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Thanks deamicisarchitetti for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by deamicisarchitetti.
deamicisarchitetti:A farmhouse, a garage and a weedy lawn on a slight slope are the existing elements of a property between the hills of Gavi’s territory.

The project is characterized by four elements: a wooden sleepers pavement laying like an embroidery texture, a clay canopy with an iron structure covering an open-air living room, a bio-pool with a stone-wall following the different slopes of the ground and a perfectly mowed flat circle lawn at the center of a slanting flower garden.

该项目试图创建一个多元化的场所,并定义一个明确的使用流程,将其融入到现有功能中。项目中,每个元素不仅解决了一个实际问题,而且还通过具体的设计赋予了新的功能:入口和房屋之间的菱形纹理强化了入口的存在;具有遮蔽作用的舒适 “平台 “成为热情招待的场所;生物池与周围环境相适应的良好状况寓意着健康和休闲;圆形草坪将视线聚焦到更大地域范围内,几何的形状呈现了诗意的效果。
The project tries to create a multiplicity of places and to define a process of uses well identified adding them to the existing functions. Every element of the project not only solves a practical problem but also represents the new use with specific design: the theme of the entrance is represented by the preciousness of the rhomboid textures of the pavement between the entrance gate and the house, the hospitality is expressed by the shelter and comfort of the new “podium”, the wellness and loisir is represented by the wellness with which the bio-pool fits in the surroundings and the lawn circle takes the focus on the large territorial scale where the geometric action assumes a poetic value.
▽具有指示性的入口 The indicative entrance

▽充满诗意的圆形草地 Round grassland full of poetry

The work on the existing elements (building and natural) is crucial in this project: they give or deny value and ultimately this is one of the mainpoint that draws the architectural choices.
▽建筑与自然元素的关系处理 Dealing with the relationship between architecture and natural elements

The row trees is highlighted by the new pavement, whereas the uncertain volume of the garage connected to the canopy, is neutralised and absorbed in a new architecture that becomes the heart of the project. The bio-pool is positioned in a way that has as background the biggest poplar in size and position.

项目地点:意大利 亚历山德里亚
主创设计师:Giacomo De Amicis
设计团队:Luigi Bartoli、Rossella Destefani、Luigi Lorenzi、Bruna Rivolta
图片来源:Alberto Strada
Project name: Country Garden
Completion Year: 2017
Size: 6000 sqm
Project location: Alessandria, Italy
Landscape/Architecture Firm: deamicisarchitetti
Website: www.deamicisarchitetti.it
Contact e-mail: mail@deamicisarchitetti.it
Lead Architects: Giacomo De Amicis
Design Team: Luigi Bartoli, Rossella Destefani, Luigi Lorenzi, Bruna Rivolta
Clients: private
Photo credits: Alberto Strada
“ 对现有建筑和自然元素的处理是建筑最终能否带来价值的关键。”
审稿编辑: Simin
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