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Daxing Jizi Design: The spatial installation “Floating Pavilion,” created by Daxing Jizi Design, is presented at the 3rd Public Urban Festival “Let’s Gala” held at Longgang Vanke Plaza in Shenzhen. The artfully-arranged matrix of glowing pavilions illuminates the square during the night, transforming the everyday urban space into a captivating realm filled with fantasy and creativity, and turning it into a public place brimming with emotions and vitality.
▽空间艺术装置“光之浮想”Public art installation “Floating Pavilion”

▽在休憩与浮想间激发城市公共生活的更多可能性 To inspire more possibilities of urban public life in relaxation and contemplation

The installations’ organic forms and the immersive radiance offer an excellent place for relaxation and contemplation in the evening. It stimulates resonance and connections with local culture, and seeks to explore more possibilities for urban public life.
▽点亮夜晚广场的光亭装置 The light pavilions Illuminate the night square

▽充满幻想色彩与创造力的场景体验 The installations create a captivating realm filled with fantasy and creativity

灵感:另一种场域的介入 Inspiration: Intervention of Another Domain
“光之浮想”的创作灵感来自远古时期就已存在的海洋浮游生物——水母。 受水母轻盈的伞状形态及丰富色彩的启发,作品将目光投向“浮想”的自由空间与“光”的超现实体验。 在这里,“浮想”并不是简单对自然生命体的拟态表达,而是在具象与抽象之间寻找一种可能性,将时空中另一维度的存在和情绪带入“此时此刻”,并以此为媒介,思考和重塑人与人、人与城市、人与自然之间的多重关系。
“Floating Pavilion” draws inspiration from ancient marine plankton – the jellyfish. Inspired by the jellyfish’s graceful umbrella-like form and various colors, the installations focuses on creating a free space for “floating thoughts” and a surreal experience of light. The design is not simply a imitation of natural life forms but an exploration of possibilities between realism and abstraction. It brings another dimension of existence and emotions into the present moment, serving as a medium to rethink and reshape the multiple relationships between people, city, and nature.
▽设计手稿 Design manuscript

▽轻盈多彩的“光之浮想”Inspired by jellyfish, the installations present a graceful umbrella-like form

▽气膜材料形成曲面结构 Translucent inflatable film forms a lightsome, curved surface

▽多彩而柔和的渐变编程灯光 Colorful and soft gradient programmed lighting

一组曲线圆润、静谧而沉默的发光体柔和地介入夜晚的城市公共空间,衍生出一片具有极大包容性的场所。 轻柔笼罩的光场消解了广场与道路的喧嚣与纷杂,过滤了周遭炫目的城市灯光,营造出天然的冥想氛围,人们得以走进“水母”的身体,仰望、徜徉、休憩,经历一段“减速”的片刻,在色彩的渐变中获得诗意的感受和无尽的遐想空间。
A group of luminous structures with smooth curves and serene aura gently intervenes in the city’s public space at night, creating a place of great inclusiveness. The soft and embracing light dissolves the clamor and bustle of the square and roads, filtering out the dazzling city lights around, and creating a tranquil atmosphere for contemplation. People can enter the body of the “jellyfish,” gazing upwards, wandering, resting, having a moment of “deceleration,” and experiencing poetic sensations and boundless imaginative space in the gradual change of colors.
▽装置营造出天然的冥想氛围 The installation creates a natural meditative atmosphere

▽在色彩渐变中共度诗意的片刻 People share a poetic moments in the gradient colors

In the context of public events, the installations adopts a completely open attitude, offering a delightful space for “in-person social contact” that encourages people of all ages to explore the installation and its surroundings spontaneously. It accommodates a diverse range of activities, helping to restore the warmth and vitality of the community, and facilitating the process of reconnecting, reflecting and exploring our shared future.
▽充满乐趣的“近景社交”空间 A delightful space for “in-person social contact”

▽探索与互动 Explore and interact

实践:与光影的幻想邂逅 Practice: Fantasy Encounters of Light
The site for this year’s Public Urban Festival is located at the bustling central square of Longgang district, which has relatively traditional functions. Our strategy is to activate the original site through the design of the installations, and temporarily transform it into an artful park filled with fantasy, as well as a venue for night-time public cultural events.
▽介入商业广场的光亭装置 The light pavilion installations intervenes into the square

▽通过公共艺术手法激活原有地块 Activate the site through public art installations
Two different scales of luminous structures form a composition of “1+3” including one large pavilion and three medium-sized pavilions. The translucent inflatable film covers the metal frame of the pavilions, forming a lightsome, curved surface that presents a hazy texture when light penetrates through. The material’s sunshade and waterproof characteristics make the pavilions temporary shelters for the unpredictable summer weather in the South.
▽装置日间形态 The installations during the daytime

▽装置夜间形态 The installations during the nighttime

▽装置结构 Structure of the installation

The color of the film surfaces take inspiration from natural organisms, presenting delightful shades of green, purple, and yellow. The programmed lighting system within utilizes full-spectrum RGB lamps, enabling colors to slowly shift over time. The rhythmic “breathing” frequency, set at every six seconds, synchronizes with the floating rhythm of deep-sea jellyfish as well as human breathing, offering a unique and vibrant experience.
▽缓慢“呼吸”的全色域编程灯光 The slow “breathing” full-spectrum programmed lighting system

▽充满生机的色彩感受 Vibrant colors sensations

The jellyfish-like metal framework and straps are traced with bright orange lines, creating a consistent color scheme. The straps serve as the primary support structure for the installations’ film surfaces, allowing for flexible and effective adaptation to various weather and environmental changes. During hot summer days, the adjustable straps accommodate the expansion and contraction of the film surfaces between day and night. When encountering extreme weather like a typhoon, the film structure can be deflated and tied to the metal frame with the straps to ensure the installations’ safety and stability.
▽绑带及稳固的金属框架结构 Straps and stable metal frames

