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Thanks JAJA Architects for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by JAJA Architects.
JAJA Architects:该活动景观是哈博埃尔中心的一个延伸,哈博埃尔中心是哈博埃尔当地社区的体育和文化中心。社区希望设施能够在室内和室外活动之间实现协调一致和轻松过渡,这些设施是户外活动的自然延伸,也为丹麦西海岸恶劣的气候中的市民提供避难。
JAJA Architects:The Activity Landscape is an extension to the Harboøre Center, a sports and culture centre for the local community of Harboøre. The community wanted facilities that could allow coherence and easy transition between indoor and outdoor activities, facilities that would be a natural elongation of being outside, but with possibilities for shelter in the harsh Danish West coast climate.

As small-town communities often lack inviting and active public spaces, the Activity Landscape introduces a model for a low-cost sports hall that offers an outdoor and sheltered informal space that playfully encourage activity and recreation, all day and all year round.

The first example of the Activity Landscape has become a popular focal point in Harboøre, Denmark. Contrary to traditional sports halls that are tailor-made for formal sports and mostly used during the winter, the Activity Landscape creates a seamless transition between the interior and exterior space, which opens up for a wider range of informal as well as formal usage. From in- and outdoor skating to soccer, flee-markets, or concerts, the Activity Landscape offers a new type of public space where activity can extend beyond the sheltered space and out to the open.

The design consists of two main elements: The building and landscape.
Cladded with translucent polycarbonate sheets on a basic structural frame, the building is essentially a large shelter that reduces glare while offering a natural ambient lighting indoors that accentuates the spatial relation to the outdoors.

Hills of grass, asphalt and concrete undulate in, out and around, creating a playful landscape that interacts with the building while encouraging a range of activities. The smooth asphalt and concrete hills are perfect for skating and bicycling. The grass hills are better suited for climbing, running and tumbling down. Altogether, the hills and their surfaces create an in- and outdoor spatial composition that encourages recreation and social interaction.

▼总平面图 Site Plan

▼首层平面图 Ground Floor Plan

▼剖面图 Sections

客户: Michael Lodahl
项目: 灯光大厅和活动景观
面积: + 2,000平方米
地点: 丹麦哈尔博伊尔
年份: 2012 – 2015年
类型: 邀请竞赛
协作: AI Architects, Vision+ Engineers, LOA Fonden奖项: 国际奥委会IAKS奖2017年铜牌
服务: 景观总顾问,建筑副顾问
状态: 已完成
摄影师:Rune Johansen
Architect: JAJA Architects, Copenhagen
Client: Michael Lodahl
Program: Light hall and activity landscape
Size: +2,000 m2
Location: Harboøre, DK
Year: 2012 – 2015
Type: Invited competition, 1. prize
Collaboration: AI Architects, Vision+ Engineers, LOA FondenAwards: IOC IAKS Award Bronze 2017
Service: Main consultant on landscape, sub consultant on architecture
Status: Completed
Photographer: Rune Johansen
更多 Read more about: JAJA Architects