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Thanks to Cumulus Studio for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text descriptions and photos provided by Cumulus Studio.
Cumulus Studio:新的恶魔角酒庄和瞭望台位于澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚东海岸的景观大道上,坐落在当地最大的葡萄园之一内,可以纵览弗雷西内半岛全景。布琅兄弟的这个项目于2015年 12月重新开放,旨在增强这一标志性景观的体验感,在塔斯马尼亚东海岸创造一种新的旅游体验。
Cumulus Studio:Located on the scenic drive along Tasmania’s East Coast, the new Devil’s Corner Cellar Door and Lookout sits within one of Tasmania’s largest vineyards, with a panoramic view over the Freycinet Peninsula. Reopened in December 2015, this project for Brown Brothers seeks to amplify the experience of this iconic view to create a new tourism experience on the East Coast of Tasmania.

Originally a small demountable building, the Cellar Door has been extended and expanded, paired with a lookout and complimentary food experiences, providing a backdrop for seasonal events. The Cellar Door and Lookout were designed as a loose collection of timber clad buildings that, through similar aesthetic and material treatment, form a modern interpretation of traditional farm / rural settlement that gather over time.

▽俯瞰葡萄园的酒庄 Devil’s Den overlooking the vineyard

The Cellar Door & food market have been collected around a courtyard space which allows shelter and respite from the surrounding environment, while allowing views through the tasting space to the Hazards beyond and access to open deck spaces.
▽庭院空间 Courtyard space

Through the careful placement of a series of timber clad shipping containers, visitors are invited to visually explore the landscape within and around the vineyard through curated framed views.

▽品酒、看风景 Enjoy a wine tasting and the views

▽在画框中享受美酒 Enjoying wine in this picture framed spot

▽品酒室外的视野 View from The Hazards Tasting room

瞭望台是设计的关键组成部分,它不仅成为了一个视觉标志,而且也是阐释Devil’s Corner葡萄酒起源的一种景观处理方式。就像通过感受葡萄酒的微妙之处和不同的“口感”来品鉴葡萄酒一样,也可以通过多种方式来欣赏风景,瞭望台的设计便源于此想法。三个不同的空间参照了场地上不同的独特景观——首先是”天空”,然后是”地平线”,最后是”塔楼”,塔楼内部蜿蜒向上,为每个途径点提供观景视野,最终到达顶峰俯瞰海湾广阔的视野。
The lookout element is a critical component of the design, not only in providing a visual signifier for the settlement but also as a way of interpreting the landscape from which the Devil’s Corner wines originate. In the same way that an appreciation of wine can be gained through understanding its subtleties and varying ‘in-mouth’ sensations, there are many ways landscape can be appreciated. The lookout plays with this idea. The three distinct spaces reference different and unique views of the site – firstly the SKY, then the HORIZON and lastly the TOWER which winds its way upward providing views to each of the compass points before culminating in an elevated and expansive view of the bay.
▽晨曦中的酒庄 Devil’s Den at sunrise

通过创造一个动态的风景瞭望台并提供相关设施,游客们被这座新的Devil’s Corner酒庄标志性建筑所吸引。
By creating a dynamic scenic lookout and providing associated facilities, visitors are drawn to the new upgraded cellar door for the Devil’s Corner wine label.

Steel was an ideal material for the project as it allowed for a large amount of structure to be prefabricated off-site, providing timing and logistics advantages for the remote location. The underlying structure of the buildings and tower for the Devil’s Corner is made from repurposed and adapted shipping containers, chosen not only because of their easily transportable modular size, but also because of their structural integrity and steel’s inherent flexibility and ability to be modified. A total of 10 containers have been used – 5 in the lookout and 5 in the market area.

集装箱的整体强度使其成为建造瞭望台的最佳选择,特别是能够将建筑结构运送到现场并快速安装。每个集装箱都以不同的方式进行了改造——曲柄式的 “天空”瞭望台由集装箱的两个部分切割并重新组装而成;”地平线 “瞭望台尽管有一面被切割,但仍能在陆地和 “塔 “之间架起桥梁;“塔式”瞭望台由两个集装箱首尾相连构成,集装箱内部的一个钢板楼梯蜿蜒而上,经过两侧凸出的平台。当参观者沿着塔楼向上移动时,这些平台提供了观景视野;黑色的钢盒框架固定在集装箱上,悬挑在葡萄园上方。
The integral strength of the containers made them a perfect choice in the construction of the lookout in particular, enabling the structure of the building to be delivered to site and erected quickly. Each container has been modified in various ways – the cranked ‘sky’ lookout cut from two parts of a container and reassembled; the ‘horizon’ lookout which is able to bridge between land and the ‘tower’ despite one side being cut out; and the ‘tower’ lookout constructed from two containers end on end, inside of which a steel plate stair winds its way up past projecting landings on each side. These landings provide views over the landscape as the viewer moves up the tower; the black steel box frames fixed to the container and cantilevering over the vineyard.

Craned into position in parts, the lookout’s structural integrity relies on all of the pieces locking in together. The design deliberately reverses the typical aesthetic treatment of steel. Rather than cladding the building in steel, it has been expressed internally, revealing the raw, industrial nature of the construction and hinting at the industrial underpinning of the production process. The external timber cladding (which acts as an visual screen only) plays on the rural / agricultural qualities of the site, with the internal steel skin being revealed in a consistent manner through the expression of each of the openings – the apertures in the lookout and opening to the cellar door.

▽场地总平面图 Site plan
▽酒窖楼层平面图 Cellar door floor plan
▽瞭望台楼层平面图 Lookout floor plan
▽瞭望台东立面 Lookout eastern elevation
▽瞭望台南立面 Lookout southern elevation
项目名称:Devil’s Corner
项目位置: 澳大利亚 塔斯马尼亚 Sherbourne大道
建筑设计:Cumulus工作室(Peter Walker、Liz Walsh、Andrew Geeves、Fiona McMullen、Todd Henderson)
摄影师:Tanja Milbourne
建筑测量师:Castellan Consulting
旅游顾问:Simon Currant
酒店顾问:David Quon
环境顾问:Red Sustainability Consultants
建造单位:Anstie Constructions
Project Name: Devil’s Corner
Address: Sherbourne Road, Apslawn,Tasmania Australia
Construction: August to December 2015
Total: 572m2
1.Lookout: 112m2
2.Cellar Door & Market Area: 460m2
Architects: Cumulus Studio (Peter Walker, Liz Walsh, Andrew Geeves, Fiona McMullen, Todd Henderson)
Photographer: Tanja Milbourne
Structural Engineering: Aldanmark
Building Surveyor: Castellan Consulting
Tourism Consultant: Simon Currant
Hospitality Consultant: David Quon
Environmental: Red Sustainability Consultants
Builder: Anstie Constructions
更多 Read more about:Cumulus Studio