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HofmanDujardin:Let’s meet in Tuscany, grab a coffee in Panama City and talk strategy in the Serengeti! All this is possible in the innovative new urban campus of leading travel platform Booking.com, which opened its doors in Amsterdam. A unique collaboration of multiple interior architects and design firms has resulted in an inclusive workplace that is home to over 6,500 employees.

全新的缤客Booking.com办公园区为人们提供了多种多样的空间。首席室内建筑师HofmanDujardin为65,000平方米的园区建筑设计制定了室内总体规划,UNStudio则负责项目的建筑设计。总部大楼是多家国际设计公司凝结的心血,包括Linehouse Design、i29、Studio Modijefsky、CBRE Design、UNStudio、HofmanDujardin、Powerplant、Mijksenaar、MOSS、Scholten & Baijings以及Studio Rublek。大家共同营造了一个鼓舞人心的环境,员工和访客将在这里会面、合作、生活、工作和娱乐。
The brand new Booking.com working environment offers a diverse variety of spaces. As Lead Interior Architect, HofmanDujardin designed an interior masterplan for the 65,000m² campus building, while the building itself was designed by the Architect UNStudio. The headquarters combine the work of international design firms Linehouse Design, i29, Studio Modijefsky, CBRE Design, UNStudio, HofmanDujardin, Powerplant, Mijksenaar, MOSS, Scholten & Baijings, and Studio Rublek. Together, they created an inspiring environment where employees and visitors will meet, collaborate, live, work and play.

室内总体规划 Interior Masterplan
“缤客Booking.com”作为一家全球性公司,其员工来自世界范围内100多个国家。新园区的室内总体规划围绕 “Booking Home “的概念来设计,规划目标是“为所有员工创造一个家”。世上的每个角落,每个旅行目的地,都是某人的家。因为每个人对“家”都有不同的概念,设计师HofmanDujardin提出的室内总体规划以拥抱多样性为特征,园区内不同主题空间都有一套自己的原则和情绪板,设计师们在遵循这套规划原则的同时,也在这些主题空间中烙下了带有个人风格的设计印记。此外,专业设计师还被选定来参与营建整个办公园区内的绿化、照明、导视标识、铺地等。
Formerly spread over several locations in Amsterdam, the truly global company Booking.com is powered by employees representing more than 100 nationalities. The interior masterplan was designed around the concept ‘Booking Home’ and aims to create a home for all workers. Every place in the world, every travel destination, is someone’s home. Because everyone has a different idea of home, HofmanDujardin developed a masterplan to embrace diversity. It defined a set of principles and mood boards for several uniquely themed areas. Different area designers were invited to follow those principles but also put their individual design stamp on those areas. Additionally, specialist layer designers were selected to create greenery, lighting, wayfinding and graphics, carpets, and food and beverage throughout the campus.

多样化的旅程 Diverse journey
园区之旅从主入口启程,两侧是展示着旅行影片和慢动作旅游情绪场景的数字墙,墙上展示的画面诸如流水、风中的树叶等。它还为楼梯及绿植走廊提供了良好的视线引导,上方光线充足的楼层通透明亮。入口处的一切好像都在诉说: “请进来和我们一起探索世界吧”。主入口路径通向一楼的会客处和招聘及研学中心,并一直延续到二楼的中庭空间。这个明亮而充满活力的连接空间为上方所有办公楼层提供了物理和视觉联系。
The campus journey starts at the main entrance, which is flanked by digital walls showing travel movies and slow-motion travel mood scenes, such as running water or leaves in the wind. It also offers views up a sweeping staircase and green corridor of plants to the light-filled upper floors. Everything about the entrance says “come in and explore the world with us”. The route leads up to the 1st floor meeting point and recruitment, research and learning centres, and fluently continues to the central atrium on the 2nd floor. This bright and vibrant connecting space offers physical and visual relations with all upper office floors.
▽入口空间 Entrance

园区内包含三个用餐区:2楼的“集市”(被设计成给人一种在宽敞的欧洲市场大厅的感觉),5楼的“五岛”(被设计成五个相互连接但有独立主题的区域,亦可视为 “岛屿”)和9楼的“高花园”,这是一个植被茂盛的屋顶花园,坐拥阿姆斯特丹的城市全景。
停车场和自行车停放区的设计也反映了“多样化旅程”的设计构思。停车场从南极洲的冰层中提取设计元素,自行车停放区则设置了一个大型的、变色的 “太阳 “灯,每天清晨都能给骑自行车而来的员工一份惊喜和鼓励。
Meals are taken in one of three restaurants: the 2nd floor Market (designed to give a sense of being in a spacious European market hall), the 5th floor Five Islands (designed as five joined but individually themed zones or ‘islands’) and the 9th floor High Garden with its lush roof garden and panoramic views over Amsterdam.
Even the car parking and bike parking areas are designed to reflect the wonder of travel. The former invokes the ice sheets of Antarctica while the latter has a large, colour-changing ‘sun’ light, giving bicycling employees a nice surprise each morning.

