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RENGARCH+KEYWORKS: RENGARCH and KEYWORKS designed together a public space for the local village community in a village in Shunyi District of Beijing. The space includes a public stage for folk art performances, playing areas for children as well as a platform for local gatherings.
▽露天戏台,open air stage

背景 Background
In summer 2020, the Chinese poet Fan Xueyi invited us to collaborate with the local community as a team. We developed ideas to vitalize an existing area for local people as well as visitors.
▽戏台广场鸟瞰,aerial view of public stage

▽戏台夜景鸟瞰,aerial view of the stage at night

理念 Vision
In the tradition of Chinese villages, the stage is an important public space. Commonly used for festivities, the stage has always been in the villagers’ lives. Being a space for so many different happenings, the stage is also emotionally important to the locals.
By revitalizing a stage culture we hope to bring back emotions and memories to the local community, combined with the public attributes of contemporary life.
▽戏台夜景鸟瞰,aerial view of the stage at night

露天戏台 Open Air Stage
The site is an irregular square situated at a crossing of two main roads. The surroundings topography slopes from north to south with a height difference of around one meter. The stage is situated carefully to form a bridge between east and west, whilst dividing the site into two areas from north to south. The larger south area offers plenty of space for visitors viewing towards the stage. Six existing willow trees in the north area naturally become the background of the stage. The stage is not only a performance venue but also a bridge connecting the east and west sides, or a pavilion of the village.
The east entrance to the stage marks the entrance for visitors and distribute them to other directions, while the west entrance is used as a passage for actors without height differences. The path to the stage makes twists and turns at different angles to balance the height differences of the site.
The sun shading net on the top of the stage is supported by 12 independent round steel pillars. The lightness of the net creates a visual contrast with the brick-concrete stage structure at the bottom.
▽露天戏台,open air stage

▽露天戏台东南角,southeast view of the stage

▽从东边看露天戏台,east view of the stage

▽从戏台向东看,view from the stage to the east

▽露天戏台上的戏曲表演,xiqu performance on the stage

▽戏台广场夜景,night scene of the stage

▽戏台夜景,night scene of the stage

▽戏台东边视角夜景,east view of the stage

▽戏台西边视角夜景,west view of the stage

红砖台阶 Red brick stairs
The landscape steps are groups of different stairs of the red brick masonry situated on the north side of the site. The stairs from the upper to lower level are combined with a variation of perforated walls which support a backdrop atmosphere and provide wooden surfaced seats under the trees.
▽高下剧场红砖景观墙北视角,north view of red brick landscape walls

▽红砖景观墙与台阶东南视角,southeast view of red brick stairs and landscape walls

▽红砖景观墙与台阶,red brick stairs and landscape walls

▽红砖景观墙与台阶南视角,south view of red brick stairs and landscape walls

▽红砖景观墙与台阶西南视角夜景,southwest view of red brick stairs and landscape walls

隐喻的房子 House as a methaphor
A house made of steel plates is located on the east side of the stage. It marks the entrance to the site. We hope that a seemingly cute house can become a shelter for children in the village, where they can play hide-and-seek and draw graffitiies. This tiny house is a metaphor for the emotion of returning home and evokes childhood memories.
▽露天戏台东北角,northeast view of the stage

▽隐喻的房子,house as a methaphor

▽从隐喻的房子看戏台,view from house as a methaphor to the stage

保留方式 Preservation concept
We kept the existing trees as well as facilities like trampolines, slides, and public fitness machines. They will continue to age and root the space in public memory. Fencing the facilities with curved red brick walls and filling the areas with fine sand formed a child friendly playground.
For the south area, we filled the ground with colored rings as a pattern, where children can organize games and graffiti inside the ring.
▽戏台广场南区圆环图案,the ground with colored rings as a pattern

▽儿童滑梯戏沙区,children’s slides playground

Redbrick is used as the main material throughout the design, including a variety of masonry patterns, as well as the combination of red brick, grey brick, porcelain brick and concrete. The materiality that appears in the village has its diversity and contingency, which inspired us to apply it to the current practice.
▽总平面图,site plan

▽戏台广场平面图,site plan of GAOXIA public stage

▽露天戏台立面图,facade of open air stage

▽北区景观墙与红砖台阶立面图,facade of landscape wall and red brick stairs

▽立剖面图,facade and section

公司网址:礽建筑:www.rengarch.com/ KEYWORKS:www.hellokeyworks.com
主创设计师:章礽然,施新桐,Key Wang
设计团队:章礽然,施新桐,Key Wang
Project name: Goryeong Village Theater in Beijing
Completed year: 2020.11
Project area: 1,995 square meters
Project location: North Street Square, Yicun Village, Gaoliying Town, Shunyi District, Beijing
Its website: www.rengarch.com/ KEYWORKS: www.hellokeyworks.com
Lead Designers: Zhang Ran, Shi Xintong,Key Wang
Design team: Zhang Ran, Shi Xintong,Key Wang
Client: Village 1, Gaoliying Town, Shunyi District, Beijing
Partner: (construction unit, construction unit, etc.) Fan Xueyi
Photographer: Lu Bo, Sun Weichuan, ArchVmap Architecture Map
“ 为当地塑造一个戏曲表演与集会交流的公共场所,在提供当代生活公共属性的同时,为人们带来情感的回归。。”