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Thanks to Aidlin Darling Design for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text descriptions and photos provided by Aidlin Darling Design.
Aidlin Darling Design:这座独栋别墅坐落在棕榈沙漠外的岩石沙漠高原上,紧紧依偎在巨石群中,俯瞰着科切拉山谷和远处的圣哈辛托山脉。
Aidlin Darling Design:Sited on a rocky desert plateau outside of Palm Desert, this single-family residence is tightly nestled within a constellation of boulders, overlooking the Coachella Valley and the San Jacinto Mountain Range beyond.

The brief from the clients, a couple looking for a retreat in the desert well away from their urban lives, was simple: create a modest home that didn’t remove a single Pinyon tree, embraced the rustic desert climate, and framed the always changing chameleon-like vistas from within.

After camping on the site to intimately observe and absorb—the nuances of the micro-climate, the vast diurnal temperature swings, the specific positioning of the existing trees and sculptural boulders, and to comprehend the power of the ever-changing light conditions on the surrounding mountain ranges—an attitude about the home began to emerge. The home would perform as a simple framing device for the occupant to observe the dynamic surrounding terrain. The structure would be exceedingly quiet and crisp in its geometry, intentionally contrasting the organic forms of the desert, and very low to the ground to minimize its presence.

1. 浮动的屋顶平面
2. 一组木质的结构体
3. 两堵混凝土锚墙
The diagram of the home is a triptych of elements:
1. A floating roof plane
2. A collection of wooden volumes
3. Two concrete anchor walls

屋顶平面 Roof Plane
The square floating roof performs numerous functions. On the climatic side, it hovers over the home providing respite from the beating sun both in its opaque form and as a porous wooden lattice. A singular aperture is carved out of the roof plane, framing the dramatic sky above while providing the pool area below with ample sun exposure.

木质结构 Wooden Volumes
Below the roof plane reside seven rectilinear volumes that contain the home’s program. Conceptually they began as a singular rectilinear mass that splits apart and slides out into the landscape to maximize the experience of the surrounding terrain and create a critical open space in the center of the home. This space would become both the entry and the dining room. A location for the public and private spaces to meet. A place to break bread, and capture both sunrise and sunset as well as breezes rising up the hillside and through the house.

混凝土锚墙 Concrete Anchor Walls
尽管木制结构容纳了住宅的关键功能,但从车库到住宅的入口是由两面混凝土墙衔接起来的。 它们并置在一起,中间形成一个空隙,以将居住者引入住宅的玻璃门入口处。 平行的混凝土墙不仅框住了入口和外面的餐厅,最重要的是它也框柱了东面和下方科切拉山谷的壮丽景色。
While the wooden volumes house the critical program for the home, the entry sequence from garage to house is articulated by the orientation and form of two concrete entry walls. They are intentionally juxtaposed to create a void between them, ultimately guiding the occupant to the glazed entry of the home. The parallel concrete walls not only frame the entry and the dining room beyond but most importantly the heroic view to the East and the Coachella Valley below.

材料选择 Materiality
The materials of the home were chosen to quietly contrast with the lighter palette of the desert landscape. The blackened wood siding is pine wood that is acetylated, burnt, wire-brushed, stained and sealed. All of these treatments are intended to provide a highly textured finish that is both bug and rot resistant and minimizes movement within a climate known for its large diurnal temperature swings. The interior is a collage of concrete, wood, stone, and steel, each responding to its immediate application to maximize durability while providing the home with warmth and a soulful nesting quality.

▽草图 Sketch design

▽总平面 Site Plan

▽建筑平面布置图 Handrawn-Floor Plan

▽剖面图 Profile

项目地点:美国 加利福尼亚州 棕榈沙漠
建筑设计公司:Aidlin Darling Design
首席设计:Aidlin Darling Design
设计团队:Joshua Aidlin,Adam Rouse,Ben Damron,Sarah Kia,Jeff LaBoskey
室内设计:客户 + Aidlin Darling Design
家具与艺术选择:FAD Architecture Design
承包商:D.W. Johnston Construction Inc.
结构工程:Strandberg Engineering
机械顾问:Monterey Energy Group
岩土工程:Sladden Engineering
土木工程 + 测量:Feiro Engineering, Inc.
低压系统:Custom Controls
图片来源 1:Adam Rouse
图片来源 2:Joe Fletcher
Project name: High Desert Retreat
Completion Year: 2019
Size: 3100 square feet
Project location: Palm Desert, California, USA
Landscape/Architecture Firm: Aidlin Darling Design (Architect)
Website: aidlindarlingdesign.com
Contact e-mail: gb@aidlindarlingdesign.com
Lead Architects: Aidlin Darling Design
Design Team:Joshua Aidlin,Adam Rouse,Ben Damron,Sarah Kia ,Jeff LaBoskey
Interiors: Client + Aidlin Darling Design
Furniture and Art Selection: FAD Architecture Design
Contractor: D.W. Johnston Construction Inc.
Structural Engineer: Strandberg Engineering
Mechanical Consultant: Monterey Energy Group
Geotechnical Engineer: Sladden Engineering
Civil Engineer + Surveyor: Feiro Engineering, Inc.
Low-Voltage Systems: Custom Controls
Photo credits 1: Adam Rouse
Photographer’s website: https://www.adamrousephotography.com/
Photo credits 2: Joe Fletcher
Photographer’s website: https://joefletcher.com/
“ 设计利用野生环境独特且自然的景观效果,打造了一个与环境和谐共生且远离城市喧嚣的乡野住宅。”
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