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Studio Arth:迈阿密是一座水道纵横的海滨城市,道路和房屋都坐落在广阔的水域之中。科罗纳多住宅(Coronado Residence)坐落在一片椰树林与停泊的船只之间,反映了这座城市平静而接地气的生活方式。整座住宅,包括建筑本身及其周围环境,都充满了禅意,其设计经过深思熟虑,为热衷于瑜伽、冥想和正念练习的客户提供了理想的选择。景观的设计与之相呼应,旨在让人们暂停下来,与大自然亲密接触,沉浸在宁静的氛围中静心修养。植物的选择生动地反映了设计主旨,以本土树木为主,阔叶热带植物掩映其间,营造出与周围环境亲密无间的氛围。

Studio Arth:  The coastal city of Miami is characterised by extensive waterways, with roads and homes set amidst this aquatic expanse. In the thick of quintessential coconut palms and moored boats lies Coronado Residence, reflecting a calm and grounded lifestyle. The entirety of the estate, encompassing both the residence and its environs, is infused with a Zen-inspired ambience, thoughtfully designed to cater to clients who are ardent advocates of yoga, meditation and mindfulness practices. As a nod to this theme, the landscape is designed to create a pause and connect with nature, to invite one to bask in its serene atmosphere and retreat. This approach is vividly mirrored in the choice of planting palette, where native trees take precedence, draped and surrounded by large leaf tropical fostering intimacy and connection with the surroundings.



科罗纳多住宅的建筑由 KZ Architecture 事务所设计,每一个空间的设计都遵循“黄金比例”原则,最大程度地确保了建筑的美感、平衡感与协调性。设计师通过合理开设窗口来保持这种平衡,并利用一切条件将水边的景色框定下来,在景观与建筑之间建立起联系。

雄伟的 majestic leopard 树以其独特的枝干结构将建筑艺术性地展现在人们面前,同时也为住宅临街一侧提供了私密性,热带原生蕨类植物环绕着前院,召唤着来访者进入其中。前院三棵耸立的树木犹如哨兵,其中两棵榄树为蜿蜒的步行小道洒下斑驳的树荫,一旁还矗立着一棵马尾棕榈。这棵树与原址上的老房子相伴长达20年,有着与场地无可取代的情感联系,因此在这座新的住宅中,它被保留下来并占据着重要的地位。

The architecture of the Coronado Residence by KZ Architecture is an extension of the golden ratio, wherein every spatial decision adheres to the principles of this proportion, ensuring maximum beauty, balance, and harmony. This equilibrium is maintained through the judicious positioning of window openings, harnessing every opportunity to frame views along the water’s edge, creating a connection between the landscape and the built structure.

The majestic leopard trees with a unique branching artfully reveal the architecture through its veil-like structure while lending privacy from the street, along with tropical native ferns bordering the frontage, beckoning visitors into the property. In the front yard, a trio of trees stands as sentinels, comprising two Gumbo Limbo trees that provide dappled shade to the curved pedestrian walkway, accompanied by a Ponytail Palm. The Ponytail Palm holds a place of honour within the newly constructed home, cherished for its sentimental connection for about 20 years to the old house.




The entry steps feature a combination of stepping stones, stepped planters, and Corten Steel-held gravel, emphasising an au-naturel path. A Buddha statue is aptly located within the lusciousness of these plantings, of which Mondo grass, Wart fern, Strongylodon (also called the Jade vine) vine, Monstera plant, and the spineless Agave are some. The Jade Vine with enchanting bluish-purple colours is used for the main entrance trellis, adding a layer of exoticity to the mix of natives and adapted species. The driveway is laden with pavers, interspersed with the softness of gravel and mondo grass. By the same token, a contrast is seen between the structured elements of the residence and the landscape that is carefully infused into an organic form.




