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MUSO DESIGN:Plain means pure, simple and unadorned.

To be simple and pure is to be the perfection of excellence in the world.
The Way of Heaven, Chuang Tzu





The concrete is hard and steady, while the wood warm and natural. When combined together, both of them keep the original textures, presenting the most authentic and natural state of materials without any excessive decoration.

Just as what we expect about the state of life, we named it the “Plain Garden”.


▽支模现浇 Cast-in-place formwork

▽庭院平面 Courtyard plan


高楼林立的城市格局、繁忙喧嚣的都市生活,装饰浮华的社会形态;我们正渴望拥抱更加隐秘而轻松的自然场域,寻回纯粹质朴的生活归属。 混泥土及老木料围合的庭院边界,抛弃多余的造型及饰面设计,展现材料自然的空间哲思,拒绝过度装饰,回归材料本真。

Fed up with the monotonous high-rise buildings, the hustle and bustle of city life, as well as the superficial uproar and vanity of the society, we are eager to embrace a more private and relaxed space and return to the nature of life. Here we use concrete and wood to define the boundary of the courtyard, trying to create a space of nature without any excessive decoration.


▽庭院视频 video



庭院入口的转折空间 A turning space at the entrance

混凝土高墙及木材围合的庭院入口。 外面的世界是喧嚣复杂的,但回到自己的院子里则是朴素安静的,从环境到自身直至内心。

The entrance space is enclosed by high concrete walls and timber, which shelter the house from the hustle and bustle of the outside world. When back into the courtyard, you can relax and rejuvenate your body and mind, and find the inner peace.


▽庭院入户 Courtyard entry



Cold and gray, the exposed concrete shows the qualities of simplicity, pureness and solemnity. Highly sensitive to light and shadow, it well captures the changes of light in the space and gives people power and energy.



去坐在那里 Go sit there




At the the end of the side yard that leads to the back yard, a wooden bench stands waiting there, warm and eye-catching against the concrete floor.

Made of wood, the bench and the fence are processed on the site, making the style of the whole courtyard highly unified with wood and concrete.

The quiet and low-key concrete combined with the warm and calm wood highlights the atmosphere of the courtyard.



流水水景 Flowing water feature




The courtyard looks quite different with flowing water.

We always like to have some water features in the yard, regardless of the form and size. Perhaps it symbolizes Chongqing people’s love for and pride in the great rivers of the city.

Small and elegant, the cast-in-place water feature nestles among the gravel and ferns, quiet and saving the trouble of maintenance. Seen from the house or the courtyard, it provides a multi-dimensional beauty.


▽支模现浇 Cast-in-place formwork

▽混凝土嵌入MUSO金属字是木守对每一位业主的责任担当。A metal plate with “MUSO” is embedded in concrete, representing MUSO DESIGN’s responsibility for every client.

▽水景视频 Video of the water feature


在自己的庭院里独享这一份朴素与宁静 Enjoy the simplicity and peace in your own courtyard



Simple and unadorned, raw concrete, featuring the elegance and composure that some modern materials cannot rival, matches the name and the atmosphere of the “Plain Garden” perfectly.

The atmosphere in the courtyard is shaped by the exposed concrete, which shows us the beauty of nature without any excessive decoration.


▽横在自然砾石植物中的水台 Water platform lies among the gravel and plants


静谧的后院空间 Quiet backyard space



The perimeter of the courtyard is enclosed, making it part of the extension between the indoor and the outdoor spaces and providing privacy for the family. The owner can choose to plant some flowers or vegetables here. When the sun is shining, the bright color of the old wood fades away, showing the warmth and traces of time.

Due to changes of natural light, the space looks different every single moment as light and shadow interact.


▽砾石与植物 Gravel and plants


冷峻灰色的清水混凝土 Cold and gray raw concrete


Gray-colored concrete and warm-colored wood dominate the space that is complemented by some green, highlighting the elegance and simple beauty of the space.


▽光斑洒在混泥土上 The sun cast a bright light over the concrete




The placing of concrete needs delicate skills and great patience as well as precise formwork to ensure the even surface, since any small change in the process will display in the finished work.

Therefore, the “simplicity” of exposed concrete is a result of great care and precision.



通往1.5米高花圃的小楼梯 A small staircase leading to a 1.5 meter high flower bed


The staircase is both functional and beautiful. Its graceful gesture highlights the elegant atmosphere, extends the space visually, and establishes the connection.


▽梯步与平台 Stairs and platform


或许楼梯台阶也会给生活带来一些哲思:可以踏着台阶进步;做人做事要脚踏实地 一步一步走 ;也是生活在一个步步高升的空间里面。

Perhaps the stairs will also bring some philosophy to life: you can use the steps to progress; walk forward on the journey of life step by step. It also carries the message that people living here will achieve great success step by step.


▽当光照在木材上 Light shines on the wood


莳花弄草的庭院花圃区域 Garden garden area for planting flowers and grass


The flower beds are mainly planted with perennial flowering plants or evergreen shrubs, which rarely wither even in winter. When spring comes, the garden will be dotted with blooming flowers.





The most authentic expression of materials interprets the beauty of nature —— “simplicity” is a kind of beauty that reflects the true meaning of life.

In the design of “Plain Garden”, using concrete and wood as the main materials is a challenge for us. Having explored the features of concrete and wood, we integrated our understanding of the beauty of raw materials into the design, creating a simple but elegant courtyard space that allows people to experience the true life.


▽施工过程 Construction process



设计团队:MUSO |木守景观
施工团队:MUSO |木守景观
主创设计师: 舒其亚\易超
设计团队: 肖媛\曹腾云|贾娟\李伟

Project: Courtyard of OCT SUMMIT MANSION
Location: OCT SUMMIT MANSION, Yubei District, Chongqing
Area: 120 m2
Landscape Design: MUSO DESIGN
Construction Team: MUSO DESIGN
Responsibility: Conceptual Design and Construction
Chief Designer: Shu Qiya, Yi Chao
Design Team: Xiao Yuan, Cao Tengyun, Jia Juan, Li Wei
Time of Construction: February, 2023



审稿编辑: Maggie

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