The core structure of the installation is a large pavilion with a diameter of 7 meters and a height of 5.5 meters, creating a visual focal point as a landmark. This pavilion offers a scale that can be looked up to, resembling a giant jellyfish in the deep sea, immersing people in a world of fantasy between light and shadow. The sound installation integrated within the pavilion adds a richer experience from the auditory perspective.
▽仰望大型光亭内部 Looking up inside the large light pavilion

Surrounding the large pavilion, three medium-sized pavilions with a diameter of 3.5 meters and a height of 2.5 meters are arranged in the positions of equilateral triangles. These pavilions are designed to be closer to the human body’s scale, encouraging people to actively explore and interact, and becoming a part of the installations.
▽围绕大型光亭分布的中型光亭 Medium-sized light pavilions around the large pavilion

▽中型光亭以更加接近人身体的尺度鼓励互动 Medium-sized pavilions are designed to be closer to the human body’s scale, encouraging people to interact

▽在探索和穿梭间成为装置的一部分 Explore and become a part of the installations

In the design proposal, three small-scale “jellyfish” with a diameter of 1.75 meters each, are flexibly distributed within the matrix. These small loungers are filled with liquid luminescent material, providing a resilient structure that offers a ideal resting spot, filling the void of lacking public resting facilities in the square. However, this concept was not able to be realized this time due to the on-site management requirements. We hope there will be opportunities in the future to fully realize the concept of “public furniture.”
▽三种尺度的装置设计效果图 Rendering of the Installations in three scales

As the summer heat gradually subsides at night, people naturally draw closer to the installations, sharing a slow and serene moment in this illuminated space. The structure of inflatable film gently floats amidst the night, looks soft and relaxed; the slowly changing halo is transparent and colorful, veiled with another layer of mystery, and within the brightness lies yet another layer of brightness. We invite people to join us in this floating reverie, journeying through billions of years in the depths of the sea and the universe, where shoals of fish gracefully flow like stars in the sky. Let our thoughts temporarily escape from the everyday distractions, and ascend with radiance.
▽装置现场 The glowing installations

重思:弥合、连接与共振 Reflection: Bridging, Connecting and Resonating
Daxing Jizi Design’s exploration and practice of public art installations lie between the “hardware” of architectural design and the “software” of artistic expression. Our works often draw inspiration from nature, using light as a medium to create a warm and approachable atmosphere, seeking a balance between aesthetics and functionality, and aiming to find strategies that captivate and invite the public to engage with the installations.
▽融于日常的光亭装置 Light pavilions Integrate into everyday life

在社交媒体蚕食日常生活的今天,城市生活往往显得单调、琐碎、孤独而割裂。大星吉子通过直接介入日常生活的小尺度实践 ,创造融于日常、却超越日常空间体验的“中间地带”,转变原有场地的氛围和功能,以另一层次的真实场景体验,消解被技术主导的生活及城市建筑的大尺度所带来的同质化与孤立感。
Nowadays, when social media dominates our daily life, urban living often seems monotonous, trivial, lonely, and fragmented. Through small-scale practices directly intervenes into daily life, Daxing Jizi Design Studio creates “middle grounds” that merge with and transcend the everyday scenes. The intervention transforms the ambiance and functionality of the original sites, providing an authentic and distinctive experience that counters the feeling of homogeneity and isolation imposed by large-scale and technology-driven city and architecture.
▽从周边建筑望向光亭 Viewing the light pavilions from surrounding building

我们将装置作品作为个人情绪和想象的直接载体,在给人们带来宁静而喜悦的同时,释放和治愈情感,激发灵感的涌现。在更大的层面,装置亦可成为相遇和交流的天然场域, 同时为多样化活动的发生及新的消费场景提供更多的空间可能性。
We regard our installations as direct carriers of personal emotions and imagination, providing a sense of tranquility and joy, while also releasing and healing emotions, and sparking the emergence of inspiration. On a larger scale, the installations create natural spaces for encounters and interactions, opening up more possibilities for diverse activities and new consumption scenarios.
▽弥合社区文化的光亭装置 The light pavilion installations serve as “cohesion facilitators” in community life

The participation and communication of individuals in these kind of cultural experiences will further internalize and strengthen the sense of belonging and cohesion with the community and urban life, leading to a broader sense of identity and unity. We hope that our works can act as “cohesion facilitators” in community life, promoting the flow, connection, and resonance of urban culture, economy, and beyond.
▽平面图 Plan

展期:2023.7.15 – 2023.10.15
Project Name: “Floating Pavilion” Public Art Installations at the 3rd Shenzhen Public Urban Festival “Let’s Gala”
Exhibition Design: Daxing Jizi Design
Lead Designer: ZENG Zhenwei
Project Coordinator: XIE Qiongzhi
On-site assembly: HUANG Youfu, XIONG Tao, WEI Yunshan, ZHENG Youqiang, YANG Guanjin
Project support: Shenzhen ALLGEM Interactive Technology Co., Ltd.
Lighting design: Cavallino
Photography: ZHANG Chao, XU Xu
Promotion support: XIAO Caizi
Client: Shenzhen Longgang Vanke Plaza Commercial Co., Ltd.
Area: 400 m²
Location: Longgang Vanke Plaza
Design Period: July 2023
Completion: July 15th, 2023
Exhibition Duration: July 15th, 2023 – October 15th, 2023
“ 错落有致的光亭矩阵点亮夜晚的广场,为城市和社区带来充满幻想色彩和创造力的场景体验,将日常空间转变为承载情感与活力的公共场所。”
更多read more about:大星吉子工作室