Designed with an exceptionally verdant experience, a shaded meandering path along the property’s edge, leads one to the outdoor shower and pool area facing the waterfront. These peripheral pathways comprise dense clusters of Philodendron Burle Marx, Macho fern, and Shell ginger plants, seamlessly complementing the gravel path. Using stepping stones engraved with leaf patterns adds a distinctive and enduring touch, almost like a permanent imprint of the Zen essence.




The threshold of the main entrance serves as a precursor to a Zen-inspired garden, waiting to unfold its quiet artistry. Often referred to as the “dry garden,” it encompasses a taut balance between the five senses. Jasmine plantings appeal to the sense of smell, while certain plants provide a velvety texture to engage the sense of touch. Carefully laden with loose gravel, the garden invites the use of a rake to create beautiful patterns reminiscent of water ripples. These soothing design gestures, together with a row of vibrant flowering Plumeria trees, cater to the sense of sight. In keeping with Zen principles, a bench is thoughtfully placed, inviting a moment of contemplation. The gentle sound of flowing water, though distant in the garden, engages the sense of hearing. Moreover, practical considerations come into play with incorporating mosquito-repelling plants like lemongrass, grounding some of the landscape choices in functionality. The garden is a lesson in restraint, subtlety, and impermanence, exemplified by the calming patterns in the raked gravel designs.




As is widely known, Zen gardens were originally conceived as serene havens for peaceful meditation. The dry garden serves as a fitting prelude to the adjacent meditation and yoga space, with the two areas separated solely by a clear glass partition. An illusion of depth is conjured with the strategic location of the pool beside the yoga room, transforming it into a seemingly infinite waters edge extending from the pool to the waterfront. Unfettered vistas of the waterfront can be witnessed from the turf-laden outdoor balcony, accessible via a spiral staircase leading from the yoga pavilion to the upper level.





The pool area functions as a transient space, facilitating a connection between the intimate yoga room, the lush green surroundings, and the conjoining social space used to host galas and large gatherings. Corten Steel is used to anchor a pocket of green by the pool steps, leading the way to an expanse covered with Ferns, Bromeliads, and a carpet of grass intentionally selected to create a relaxed, unstructured atmosphere. In addition, a liberal amount of Pink Muhly Grass, spineless Agaves, and Monsteras add to the green to reinforce the edge of the pool.

In a bid to attain utmost privacy from the neighbouring plots, inexpensive and slender palms are employed on both sides facing the abutting homes, judicially placed to frame views of the contextual houses.




Evolution is a gradual process, as humans we have been innately bound to seek meaningful interactions that foster a sense of belongingness, especially in a place we call home. A renewed focus on well-being and integrating nature into our lifestyle has created a demand for designing landscapes that enhance the quality of our lives. Simply adding a seating space or a pause point along a meandering path through the yard, one can reconnect with nature and experience the therapeutic benefits of spending time outdoors.




In this sense, the Coronado Residence is a true retreat where the tropical zen landscape design connects you to your core, allowing you to take a pause from the hustle and bustle of urban life. It allows one to pause and dwell on the journey within and curates a mindful space with an ambience that relaxes the senses. With the home as the picture and the landscape design its meticulously curated frame, the Zen ambience has been methodically woven into every corner of the Coronado Residence. The homestead is envisaged as a living space that is gently embraced by nature, or rather, one with nature. The client’s mindful disposition becomes the inspiration for the design journey; and with nature and the nest at such close quarters, the home becomes a sanctuary for the senses.


▽住宅夜景 Residential night view


▽建筑正立面 Front Elevation


▽建筑后院立面 Rear Elevation


▽平面草图 Plan sketch 


▽照明设计平面图 lighting plan




项目名称:Coronado Residence
项目地点:迈阿密 基斯顿群岛
设计公司:Studio Arth
首席设计师:Rituparna Simlai

Project name: Coronado Residence
Project location: Miami Keyston Islands.
Design company: Studio Arth
Company Website: https://www.studioarth.com/.
Chief designer: Rituparna Simlai
Contact: Design@studioarth.com.




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