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Thanks A&N Shangyuan landscape for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by A&N Shangyuan landscape.




A&N Shangyuan landscape:Sanya -18 ° N latitude, A city with a soul and emotions, All encompassing and expressive, People, things, and places are organically intertwined, Constantly portraying city stories with diverse expressions.




Creating an exclusive golden latitude zone for the demonstration zone landscape, Rainforest Bay Island Slow Life, Establishing a connection between space and rainforest, Awaken the vitality and comfort of life with the power of nature, Create a vacation space where humans and nature share and blend together.



景观运用情绪化的空间营造,让人的参与让场地的情感得以保存,还原三亚湾度假生活的本真模样,细节之处精心打造,把隐奢的质感投放到每个角落,秩序、克制、沉稳、共鸣、细腻,丰富归家路上的每一个瞬间 & 情绪,无处不在。

Emotional Space Creation in Landscape Application, Let people’s participation preserve the emotions of the venue, Restore the true appearance of Sanya Bay vacation life, Carefully crafted in every detail, Spread the hidden luxury texture to every corner, Order, restraint, calmness, resonance, delicacy, Enrich every moment on the way home & emotion, Everywhere, everywhere.



“我相信空间的存在应该唤起人们的回应,让你去观察、触碰和聆听。”——缅怀一代设计巨匠Kerry Hill

I believe that the existence of space should evoke people’s responses, allowing you to observe, touch, and listen. ——Remembering the design giant Kerry Hill



礼遇——缦林秘境 Hospitality – Manlin Secret Realm



Naturally releasing emotions and integrating them into life

Facing the afterglow of the setting sun, Integrate into the welcoming door, Natural elegance, shaping with nature, Sending etiquette with grace, Returning home and taking a vacation, In an understated yet luxurious space, Emotional connection with the venue.



共鸣——清修水院 Resonance – Qingxiu Water Institute



Wandering beyond things

Birds chirping and leaping in the mountains, Silver sea jujube welcoming guests in front of the door, Add a few more vicissitudes of time, Delicate texture, The rustic and natural texture, Exuding a unique and elegant temperament.


▽围合的院落完成了从都市到安静的自我空间领域的过度 The enclosed courtyard has completed the transition from the urban to the quiet realm of self space


凝神——隐翠水院 Concentrate – Hidden Emerald Water Garden



Experience beauty and tranquility, wabi sabi and the essence of life

On a mirror like surface of water, When “Tree” and “Water” Talk, Slowly push the praises of nature into the hearts of visitors, The entrance of hidden luxury leads to a sudden opening of the sea and sky, all in one color, It is the first sublimation of the vacation journey, Peaceful and comfortable continuation introduction, We are more focused on the natural space.



漫享——森氧雨林 Manxiang – Forest Oxygen Rainforest



Natural friendship steps into the depths of the rainforest

Spectacular tropical plants, Moss spreading out, Fern leaves stretch out, Space blends into nature and light and shadow, Enjoy pure time with ease.



放松——摩登海滩 Relax – Modern Beach



Modern stories from the seaside

Under the shade of trees, Warm tropical modern harbor, From outside to inside, The collision of nature and artificiality, Show surprise and elegance.




The emerging greenery, It’s a metaphor for enjoying nature privately, Freedom’s freehand brushwork, Walking and migrating between, Experience a relaxing and healing journey through rainforest vacation.


▽坐下,忘却,放松 Sit down, forget, relax


悠然——椰林绿岛 Youran – Coconut Grove Green Island



Blank space is the inner order

The posture and light and shadow of sand plants are the best narrators of the venue, Sand plants as the main characters will continue to perform in space, The design unfolds every landscape image like a rich oil painting, Combination of sand plants with low color saturation and gray blue color scheme, Fluffy gray blue and gray green color blocks interweave, Create a silky texture resembling an oil painting.



然而,度假的深意又是什么,是倚靠在床头,是手边有花木,窗前有好书,是坐卧走动间,有心爱之物可赏可玩,是茶在案上煮 汤在火上煎……一幕幕的生活场面 才是为自身赋能的真正要义。

However, what is the profound meaning of vacation, Leaning against the bedside, with flowers and trees nearby, and a good book in front of the window, There are beloved items to enjoy and play with while sitting, lying, and walking, It’s tea boiled on the table, soup boiled over the fire, The scene after scene of life is the true essence of empowering oneself.



细节-植物篇- Details-Plant section-


Plants are vibrant and rare green islands in the city. Designers provide users with different experiences of green plants according to different scenes. The welcoming Heshun tree in front of the door – a nationally protected second-class plant, and eight silver sea dates, also known as palm aristocrats, represent the longing for a better life; Introducing the Wanning Xinglong tropical plant – cocoa coffee, symbolizing the beginning of bitterness and the end of sweetness in life; Choose the king tree, Brazilian dragon bone wood, golden tiger, and elephant leg pillar group to add a touch of coolness to the heat of Sanya; Plants are meticulously crafted in terms of variety, color, layering, and texture, creating a completely new landscape experience.



后记 Afterword



Give a resonant snap of your fingers, shatter the amber of the times
The sun and moon are shining brightly, Chensu Lie Zhang, There are dense forests in the western suburbs, Riding on objects for leisure, Wishing you a successful escape from the encirclement.





摄     影:秦皇岛在野照物文化传播有限公司

Project Name: Hainan Vanke Sanya Bay
Project Address: Tianya District, Sanya City, Hainan Province
Development Unit: Hainan Wanrui Real Estate Development Co., Ltd
Project Type: Residential Demonstration Zone
Design Style: Modern
Landscape design area: 13531m²
Design time: 2023.11
Presentation time: 2024.02
Landscape Design: A&N Shangyuan Landscape
Landscape design technical guidance: Shi Rui, Wang Xiaoli, Ye Huiping
Scheme design: Yang Zhiwang, Wang Junyu, Liu Ting, Gou Jie, Zhang Zhichao, Wang Jihong, Wang Shuang, Liao Bo, Ma Ni, He Hongquan, Pan Qinglin
Construction drawing design: Shu Yanjiao, Xiong Chunyan, Cai Jiaxi, Zhao Qing, Yang Sen, Tang Qingchuan, Chen Ming, Yao Chuan, Wang Weigui
Post service: Zhou Yu
Party A’s design team: Gao Long, Zhang Yun, Fu Renneng, Wang Yutong, Liu Qianyun

Cooperative partner
Architectural Design: Huahui Engineering Design Group Co., Ltd., Fangzong Architectural Design
Interior Design: Flute Design
Landscape Construction: Jiangxi Landscape Construction Group Co., Ltd
Photography: Qinhuangdao Wild Photo Culture Communication Co., Ltd




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