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Scob Architecture & Landscape:改造区域位于特立尼达公路交界处,毗邻巴塞罗那Sant Andreu区Besòs河。
Scob Architecture & Landscape: The intervention area is located within the Trinitat road junction, next to the Besòs River in Sant Andreu district, in Barcelona.

原始状态 Previous States
The site is strongly marked by the infrastructures that surround and cross it, at different levels and with different directions. It has a complicated accessibility and this has turned the place into an unknown spot for the neighbours. Mostly, it’s the underground users who to walk through it in order to reach the station access, located precisely in this spot. It had the condition of a residual place. A place that neighbours perceived as an insecure abandoned place, submitted to the speed and scale of the motorway traffic.
Before the project for the sports urban park, the access road to the site was redeveloped with the goal of controlling the indiscriminate parking activity. The urban lighting was renovated and an adjacent space was adapted to hold a little group of urban vegetable gardens. These actions began to slowly change the marginal dynamics of the site. Despite being submitted to the noise and the dominant presence of the large interurban motorways, this site enjoys an infrequent visual relationship with the distant landscape and the Collserola mountains skyline.
▼场地原貌 Previous

改造的对象 Object of the Intervention
为了完成场地的改造,Sant Andreu地区的管理人员和技术人员、邻近的社区委员会和景观设计师团队一起合作,设计了一个新的城市体育公园。在过去的15年里,巴塞罗那的街头轮滑活动人群显著增长,这使许多公共场所变成了人们开展这项运动的聚集场所。这些场所同时也是信息交换、人群联系并发生社会关系的地方。
In order to complete the transformation of the site, the managers and technicians of the Sant Andreu District, the neighbours’ urban commission and the landscape architects team worked together on the proposal for a new sports urban park. For the past fifteen years, there has been a significant increase of street skating activities in the city of Barcelona. This fact has turned a lot of public spaces into meeting places for the people practising these sports. Places where exchanges, connections and social relations take place.
These new rendezvous points, gather both skaters and passers-by, fostering proximity relationships between them. Users are no more just teenagers or adults that resume their hobby, but also children starting to learn and parents accompanying them, as well as an increasing number of tourists that come to Barcelona from all over the world, fascinated by its streetstyle. So the intervention had two main objectives: to revitalise the place and save it from marginality and oblivion, guaranteeing everybody’s right for the use of public spaces and practice of sports, despite their physical and economic status and gender.
▼平面图 Plan

改造细节描述 Intervention Description
This project is part of a net of sports urban parks that have been built all across Barcelona in the past few years. We have conceived this and other parks with the determination of promoting them as true public spaces and not only as mere skateparks put on a place. In this regard, the integration within the surrounding and distant landscape, the conception as meeting points and the intention of accommodating all kinds of users, ages and difficulty levels were paramount.
The presence of the motorways, crossing and surrounding the site with large curved gestures inspired the general geometry of the park. Skaters flow recreating multiple interior circuits that go along with the curved movement of cars and infrastructures, integrating them to a somehow new world of sports and entertainment. It is a multipurpose park with street areas (walls, sloped planes, stairs, stands, platforms, benches, rails…) and other singular elements as the pumptrack, the sushi plate, the snakerun and the iguana tail, which give the park personality and attract users form all around the city.

最终的评估 Final Assessment
从公园开放的第一天起,Baró de Viver城市体育公园就成为了各类人群和多种体育项目的集会点和参考点。它让这个地方焕发了活力,彻底改变了它的边缘状态。学校、社区、协会和社区中心每天都在使用这个公园,它得到了民间自发和官方的认可,提升了社会和城市活力。以下是一些例子:
• Baró de Viver和Trinitat Vella 街区的城市公园振兴项目:每周都有来自两个街区的儿童和青少年在此开展活动,促进他们之间的交流、合作和互让。教育工作者通过游戏和娱乐活动为他们传达多种价值观(运动、动力、努力、恒心、自我发展……)。
• 一年一度的节日,包括比赛、研讨会和音乐会。这些聚会将很多居民聚集在一个以前被遗忘的地方,人们可以带着他们的孩子一起来享受这个新的聚会场所。
• 在社区中心举办展览,向社区学校的青少年讲述城市体育的历史、新闻、技术、诀窍、旧物资……
• 还有其他的研讨会,如城市体育公园自主构建、设备维护、滑冰电影、城市艺术……
From the very first opening day, the Baró de Viver sports urban park has become a meeting and a reference point for all generations of users and for all urban sports disciplines. It has revitalised the site and has changed its old marginal condition forever. Schools, casals, user associations and community centres from this and other neighbourhoods use the park on a daily basis. It has fostered new spontaneous and official rewarding social and urban dynamics. A few examples are:
• Urban park invigoration project for the Baró de Viver and Trinitat Vella neighbourhoods: Weekly activities working with children and teenagers from both neighbourhoods fostering communication, cohabitation and compromise. Educators inculcate several values (sports, motivation, effort, constancy, self-development…) through the use of games and entertainment.
• Annual festival with competitions, workshops and concerts. This meeting gathers a lot of neighbours in a previously forgotten place, where they come with their youngsters to enjoy a renewed meeting place.
• Exhibitions at the Community Centre where youngsters from neighbourhood schools are told about history and news about urban sports, techniques, tricks, used materials…
• Other workshops are also organised: sports urban parks auto-construction, equipment maintenance, skating films, urban art…

项目名称:Baróde Viver滑冰公园
景观/建筑公司:Scob Architecture & Landscape
主创:Oscar Blasco和Sergi Carulla
设计团队:Gerard Yubero
摄影:Adrià Goula
Project name: Baró de Viver Skate Park
Completion Year: 2017
Size: 1,227 sqm
Project location: Barcelona
Landscape/Architecture Firm: Scob Architecture & Landscape
Website: www.scob.es
Contact e-mail: scob@scob.es
Lead Architects: Oscar Blasco & Sergi Carulla
Design Team: Gerard Yubero
Clients: Barcelona City Council
Photo credits: Adrià Goula
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