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Thanks GM Landscape Design for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description and images provided by GM Landscape Design.




GM LANDSCAPE:  This project is located in the core area of ​​the old city of Nanming District, Guiyang City. It has a superior geographical location, close to the city landmark Guiyang MixC, and is located in a dense modern building complex.

As part of the urban texture, this area not only carries rich cultural memories, but also witnesses the process of Guiyang’s urbanization. In such an environmental background, how to create a landscape space that not only inherits Guiyang’s unique cultural charm but also meets the functional needs of modern cities is a challenge faced by the design team.






“The mountains are so steep and dangerous that they become forests, and the waters are so beautiful that they look like brocade for thousands of miles”

“Waterfalls, terraces, streams, peaks, rock walls, clouds, valleys and forests”, these ever-changing natural elements outline the unique landscape of Guizhou.

Against this natural background, the design team fully utilized the unique advantages of the project’s aerial landscape and cleverly integrated Guiyang’s characteristic landforms into the design.




By using landscape elements, we strive to restore the urban spirit of Guiyang’s “Forest City”, create a landscape concept of “above the downtown, an oasis in the sky”, and create a unique landscape style that not only echoes the urban context but also allows people to return to nature.


▽场地空间演绎 Site space deduction




“Creating an oasis in the sky above Vientiane”

The project features a three-dimensional garden space design, and through the cleverly connected garden lines, different functional areas are naturally integrated into one.


▽轴测图 Axonometric drawing


从自然生态系统汲取灵感,精心打造出多个核心亮点的景观空间:悬瀑式酒店艺术门庭如同瀑布飞流直下,气势恢宏;PARK NOVA星空酒廊让宾客在星空下畅享美景;全宸观景露台提供俯瞰城市的壮丽视角;SKY TREE HOUSE与空中森林结合,仿佛置身都市中的自然秘境;云端咖啡厅则以其优雅环境,让人们在高空之上享受片刻静谧……

Drawing inspiration from the natural ecosystem, the project carefully creates a number of core highlights of the landscape space: the waterfall-style hotel art gate is like a waterfall rushing down, magnificent; PARK NOVA Starry Sky Lounge allows guests to enjoy the beautiful scenery under the starry sky; Quanchen Viewing Terrace provides a magnificent view overlooking the city; SKY TREE HOUSE is combined with the sky forest, as if you are in a natural secret in the city; the cloud cafe, with its elegant environment, allows people to enjoy a moment of tranquility in the sky…


▽场景演绎 Scene interpretation




“Waterfall Viewing”

The elegant and high-end building facade design is like a waterfall cascading down from the mountains. The green plants at the entrance are combined with the sculpture waterscape to create a hotel-like exquisite style. The entire space atmosphere is magnificent and high-end and luxurious.


▽设计草图 Design sketch

▽入口空间 Entrance space




 “Living in the Field”

The landscape design advocates the construction of a boundless overhead space, draws inspiration from Guizhou’s unique terraced field culture, and uses the form of terraced fields and valleys to achieve a seamless integration of indoor and outdoor spaces.


▽设计草图 Design sketch



This design not only breaks the boundaries of traditional space, but also creates an interactive environment full of natural atmosphere for people.





“Reaching the summit”

The site is elevated to create a high-quality starry sky lounge reception space, while a semi-private area is set up on the lower level to create a unique landscape of cave waterfalls – mountain stream valley.


▽剖面分析 Profile analysis

▽山间溪谷 Mountain valley



As a major design highlight of the project, the elevated site is combined with the borderless waterscape reception space to form a unique spatial relationship facing the Mixc, enhancing the overall visual and experience effects.


▽无边界水景会客空间 No boundary waterscape meeting space




“Sky Observation”

The elevated viewing terrace perfectly matches the design concept of “above all things, living in the clouds”.


▽观景露台 Viewing terrace



Here, people and nature are integrated, and visitors can not only enjoy the magnificent city view, but also experience the unique high-altitude living atmosphere, as if they are above the clouds, enjoying a time of tranquility and luxury.





“Guizhou Rainforest, Urban Oasis”

The overall soil depth of the site is only 0.8 meters, which has brought certain restrictions to the planting of some trees.


▽丰富自然的植物组团 Rich natural flora



In order to meet the plant space with specific requirements for soil depth, the design team increased the soil depth of these areas by raising the site, thereby providing a more suitable environment for plant growth.


▽覆土分析 Soil cover analysis

▽植物设计 Plant design




Landscape Design:GM Landscape
Landscape Area:3563㎡
Design Director:Gao Fang
SD Team:Wang Wei, Li Zhiheng, Chen Ying
CD Team:Huang Yumin, Lei Hengli, Zhang Xuelian
Plant Team:Liao Yuanyuan
Hydropower Structure:Huang Mengzhou, Yin Liangyou, Ren Li
Client:Guiyang Runming Real Estate Co., Ltd
Client Team:China Resources Land Design Management Department
Construction Company:Chongqing Tongqi Landscape Co.
Photography:Nanxi Photography




更多read more about:   广亩景观 GM landscape design