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Thanks ToThree for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by ToThree.
图石设计:“飞龙出峡驾春江,崭然头角当海门。” 海门,隶属江苏省南通市,地处长江入海口、南北支交汇处北岸,因江海之门户而得其名。我们的项目基地居海门西南一隅,离长江口仅三公里。在这样一个特殊的地理位置上,我们完成了《海门有龙》这件公共艺术作品。
ToThree: Haimen, located in Nantong city of Jiangsu Province, is at the mouth of Changjiang, the place where two tributary rivers flow together, so it is also the origin of this name.This project’s base is at the south-west corner of Haimen, which is only three kilometers away from the mouth of Yangtze. We successfully finished the art “Dragon Bridge” based on the special geographical location.
▼项目视频 Project video
“Dragon Bridge” is the second design of Dragon collection, which is also a public art combining design with construction by ourselves. It continues the basic idea of“Rolling dragon”finished in 2017, which is a way to control the Yangtze e in the angle and thus form a dynamic trend according to a parametric analysis of the painting “Nine Dragons” using unvaried single elements. These basic elements are same in terms of color, shapes and material, which show variety in the structure based in an organized system. Meanwhile, the dynamic trend is also strengthened by the reflection of light and shadow, and thus presenting an attractive picture.
▼基地区位图 Base area bitmap
This is a setting design in public art. At the center of a sinking yard, the landscape designer sets up a unique bridge connecting the ground floor and the sinking yard, which creates an idea that a dragon splashing around in water.
ToThree has been commissioned by Nantong Vanke to design the public art about an image of dragon in the yard. Therefore, we try to consider and form an idea in our mind according to the background.
▼公共艺术《汉江楚水化苍龙》 Public art : Rolling Dragon
▼景观设计效果图 Landscape design renderings

We hope the image, a dragon, is powerful and energetic, which is not only the retrospection of the Eastern tradition, but also an attention to the present. It shows the origin of civilization we seek to by modern technology, meanwhile, shows the essence of the Eastern and the beauty of modern art.
▼艺术装置鸟瞰 Aerial view of art installation
This installation is made up of 6800 six-sided copper plates which the scale and color are totally same. They are intersected with each plate and grow horizontally following the dragon’s image. However, the angle to install of six-sided copper plates is different. According to a particular part of the painting “Nine Dragons” being drew by Rong CHEN, a famous painter from the Song dynasty, we produce a result based on the data to control the change in the angle, and thus forming a dynamic trend in the surface of these copper plates.
▼数据化结果控制的角度变化,塑造出表皮上的动势 The angle change controlled by the digitized result shapes the momentum on the epidermis
In terms of the width of these modules, the setting in the scale makes each module can be designed to suit to the main part, although the change in the body of public art is huge.
▼构成单元层叠安装 Component stacking installation
This creates a highly complete installation which can be regarded as a high degree of pure public art being made of unvaried single element from the inside to the outside.
In terms of the body’s setting, this installation seems to be a body part of the dragon which can through the wall and ford the river, exactly like a dragon being drew in the painting “Nine Dragons”.
The first dragon in the picture takes a flying leap from a grotto and its front and back can be seen completely. The dragon takes hold of a large stone, makes a side-step across the river and stays long-awaited. This view can be named as “Dragon flying out of the valley across the river in the spring”.
▼南宋陈容 《九龙图》局部–第一龙 Southern Song Dynasty Chen Rong “Nine Dragons Picture” Part-The First Dragon
The second dragon makes a sudden rush and soars overhead in the sky, which recedes into the sky and exits together with the frog. It looks in a different direction and seductively looks toward the first dragon. The dynamic trend “Dragon Bridge” being showed seems to make the bridge jump into the picture.
▼ 南宋陈容 《九龙图》局部–第二龙 Southern Song Dynasty Chen Rong “Nine Dragons Picture” Part-The Second Dragon
The bridge located in still water fronts the center of the yard, which seems like spreading over the painting “Nine Dragons”. A group of dragons are emerging from the picture.
This installation shaped like a dragon in the yard presents various changes in the different conditions with light and shadow.
▼ 不同光线下的艺术装置 Art installation in different light
Standing at the yard as the sun rises and glints in the sky, you can see that the change in the light and shadow is vividly presented in those copper plates.
In a hot sunny day, the clouds masses, whipped up by the wind.
When it is near the end of the day, the sun is sinking with a silver shinning far off to the west.
When the moon rises and the sun sets, the bright lights gradually become a circle of light and the dragon is also given energy in the dark.
The change in the light and shadow will be presented in the bridge whatever at the day or night. In the moment, the view makes people felt that the dragon is flying at the sky and moving through between the pond and the gorge.