为连接而设计 Designed to connect
整栋大楼设有28个 “微型假日地 “休息空间,每个空间都有专属的地方性主题。在这些“微型假日地”,人们可以在纽约市和里约热内卢漫步,在希腊群岛放松,还可以游览亚马逊。它们与较大的连接空间一起,为人们提供了远离电脑屏幕的休息时间,使人们能够开展合作,刷新他们的思维,帮助大家提高创造力和生产力。世界各地的员工照片和纪念品带来了更多有关旅行的提示,让人们更深刻地参与到建筑环境之中。
Throughout the building are 28 ‘micro-holiday destination’ breakout spaces, each themed on a place. People can stroll through New York City and Rio de Janeiro, chill out in the Greek Islands and visit the Amazon. Together with the larger connector spaces, they offer breaks from computer screens, allowing workers to collaborate, reset their minds and helping them to increase creativity and productivity. Employee photographs and souvenirs from around the world provide more reminders of travel and get people more involved with the building.

Designed to connect people and places, the novel campus is a real destination with a rich diversity of spaces that aims to create a vibrant inclusive community. Filled with lush green plants and awarded with a BREEAM excellent certificate, the office is also a front-runner in sustainability. It offers a great working environment for Booking.com and provides the company with a new home in the heart of Amsterdam.

Guided by the principles and mood boards in the interior masterplan, multiple designers created a wide variety of spaces.
- 楼厅空间:Balcony by HofmanDujardin
HofmanDujardin designed the interior masterplan, the base on which all areas were designed. They also designed the workplaces and various other areas in detail, including the 3rd floor balcony. This central space flanks the interior of the large atrium and enhances its brightness and spaciousness, creating a fresh, outdoor feel. Numerous planters with trees and lush greenery break up the space to create different places to work and have informal meetings. Tables of different sizes allow small group gatherings while more intimate spots and lounge seating provide privacy.

▽休息空间 Break Out

- 礼堂空间:Auditorium by UNStudio
As well as designing the urban approach and architecture, including the continuous spatial experience of the building, UNStudio was responsible for the design of the Auditorium and Multifunctional Space. Half movie theatre, half presentation venue, the space is ideal for learning and sharing knowledge. Designed to convey an atmosphere of adventure, it is a place where employees and visitors can take sound-and-vision journeys. Physically connected to the 1st floor, the space can accommodate up to 400 seats in various layouts.

- 会议室:Boardroom connector by CBRE Design Collective Amsterdam
CBRE designed various areas including breakout spaces, the research, recruitment and learning centres, and the Panama City-themed Boardroom Connector. Inspired by the Latin American city’s diversity, the design reflects the different atmospheres of its Casco Viejo (or Old Quarter), its Innovation Center and the Panama Canal within the different zones of the Boardroom area. Combining these elements created the contrast and roughness that typifies Panama City, as described in the interior masterplan. The goal was to create privacy where needed and let employees and visitors enjoy the beautiful views of both atriums from the Boardroom Connector.

▽学习中心 Learning Center

- “集市”餐厅:Restaurant The Market by Linehouse
屋顶酒吧“Club 11”以及位于中庭二楼的餐厅“The Market”由Linehouse设计。空间的设计概念围绕着“在陌生城市中等待被发现”的旅程展开。中心元素是集市广场,这是一个人们聚集和蕴含社区感的地方。白色的金属结构容纳了一个咖啡吧,并定义了对标识图形、文字、自然材料等元素的趣味探索,恰巧与高大的垂直空间相得益彰。以主集市广场为中心,四周环境从亲密的空间、角落和休息室座位,到适合大型团体的长桌,无一不为人们提供了多样化的餐饮体验。
Linehouse was commissioned to design the rooftop bar Club 11 as well as restaurant The Market – a food hall – located on the 2nd floor of the atrium. The concept was developed around the journey one begins when arriving in a new city waiting to be discovered. The central element is the market square, a place where people gather and reflect a sense of community. A white metal structure houses a coffee bar and frames a playful exploration of graphics, text, natural materials and patterns which complements the tall vertical space. Surrounding the main market square are diverse dining experiences, from intimate spaces, nooks and lounge seating to long tables for bigger groups.

