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蓝调国际旷野与光的阴翳 Desolation and the Shadows of Light








—— 任刚

BLUES: “The task of the Blues Team this time is to construct a courtyard at the western entrance of the community, serving as a prelude to the future quality of community life. The project, named ‘Qingyun Que,’ aims to achieve a vision of a beautiful life: strolling through the wilderness of poetry under the clear blue sky.

This design presents a conflict – how to create a vast and expansive atmosphere using minimal space becomes the primary challenge. Modernist aesthetics have evolved significantly in the present day, yet the Blues design team is dedicated to constructing the site within an Eastern context, rising to meet this challenge.

The site is bridged through a wide entrance hall, addressing various issues with the municipal interface. Height differences and pathways appear dynamically arranged, creating a sense of twists and turns. The layered courtyards lead visitors through a corridor of fleeting light and shadow, guiding them into the heart of the courtyard.

Unlike before, where courtyards in landscapes were merely picturesque within one’s line of sight, in Qingyun Que, the courtyard serves as both a picturesque scene and a transformative environment. Leveraging vertical limitations and spatial delineations, the pavilion in the painting seems near yet distant – visible from afar but requiring a circuitous journey to reach. This engenders the charm of Chongqing’s mountainous landscapes, where murmuring streams erase the sense of distance. The brushstrokes of a natural sanctuary are familiar techniques for the Blues design team, capable of creating a sense of expansiveness and richness beyond the constraints of half an acre of space.

The stones in the courtyard do not adhere to traditional garden styles but instead emulate the ravines and valleys found in the mountains and wilderness, exuding a natural and genuine feel. In recent years, the sudden popularity of Chinese tallow trees hasn’t betrayed their sculptural nature; a few sparsely placed trees delineate a profound sense of wildness along the waterside. The elevated water bar under the pavilion cascades half a meter, creating a melodious water sound that masks the nearby construction site’s clamor.

On the west side of Qingyun Que, a small courtyard has been built in the guise of wilderness within a narrow space, creating an urban sanctuary. This mystical and wondrous Zen-like courtyard not only draws people to explore a secluded corner of nature but also influences the designer’s understanding of Eastern nature. Amidst the misty forest of trees and marshes, there are flowing rocks, blooming vines, healing air, and a refreshing atmosphere – as if walking slowly through a forest poetry courtyard, engaging in a dialogue between life philosophy and natural energy.
Walking leisurely in Qingyun Que, rising straight up, enjoying without restraint – those who drink leave their mark. Perhaps these are the thoughts of visitors sitting by the waterside.

In conclusion, if the trees in the courtyard were a few sizes larger, the atmosphere would be even better, leaving room for time to cast more shadows of light.”

——Ren Gang


▽项目视频 Video

▽设计手稿 Design manuscript


溯源·传承经典 Tracing Back and Inheriting the Classics

溯源东方意蕴-寄畅园 Tracing the Oriental Essence – Jìchàng Yuán

传承经典,复刻东方美学场景,尊享礼序空间布局,以经典园林“寄畅园 ”的东方意蕴为基调,探寻当代雅集生活方式,使这个空间不仅注重传统美学,更融入了现代设计的精髓,让生活充满了东方的韵味和雅致。

Inheriting the classics and replicating scenes of Oriental aesthetics, this space honors a ceremonial layout, drawing inspiration from the timeless Oriental essence of the “Jìchàng Yuán” garden. It explores contemporary refined lifestyles, emphasizing not only traditional aesthetics but also integrating the essence of modern design. Thus, life in this space brims with the charm and sophistication of the Orient.



我们构造了一种当代东方山水生活剧场, 解读传统生活之雅趣、演绎世外山水间的清雅日常,用现代手法,延续的诗意,营造青云雅居的意趣。

五重礼序探索当代生活 The five-fold order explores contemporary life

一重礼序: 登阙「登门望阙,礼仪尊贵」
二重礼序: 入画「山水旖旎,师法自然」

We have created a contemporary oriental landscape life theater, interpreting the elegance of traditional life and depicting the refined everyday life in a secluded landscape, using modern techniques to continue the poetic charm and create the charm of the Qingyun Manor.

Exploring Contemporary Life Through the Five Rites and Rituals‘Entering the Gate and Gazing at the Court, A Ceremony of Respect and Honor’”
‘Entering the Painting, Embracing the Charm of Mountains and Waters, Learning from Nature’”
‘Exploring the Scenery, Leisurely Enjoyment, Poetic Landscape'”
‘Leisurely Enjoyment in Tranquility, Elegant Gathering, Delightful Pleasures'”
‘Elegance and Luxury in Seclusion, Ultimate Enjoyment Welcomed Home'”


▽场地空间布局 Site spatial layout


寻光·烟波浩渺 Seeking Light Vast Misty Waters


Tall, spacious, and well-lit entrance, guiding the way back home.


▽入口空间 Entrance space



The precious ore veins of Donghu Lake are meticulously chiseled by skilled craftsmen, polished to perfection, and assembled into a majestic gate standing approximately 6 meters tall. Along the ribbon-like avenue, one ascends to the grand palace, with a sprawling cityscape stretching for 78 meters, resembling an exquisite painting that exudes a sense of ancient charm and unique elegance.


▽门廊水景 Porch water feature


匠心于凿 返璞归真 Ingenuity is in cutting back to nature

入口水景源自法国先锋艺术家 Mathieu Lehanneur的水波纹青色液态大理石作为材料基底,艺术力的粼粼波光,富有光泽又有流动感,让观者在理性的设计构架与感性的视觉效果之间游走。

The entrance water feature draws inspiration from the French avant-garde artist Mathieu Lehanneur, using a base material of liquid blue marble with water ripple patterns. The artistry of shimmering waves creates a glossy and fluid sensation, allowing viewers to navigate between the rational design framework and the sensory visual effects.



