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Thanks JTL Gatlin for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by JTL Gatlin.
JTL 加特林:设计哲学中蕴含了一种渴望,渴望发现新的生活方式和新的空间形式;通过混合功能业态与空间属性,在这里营造关于更加亲切的生活画面。
JTL Gatlin:The design philosophy boasts a desire for new lifestyle and new space form, with which the designers combined multiple functions and spaces, presenting friendly and pleasant scenes of life here.
Only when the demonstration area is no longer just for sales or display, but for experience and nature of life, will it really serve as a model of wonderful life. From “demarketing” to “lifestyle operation”, it shows the iteration of property service.
When the environment and the spaces are pure enough, many fragments of daily life will naturally present before your eyes, reminding you of the familiar atmosphere and striking a chord in your heart. The ceremonial veranda serves as the connection between the outside world and the sheltered internal space. Along the veranda, there is the mirror water, the hanging lamps, the fireplace, the high walls and the tree shadows, which herald the transition of space and the change of mood.
The space is interspersed with different scenes which switch people’s attention from a specific corner to another. The sun shines on the spiky grass, the trees project shadows on the ground and the metal grille wall extends sequentially —— materials of different textures alternate naturally in the same space, enriching the levels of the space. Without a defined style, the designers tell the story of the space using a unique language.
As the rainy season comes, changes begin in the space: in the drizzle, the plants grow and shed their leaves alternately, recording the passing of time; the color of the trees deepens; the Chinese tallow stands in an elegant gesture; the metal grille wall glitters in the light. All of these reflect the unique atmosphere of the rainy Hangzhou.
In other days, sometimes the sun is blazing and sometimes it is cloudy. The Chinese tallow is still growing hard, stretching its branches to the utmost. Common landscape elements, such as water, wooden platform, small lots and steps are well organized to create different functional areas, which are interconnected with each other to form new scenes and provide colorful experience.
In our design, we try to integrate these elements to the environment through forms and sizes, and at the same time convey emotions that are far beyond the forms.
In the floral restaurant through the huge floor-to-ceiling window, you can see the pleasant outdoor decoration and the reflections in the water, listen to the gurgling water and the swinging tree, and feel the bonfire at dusk and the gentle breeze. In front of your eyes is a pleasant painting, while lingering in your heart are the expectations in life.
In the space integrated with the architecture, we try to relieve tension between the scale and the flexibility of the space, and soften the geometric lines. In contrast to the rigid lines and surfaces in the space of minimalism style, warm materials and cosy textures are used to awaken the emotional experience.
In the warm afternoon, intoxicated with the mellow coffee and the fragrant flowers, you will feel as if all the beauty of life will meet you through the wall.
When night falls and lights on, the tables by water become the most popular in the restaurant. Since modern communication usually needs a warm environment, therefore, we managed to provide an ideal place in a simple way, which will make people thoroughly relaxed and feel the beauty of life.
The most beautiful encounter may be just around the corner. In order to reach the meeting space which is just beyond the wall of the veranda, you have to walk through the corridor and pass by the restaurant, the shore and the wood. And you will expect for the most beautiful encounter all the way. Cascade terraces, small square, waterfalls, bar counter and sunny lawn contribute to an elegant theatre space, where parties, dinners, exhibitions, open-air movies and press conferences can be held to provide more opportunities for interactions between people.
“Everyone has an imagination about the encounter. Maybe we have never been there, but it is always there, and it will always be there.”
– Here, you are expected to have an encounter with the beauty of life –
景观设计:JTL 加特林
设计团队:刘展、王小波、Pax Ju、刘章、朱建亚、楚岭伟、李祥、李应鹏、吴丹、周阳、陈丹、石亚斌
Project Name: CHANGI BAY, Hangzhou
Location: Shushan, Hangzhou
Client: Hangzhou Vanke
Landscape Design: JTL Gatlin
Design team: Liu Zhan, Wang Xiaobo, Pax Ju, Liu Zhang, Zhu Jianya, Chu Lingwei, Li Xiang, Li Yingpeng, Wu Dan, Zhou Yang, Chen Dan, Shi Yabin
Interior: Junjia design
Architecture: AAI International Architects Office
Construction: Hangzhou Tianqin Landscape Engineering Co., Ltd.
Completion: August 2020
Area: 6000㎡
Photography: Holi Landscape Photography
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