- “五岛”餐厅:Restaurant Five Islands by Studio Modijefsky
Modijefsky工作室受邀设计了多个区域,其中就包括连接空间和“五岛”餐厅。餐厅的设计概念与五个岛屿群相关: 观景岛、火焰岛、峡谷岛、飞行岛和珍宝岛。这五个岛群将原本大型的开放区域分割成更小、更亲密、更温馨的区域。通过空间干预元素——诸如一堵墙、一片窗帘、下降的天花板和抬升的地板,在不阻挡视线的情况下建立起新的区域。所有的岛屿组团都巧妙地联系在一起,与地板、照明、隔断以及颜色、肌理、材料相配合,创造出独特的环境和氛围。
Studio Modijefsky was invited to design multiple areas, including connectors and restaurant Five Islands. They created a spatial design concept of five island groups: View, Fire, Canyon, Flight and Treasure Islands. The five island groups break up what was originally a large, open area into smaller, more intimate and welcoming zones. Spatial interventions – a wall, a curtain, a lowered ceiling and an elevated floor – establish new areas without blocking sightlines, so a glimpse of the next adventure is always in view. All the island groups are subtly linked and play with flooring, lighting and partitions, as well as colour, texture and material to create a distinct environment and atmosphere.

▽用于健身的连接空间 Connector

- “高花园”餐厅:Restaurant High Garden by i29
i29设计了园区内各种休息空间以及餐厅“高花园”,在那里种植的新鲜可食性香草被用于制作健康的菜肴。自然和技术之间的关系引发了设计师的思索,他们参考了现代食品生产中的垂直农场,并对一面提供健康 “Fastbowls “的食物墙感兴趣, “Fastbowls “食物墙可以理解为一种荷兰快餐墙。粉色的灯光和不锈钢被用于 “厨房实验室”,与900平方米餐厅和屋顶花园内的天然竹子及葱郁的绿植形成色彩对比。高花园为Booking.Com的员工提供了与另外两个餐厅不同的用餐环境,以便他们在其中用餐、放松与合作。
i29 designed various breakout spaces as well as restaurant High Garden, where fresh herbs are grown and used for healthy dishes. The designers at i29 questioned the relationship between nature and technology, referencing modern food production with vertical farming, and having fun with a food wall serving healthy ‘Fastbowls’ – a playful wink to the Dutch ‘automatiek’ (or fast food wall). Pink lighting and stainless steel were used for the ‘kitchen laboratory’ contrasting with natural bamboo and lush greenery in a 900m2 restaurant and rooftop garden. This offers Booking.Com employees different zones and atmospheres in which to eat, relax and collaborate.

▽休息空间 Break Out

- 工作场所:Workplace by HofmanDujardin & CBRE workplace consultancy
In close collaboration with Booking.com, HofmanDujardin and CBRE created a workplace concept that perfectly fits the company. Each work floor offers different types of workplaces for varying levels of concentration. Colorful acoustic screens define smaller clusters of workstations, ranging from single desk concentration places to open team settings. Closed booths for single and double use offer space for calls or small meetings. In proximity to the work floors are 28 uniquely themed breakout areas that all feature a similar series of supportive functions like a pantry with a high table, lounge seating, meeting rooms and stand-up spaces. The breakouts stimulate collaboration and so allow the work floors to be relatively silent.

▽标识牌 Wayfinding

▽室内总体规划设计手稿 Masterplan Sketch

地点:荷兰 阿姆斯特丹 Oosterdokseiland
Linehouse Design:“集市”餐厅、活动空间
Studio Modijefsky:“五岛”餐厅、连接空间
CBRE Design Collective:会面处、学习中心、招聘中心、研究实验室、会议交换场所、休息区
Scholten & Baijings:地毯、图案墙和地板
Studio Rublek:照明设计
Project data
Size: 65,000m²
Design period: 2017–2020
Construction period: 2020–2023
Sustainability: BREEAM Excellent
Location: Oosterdokseiland, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Core project team
Client: Booking.com
Architect: UNStudio
Lead Interior Architect: HofmanDujardin
Project management: CBRE
Area designers
Linehouse Design: Restaurant The Market, Event space
i29: Restaurant High Garden, Breakouts
Studio Modijefsky: Restaurant Five Islands, Connectors
CBRE Design Collective: Meeting point, Learning and talent centre, Recruitment centre new talent, Research labs, Boardroom Connector, Breakouts
UNStudio: Bike and car parking, Bike entrance, Auditorium and multifunctional space, Rooftop garden, Core and shell
HofmanDujardin: Interior Masterplan, Main entrance, Service area, Balcony, Workspace, Breakouts
Layer designers
Mijksenaar: Wayfinding
MOSS: Indoor and outdoor greenery
Powerplant: Food and beverage
Scholten & Baijings: Carpets, graphic walls and floors
Studio Rublek: Lighting
“ 一个文化多元、融合的城市园区,包容性设计连接各个空间,为员工及访客提供丰富的功能活动选择以及安静的办公环境。”
更多 Read more about:HofmanDujardin + UNStudio