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Thanks Michaelis Boyd for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Michaelis Boyd.
Michaelis Boyd:房屋的主人和设计方Michaelis Boyd都不希望这个住宅的内部是暗沉的,屋顶设计也不采用传统的非洲茅草屋顶, 建筑融合了非洲和欧洲的风格,使其与当地的房屋有显著的区别。设计师考虑到安静和私密是空间设计中的重要因素,所以设计灵感来自于冥想空间,如勒. 托罗纳修道院——一座12世纪时期建于普罗旺斯的熙笃会修道院。这栋建筑建造在一个较低的朝南斜坡上,靠近野生动物经常聚集的水塘,这里可以让人体验到与周围自然的联系。
Michaelis Boyd: The Client and Michaelis Boyd did not want a traditional African thatched roof with dark interiors but a design that merged African and European styles, something very different to lodges found in this part of Kenya. Spaces that allowed for peace and privacy were paramount and so inspiration came from spaces of contemplation such as Le Thoronet Abbey, a Cistercian monastery built in Provence in the 12th Century. The property has been tucked into a low southern slope to allow the user to experience a connection with the surrounding nature and close to the watering hole where wildlife often gathers.

The property has been carefully positioned to face south to enjoy the breathtaking views of the snow- capped peaks of Mount Kenya. It took many site visits to ensure that the buildings and terraces were perfectly positioned with the sun’smovement, sheltered from the wind and hidden from view. It was also essential that all the rooms received plenty of natural light so to ensure this a daylight study was carried out.

The buildings were to be constructed from local materials, meru stone from a local quarry for the walls, local grevilia timber for the ceiling beams, lintels and pergolas and flat grass planted roofs to further blend in with the surrounding landscape.

入口 Entrance
Guests and family members approaching by car are dropped off away from the main house out of view. A winding path amongst the savannah grassland leads down a staircase carved out of a rocky outcrop. It is only then that a large arched timber door front entrance comes to view. The front door opens up to a green oasis courtyard garden set within colonnaded, groin vaulted walkways. The bedrooms and living areas can all be accessed from the courtyard.

主屋 Rooms Main House
A large living/dining room on the southernmost side with 4.5m high exposed timber joisted ceilings, large arched crittal windows a large yet simple stone fireplace, all handmade by the local craftsmen. There is a breakfast/bar dining area on the southwestern corner that leads onto the pool terrace with an infinity pool on the western side where one can enjoy the views of the wildlife amongst the yellow fever trees and rich grasslands. The pool terrace has a large outdoor dining table, and pergola to protect from the hot midday sun, where one can enjoy a meal cooked on the nearby outdoor barbeque and pizza oven.

The bedrooms include two children’s ensuite bedrooms and a master ensuite bedroom all with open fireplaces for the cold nights and outdoor terraces. The bathrooms have both walk in showers and cast copper baths. The bedrooms are positioned to enjoy the sunrise views of Mount Kenya.

▼主屋顶上有一个带躺椅和藤架的露台,人们可以在这里放松,欣赏日落美景。 There is a terrace with loungers and a pergola on the main roof where one can relax and enjoy the sunset views.

水疗设施 Spa Facilities
A path from the pool terrace lead to small thatched and grass roofed buildings nestled into the landscape which house a gym, yoga platform, treatment room and spa retreat. There is also a squash and tennis court within the site but out of view.
招待所 Guest Houses
Guests can stay at the two large standalone guest houses adjacent to the main house or the manager’shouse further to the west of the site which is also standalone stone clad structure with two bedrooms and a living room fully equipped with a kitchen.
The staff quarters and back of house facilities are positioned out of view which houses photovoltaic panels and solar thermal panels on the roof to supply the property with electricity and hot water with a backup generator.
地点:肯尼亚莱基皮亚 博洛牧场
建筑设计、室内设计、照明设计:Michaelis Boyd
Project Type: Private Residential Property
Location: Arijiju House, Borana Ranch, Laikipia Kenya
Internal Gross Area 23,470 sqft ; Main house, guest houses, spa buildings, manager’s house, staff quarters.
Total Gross Area includes outdoor spaces 41,540sqft
Services Provided by Michaelis Boyd: Architectural Design, Interior Architecture Design, Lighting Design
Photography: Dook
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