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Thanks Ruang Nyaman for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Ruang Nyaman.
Ruang Nyaman:项目设计的愿景是创造一种新的用户体验和工作环境。基于共享居住( co-living)的概念,设计师创建了一个微型生活模式,在这个模式中,无论是企业创始人还是数字游民,都能在其中找到自己的私人生活空间以及工作、灵感分享和与他人聚会的场所。
Ruang Nyaman: Vision for this place was to create a new user experience and environment for working. With the concept of co-living, we create a model of a micro living where the business founder and digital nomad finds their own space for private living as well as places to work, share ideas, and gather around with others.
▽项目俯瞰 Aerial view

Designed from the existing structural building, the main concept was composed using curved bamboo as a facade combined with coffee branches as a primary material that orchestrated as a focal point for the Clan Living. This place consists of a 3 storey building, with different design approaches for each floor. From the arranged coffee branch composed as a lounge chair on the first floor, using a hammock on the second floor to provide a new way to experience the spaces, as well as providing the workstool table with exciting views towards its surroundings.

Clan living是一种将数字游民紧密结合在一起的微观生活环境模式。设计师为他们提供了一个公共区域作为工作空间,让他们在工作时也可以体验泡脚带来的放松感。游泳池、茶水间和一个竹结构聚会区作为颂扬当地文化的象征,以某种方式传达了凝聚之感。
Clan living is a model for micro living environment to bring the digital nomads together closely. We provide and dedicating for them to work, a communal area as a workspace with soaking the feet underwater while working to experiencing a relaxing feel, a swimming pool, pantry, to a gathering area with bamboo as a main material used, as a symbol of appreciating for the local culture in a way to conveys the sense of togetherness.

竹子、咖啡色枝条、吊床和天然硬质石材作为主要材料,定义了clan living的形象。设计中所使用的这4种主要材料,秉承了生态和可持续性的原则,即优先利用周围环境中的当地材料,同时减少使用永久性结构。因而设计团队选择对现有建筑进行翻新,来创造卓越的建筑设计。
Bamboo, coffee branches, hammock, and natural hardstones as a main material on binding the image of clan living. Composed from 4 main materials, this concept carries the principles of ecology and sustainability, prioritizing to use local materiality from its surroundings, as well as to reduce the permanent construction. This is why we chose to work with renovating the existing building yet to create a remarkable architecture design.

Arch shaped bamboo conveys the sense of flexibility towards the digital nomads era of working. Using a secondary skin facade that is arranged in a hollow and with enlarged shape on top of it, as a natural response to the surrounding environment, from visibility to sun exposure.
▽标准化室内空间 Standardized indoor space

Clan Living生活模式将随着时间的推移不断发展壮大,并通过新的方式来理解空间,以营造良好生活空间的新视角,就如同人们今天的创造和奋斗是为了明天的生活。
The Clan Living will grow throughout time, and make it a strong foundation in understanding spaces through new ways of view to achieve a new perspective of a good living space, as we create and build today for tomorrow’s living.
▽二楼室内空间及阳台 Interior space and balcony on the second floor

▽三楼室内空间及阳台 Interior space and balcony on the third floor

▽浴室 The bathroom

▽楼道空间 Corridor space

▽总平面图及各楼层平面图 Master layout & floor plans
▽立面图及剖面图 Elevation & Section
项目名称:Clan Living – The Founder
项目地点:印尼 巴厘岛 乌布
景观/建筑公司:Ruang Nyaman
首席建筑师:Alfa Nanda Ramadhan
设计团队:Ruang Nyaman
客户:Clan Living
合作方:Clan Construction
图片来源:Danang Seta
Project Name: Clan Living – The Founder
Completion Year: 2022
Scale: 698 sqm
Project Location: Ubud, Bali, Indonesia
Landscape/Architecture Firm: Ruang Nyaman
Website: https://ruangnyaman.design
Contact e-mail: info@ruangnyaman.design
Lead Architects: Alfa Nanda Ramadhan
Design Team: Ruang Nyaman
Clients: Clan Living
Collaborators: Clan Construction
Photo Credits: Danang Seta
“ 以四种主要材料营造现代数字游民的共享居住环境。”
审稿编辑: SIM
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