This pubic art is also a bridge connecting the upper space with the lower space, which attracts people to come into the yard and makes them climbed the bridge eagerly to completely see the view.
Seeing the scenery on the bridge, you will be a part of the beauty.
Exactly like the inscription in the “Nine Dragons” the empire wrote, the dragon’s imagery we designed is almost similar to the prototype of a dragon in its feature and details.
However, the importance is to create a positive, powerful and energetic spiritual values which can be regarded as not only a kind of modern expression about the Eastern tradition, but also a reproduction of traditional elements according to the modernist spirit. The public art helps us recall the past memory about this city, which expresses respect to the origin of Chinese culture and builds modern times of the Eastern on the land derived from the sea.
后记:海门有龙养成记 Epilogue: Dragon Bridge’s Story
基本单位的构成关系 Constituting relation of the basic units
The whole process experienced a huge challenge. This curved bridge has a large change in its shape and trend, which means that the first problem we have to face is the shape and the constituting relation of the basic units that depend on the construction of the bridge and the dynamic trend in the surface. In a short distance away, the body of the bridge not only is simply plastered with the basic units according to the state of being curved, but shows a combination of the dynamic trend. The parametric analysis of “Nine Dragons” is presented in the surface of the bridge by our design, which clearly deliver the attitude to art. It means that the visual effects depend on the origin of culture.
▼ 《海门有龙》的参数化构建形成了一个庞大的电池组,装置的各个组件被分别控制,以适应频繁的推敲和调整。优化处理过的《九龙图》局部作为数据源(画面左侧),控制数量巨大的基础组件形成角度变化,创造表皮动势。 The parametric construction of “Haimen There are Dragons” forms a huge battery pack, and each component of the device is controlled separately to adapt to frequent scrutiny and adjustments. The optimized part of the “Nine-Dragon Picture” is used as the data source (left side of the screen) to control the huge number of basic components to form angle changes and create epidermal momentum.
▼ 白模模式下,整体看表皮动势 In the white mode, look at the epidermis as a whole
▼ 《九龙图》局部的参数化结果,控制构成单元角度,形成的表皮动势。近处观看,光影呈现出丰富的变化。 The partial parameterization results of “Nine-Dragon Picture” control the angle of the constituent units and the resulting epidermal momentum. Viewed from close, the light and shadow show rich changes.
▼ 《九龙图》全图 “Nine-Dragon Picture” full picture
To balance the dynamic trend and make each basic unit can be employed in the body of the bridge, we used an extensible hexagon as a primary figure to avoid the basic units became interlocked, and thus connecting the basic units with the main body to reach a balance between the structure and the visual effects.
▼局部打样 Local proofing
We selected suitable tangibility and carefully thought about the structure based on a printer’s copy of a sample.
▼桥身动势变化 Changes in the bridge body
安装结构的选择 Selection of the structure to install
The second problem is how each basic unit connects with the main body and what kind of the medium being attached to the bridge. We hope the public art can be covered with the scalelike units from the inside to the outside.
Through discussion and carful thinking about the sketch, we decided to form a structure that the keel being plastered with two layers of the skin. The structure helps conserve manpower when installing although the structure may use much material. We will get the highly complete visual effects from any perspectives.
▼总体结构关系示意 Schematic diagram of overall structural relationship
桥面坡度的协调 Balance in the degree of slope
The public art also take responsibility as a bridge. The sinking yard is 29 meters in width and 6.7 meters in height, which makes the entire slope of the bridge reached 18 per cent that has been above the standard slope, 15 per cent.
▼增设台阶 Add a step
We changed a part of the bridge into six steps from the ground of the sinking yard, which reasonably helps the dragon bridge satisfy the requirement for passing through giving increased traction in the ground.
We intentionally leave the structural section as visible edges, to let the structure be exposed. Together with the handrails, it creates a sense of constructional aesthetic.
The round U-shaped groove smoothly opens a door on the bridge, connecting the scales in a safer and natural way.
▼实施公共艺术改造后,支起的鳞片纵深变化很大,通过圆环型的U型槽处理收口 After the implementation of the public art transformation, the depth of the scales that were set up changed greatly, and the closed U-shaped groove was used to deal with it
All the scales are riveted on the structure with screws can be easily installed.