触石·青云逐鹤 Touching the Stone Chasing the Crane in the Blue Sky


Creating Mountains with Stone, Simulating Ponds with Water, Welcoming Guests with Traditional Etiquette



靜谧水院 Tranquil Water Courtyard


The essence of Eastern garden landscaping is captured in the “Ji Chang Garden,” where an approximately 388-square-meter serene water courtyard is adorned with layered rocks to form peaks and simulated ponds. The intricately crafted metal eaves on all sides shape the flowing water outlets, while the polished design conceals the craftsmanship in the details of the courtyard, creating a tranquil setting reminiscent of the convergence of four rivers.


▽水院景观 Water courtyard landscape



As you stroll, peculiar stones, cascading water, and blossoming flora gradually come into view, allowing you to appreciate the garden’s beauty and fostering a sense of tranquility. During the rainy season, rainwater from the eaves on all sides converges into the pool, beautifully illustrating the enchanting concept of “Four Waters Returning to the Hall.”



艺术造园 Artistic Gardening


Wandering through the courtyards, taking Eastern strides, the ambiance transitions about 32 meters into a hotel-style art gallery. Enhanced by high-end Yunfeng patterned glass palace lamps, the corridor combines with the swaying, rippling play of light and water, creating a more enriched and visually condensed essence of the world.


▽酒店式艺术长廊 Hotel-style art gallery


伴水·云泉漱玉 Accompanied by water rinsed with spring water like jade


The spring descends from the clouds, its glistening drops like pearls cleanse the jade; the brook emerges from beneath the flowers, its rising waters tinted with green and red



雅致林下艺术会客厅 Elegant Grove: Artistic Reception Lounge


Strolling along the corridor illuminated by lanterns, one leisurely explores the Liuli Water Courtyard. The exquisite pearl blue high-end elegant wall, standing at approximately 3.2 meters tall, is adorned with auspicious cranes and swirling clouds, exuding an air of good fortune. Stepping into the Jade Platform, the lush greenery is omnipresent, with precious Japanese maple and black mulberry trees complementing the multi-dimensional landscape, creating a garden aesthetic lifestyle pavilion that revives the elegance of life.


▽林下艺术会客厅 Artistic Reception Lounge



“A panoramic view with a spacious and elegant courtyard, showcasing the three refined aspects of life, where one can sit and listen to the rain tapping on the eaves, smile at the blooming and falling of flowers, and quietly observe the unfolding and rolling of clouds.”



滨水下沉 休闲卡座 Waterfront Lounge: Relaxation Seating


Emulating the gatherings of literati, a meandering stream hosts bespoke, exclusive private moments. At the bar nestled under the trees by the water, friends convene to read, sip tea, and burn incense. They witness the evening glow, feel the gentle breeze, and watch the shifting dance of clouds. Amid the fragrance of blossoms, the calls of birds, and the soothing sound of water, this space embodies the five senses of the garden, enriching life with profound meaning.


▽林下吧台水畔 Under the forest bar by the water


五感体验 Sensory Experience


“Five Senses Living, Natural Leisure: Extracting elements like water, wind, stone, forest, light, and other natural components, and integrating them with a lifestyle that engages all five senses, interpreting the Eastern essence found in nature.”



寻-礼遇门庭-登门望府 Seeking- Honored Entrance -Entering the Courtyard Gate



触-青云逐鹤-四水归堂 Touch- Pursuing the Azure Sky, Following the Crane -Four Waters Return to the Hall



匠心精工 Artisan Excellence

东方美学,匠心精工 Eastern Aesthetics, Craftsmanship with Precision


We carefully select garden stones such as Donghu Stone and Cuigu Youlan to adorn the grand residence, epitomizing the estate’s style. Customized metal details showcase meticulous craftsmanship and artistry.


▽东湖石 donghuite

▽中国黑原石 Chinese black plain stone

▽手工锻打锤纹 Hand forged hammer pattern

▽翠谷幽兰 The valley is green and blue

▽金属垂帘 Metal curtain

▽范特西绿光面大理石 Fancy green marble


赏专属印记 Appreciate Exclusive Imprints

转译文化底蕴,瑞鹤祥云雕塑成为品牌专属文化印记,打造 IP 识别度。

Translating cultural heritage, the sculpture of the auspicious crane and auspicious clouds becomes the brand’s exclusive cultural emblem, enhancing IP recognition




The sculpture features auspicious clouds and a carved crane, symbolizing the idea of soaring upwards, ascending step by step into the azure sky.




Extracting elements from the combination of the case names (cloud layer) and’ (mountain peak) to create a pattern called ” (cloud-peak pattern), symbolizing ‘Ascending to the summit above the clouds,’ representing the pinnacle of urban excellence.



景观设计 | 蓝调国际
景观面积 | 6775 ㎡(示范区) 项目地址 | 重庆汽博
开发商 | 龙湖集团重庆公司
施工单位 | 重庆吉盛生态园林绿化有限公司
建筑设计 | 上海侨迈建筑设计有限公司
摄影单位 | 蓝调国际品牌部 / 设计团队沈洪兵、陈洁 / 三棱镜

Landscape Design | Blue Tone International
Landscape Area | 6775 square meters (Demonstration Area)
Project Address | Chongqing Auto Expo (重庆汽博)
Developer | Longfor Group, Chongqing Division
Construction Company | Chongqing Jisheng Ecological Garden Landscaping Co., Ltd.
Architectural Design | Shanghai Qiao Mai Architectural Design Co., Ltd.
Photography Credit | Blue Tone International Brand Department / Design Team: Shen Hongbing, Chen Jie / Prism Studio




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