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Batlleiroig:高速列车(TGV)在 Vilafranca del Penedès 市中心的通行利用了现有的铁路布局,与 Renfe 的现有轨道并排而行。这组新铁轨占据了市中心的重要空间,其覆盖层为重新设计城市、确定和巩固城市结构创造了条件。
Batlleiroig:The passage of the high-speed train (TGV) in the city center of Vilafranca del Penedès takes advantage of the existing railway layout and is placed alongside the current tracks of Renfe. The new set of tracks occupies a very important space in the center of the city, and its covering establishes the chance of redesigning the city and defining and consolidating its urban structure.

The covering of the tracks allows the recovery of a large free space that runs along with the city, creating a space of new urban centrality, which makes the railway station more accessible to all citizens.

项目所在区域有潜力改善铁路布局,并加强火车与城市之间的环境关系,但目前,这种关系因噪音和车站的存在而严重恶化。维拉弗兰卡市也被火车轨道及其站台分为了两个区域。现在,这一新的公共空间将在这两个区之间形成一条新的城市连接线,预计扩展面积为 11 公顷,长度为 2 公里。连通性的改善和新公共空间的恢复将实现 Vilafranca del Penedès 市民长期以来的期盼。
This area has the opportunity to improve the railway’s layout enhancing the environmental relationship between the train and the city, which, at the moment, is very deteriorated by noise and the presence of catenaries. Vilafranca is currently divided into two sectors due to these train tracks and their platforms. This new public space will allow a new urban connection between the two sectors of an estimated extension of 11 Ha and 2 kilometers in length. The improvement in connectivity and the recovery of the new public space is a new urban condition that has long been desired by the citizens of Vilafranca del Penedès.

The project of the large urban park includes multiple uses such as sports areas, play areas, urban gardens, parking areas, fairground, amphitheater, and multiple groves. The groves have special importance since they give this space distinct quality.

The structure of the new civic axis is proposed with an asymmetric section and a single track located on the side of the roof. The road is transformed into a large tree-lined promenade where active and sustainable mobility gains prominence, subtracting space from motorized mobility. The space of use for people acquires a greater dimension, housing the largest number of trees possible located mainly in the space available next to the underground railway infrastructure.

The promenade is dressed with a great variety of trees along the entire route to complement the existing large pine trees. The project intentionally encourages the presence of deciduous species due to their high effectiveness in improving the bioclimatic conditions of walking areas. The trees with large lobed and patterned leaves make it possible to avoid the heating of the paved surfaces of the performance, improving the ability to reduce the air temperature through evapotranspiration, during the hours of greatest solar irradiation.

The project is committed to converting the space gained into a biodiverse garden compatible with the existing infrastructure in the subsoil. A garden to walk through along naturalized paths finished in compacted earth, surrounded by a great variety of shrub plants, next to a huge green meadow of unique proportions in the center of the city.

The new garden makes it possible to convert the entire coverage space into a large bioclimatic regulator composed of granular and plant materials that minimize the heating of the surfaces and improve the absorption and retention capacity of rainwater. The humidification of the subsoil improves the development of the vegetation and contributes to the reduction of the air temperature by evapotranspiration. The result is a place full of life, with a seasonal character, which softens the environmental conditions in the hottest times, and improves the air quality of the adjoining neighborhoods in the center of the city.

目前,在该项目规划的 11 公顷土地中,已经完成了 5.8 公顷。第一阶段种植了 400 多棵树,使透水面积增加了两倍,并创造了一个新的城市中心空间,供所有市民娱乐和享用。
Currently, a total of 5.8 hectares of the eleven planned in the project have been executed. This first phase has meant the planting of more than 400 trees, has tripled the permeable surface and has allowed the creation of a new space of urban centrality for recreation and the enjoyment of all citizens.
▽设计图纸 Design Drawings

项目名称:Eix de la via
客户:Vilafranca del Penedès city council
设计:Batlleiroig Arquitectura
团队:建筑师 Enric Batlle、Joan Roig,建筑师和景观设计师 Joan Batlle Blay、Livia Valentini,农业工程师和景观设计师 Dolors Feu、农业工程师 Yago Cavaller Galí
合作者: SBS Simón i Blanco – Engineering
图片来源:Jordi Surroca(http://www.jordisurroca.com/)
Project Name: Eix de la via
Area: 23.979 m2
Start and completion date: 2014 – 2016
Location: Vilafranca del Penedès, Barcelona
Client: Vilafranca del Penedès city council
Authors: Batlleiroig Arquitectura
Enric Batlle, Joan Roig – Architects
Team: Joan Batlle Blay, Livia Valentini – Architects and landscape architects, Dolors Feu – Agricultural engineer and landscape architect, Yago Cavaller Galí – Agricultural engineer
Collaborators: SBS Simón i Blanco – Engineering
Builder: Rogasa
Photo credits: Jordi Surroca (http://www.jordisurroca.com/)
“ 项目充分利用高速列车轨道覆盖层打造城市公共空间,从布局上改善了原本被轨道分割的城市结构,新的城市公园和林荫长廊为市民创造了更加便捷的休闲娱乐之地,并有效调节了城市的生态环境和气候条件。”
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