moss, Penglai pine, Wu Fengcao, Cui Luli and so on. Many thoughts have been poured into the small courtyard, random and natural, as if they had been growing here for years.



后庭院 别有一番天地,利用上下两层的落差与临河的位置,选用茅草、原石、茶桌打造出一处沿河看风景兼品茶喝酒的好去处,颇有《陋室铭》的风范 — 斯是陋室,惟吾德馨。苔痕上阶绿,草色入帘青。

The back courtyard has a different world. By taking advantage of the difference between the upper and lower floors and the position near the river, the thatched grass, raw stone and tea table are selected to create a good place to see the scenery and drink tea along the river. It is quite like the style of “Humble Room” — this is a humble room, but my virtue is fragrant. Moss marks on the steps green, grass into the curtain green.




The long bar inside breaks through the glass window and reaches outdoors to establish an independent artistic conception of water circulation. Sitting beside the bar, you can enjoy the babbling water; sitting in the courtyard outside, you can witness the landscape of dripping water and falling stones, forming a visual feast.



|| 沉浸式日料 Immersive Japanese feast


TSUBASA chooses the feast cuisine of Japanese food named かいせきりょうり. It is served one by one in the order of sashimi, barbecue, frying, cooking, soup and dessert, etc. It is rich in variety and exquisite in color, flavor and shape. Looking at 300 years of ancient olive trees, looking at Jiangnan water towns to ship to ship, with exquisite Japanese materials, quite the illusion of time travel.



植物布置:去野 二旦植物工作室

Project address: 108 Xiangyuanbang Road, Jiaxing
Project area: 500 square meters
Completion date: December 2022
Interior Design: Hangzhou Guantang Interior Design Co., LTD
Graphic design: NiceFinish Southern Snow Studio
Project Construction: Hangzhou Jiangxing Decoration Engineering Co., LTD.
Sign production: JUMPTIME Ningbo
Interior furnishings: Hangzhou Yuanbai Cultural Creative Co., LTD
Leather goods: Enough
Plant layout: Quye·Erdan Plant Workshop
Main materials: terrazzo, wood floor, texture coating, tatami, raw stone
Space photo: Hei shui
Dish photo: Mao Xian




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