▼简便的安装方式 Easy installation
▼台阶与鳞片的自然交接 Natural connection of steps and scales
▼装置与墙面的诚实对话 Honest dialogue between installation and wall
▼桥体两侧的线状灯槽 Linear light troughs on both sides of the bridge
造价的平衡 Balance the cost
《海门有龙》作为庭院中的视觉核心,有非常大的投入,但它毕竟是一个景观工程的构成部分,以恰当的方式来完成对造价的平衡,也是我们需要面临的另一个问题。现在能够看到的龙桥是6800片基本构成单位形成的一个整体,这个是一个兼顾到视觉和造价的平衡结果,实际上最早的设计状态里面是由9000个基本构成单位,但是这会突破造价预算。整个过程中方案甚至一度退回到单面安装鳞片,内侧封板的处理方式。这个和我们最初的设定出现了比较大的偏差 ,我们与内部的落地施工团队讨论了很多降低造价的方式,比如变化麟片的大小,改变表面质感,改变材料厚度……但这些看似微小的调整,带来是一些新的问题。
As the project is included in the budget of landscape construction, which is very limited, how to balance the cost is another task we need to solve. Because the installation is a huge hanging passage formed by 6800 plates, what you see now is the result after balancing visual effect and cost.
▼龙桥由6800片基本构成单位构成 Dragon Bridge is composed of 6800 basic building blocks
Reducing the number of metal scales is a good choice. We lowered the height of the inner guarding side of the passage by one layer and shortened the length of the bridge by 2 meters, reducing the number of scales from 9000 to 6800 in the end, without much influence on the overall effect.
▼优化前后的对比,底下为定稿数量,整体效果未受到太大的影响 The comparison before and after optimization, the number of finalized drafts below, the overall effect has not been greatly affected
▼长度的调整 Length adjustment
Among all the tasks in preceding this project, we’ve always prioritized the completion of the installation, ensuring the integrity of the design, while controlling the cost, we also.
建造的具体调整 Constructional adjustment
When the structural calculation was done, the construction also commenced simultaneously.
▼激光切割工序&二次精细加工&备料场地 Laser cutting process & secondary fine processing & material preparation site
After 20 days of production at factory, the installation was getting ready. As the main body of the bridge is 27m at length 43 tons at weight, the hoisting is challenging.
Restricted by the conditions on the site, the hoisting machinery could only operate 60 meters away from the sunken courtyard. In the end it took two hoisting machinery of 150 tons and 80 tons capacity, plus one on-site tower crane to make it happen.
▼整体吊装前的施工动员&吊装跨度达到了65米 Construction mobilization before overall hoisting & hoisting span reached 65 meters
▼起吊时刻&焊接固定 Lifting time & welding fixed
Next step was the auxiliary keel the dragon, which requires the workers to install all the keels in the determined positions according to the number.
▼ 桥面铺设&副龙骨的安装 Bridge deck laying & auxiliary keel installation
During installing, we found that the slope of the bridge was still quite high, and it was because of the wrong foundation elevation of the site. Quickly reset the base elevation in the model space, and balanced the slope by adjusting the steps from 6 to 17, finally we brought the slope back to the standard.
▼调整后台阶数量后,桥坡和台阶的过渡位置在桥体最大转折处,形成了更好的步行节奏 After adjusting the number of steps, the transition position between the bridge slope and the steps is at the largest turning point of the bridge, forming a better walking rhythm
One week later, finally came to the scales. As the scales were installed on the bridge piece by piece, the dragon slowly came to life. It grew fuller with strength. A giant dragon is about to rise and fly to the sky.
▼10%&30%&50%&70%& 95%鳞片安装 10%&30%&50%&70%&95% scale installation
Echoing our design philosophy, it’s exactly how we preceded the details in this project: simple in methods, clear in intention, open and free.
▼100% 定妆照 100% set makeup photo
At this point, the dragon bridge has been completely developed.
The original landscape component transformed into a piece of public art that integrating cultural origins, visual tension and contemporary spirit.
Project name: Vanke origin
Location:Nantong City, Jiangsu Province, China
Client: Nantong Vanke
Design management: Shi DONG, Zhongbo MA, Xiaoli ZHU, Lei LIU, Chaoran SUN, Jun Lang
Design: ToThree Design
Artistic Director: Yang HE
Design Team: Rui ZHANG, Peinan ZHANG, Chao MEI, Xuhui JIANG
Construction: ToThree Art Studio
Landscape Design:Zhongdi Design
Other Majors: G·ART Interior Architecture Design, HH Architecture Design, ZOE Lighting Design.
Design Period: April 2021
Photo Credits: Yang He, Peinan Zhang
Picture of construction site provided by Rui Zhang, Zhongbo Ma, Xiaoping Lu, Junhuang Zhu
“ 在这件集视觉张力与当代化精神的公共艺术作品上,我们看到了图石一向倡导的创作方法,简明,清晰,开放,自由。”
审稿编辑:王琪 -Maggie
更多 Read more about: To Three 图石设计