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Thanks Hooba Design Group for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Hooba Design Group.
Hooba Design Group:这个项目的最初宗旨是创造可以根据现有的需求进行转换的灵活空间。而在这种情况下,建筑的形式并不是最主要的标准,最重要的是创建一个,可以更好的用于社会互动/服务,以及在路线服务中心提供的其他常见娱乐服务的平台。
Hooba Design Group:The initial idea of this project was to create flexible spaces which could transform based on the existing demand. The form of the building was not the main criteria in this case. The most important factor was to create a platform for better social interactions/services along with the other common recreational services provided in an on route service center.

The functional outcome is a complex which simultaneously responds to social as well recreational demands of the users. The formal outcome, on the other hand, is a social platform hovering above the main activities on the site. This platform will be constructed in the first construction phase, in order to form the unified overall shape of the complex. The platform attracts people with different interests. Some parts of this platform could potentially be used as a viewing deck for the nearby rally road.

Volumes will be gradually added underneath this platform to create functional spaces of the complex. This boxes are put together in different heights and could be transformed or expanded over time based on the existing demand. Some of these volumes form the structure as well as the vertical circulation between the platform and the base level.
Cavities formed between the volumes under the platform are the perfect outdoor spaces for social, leisure, athletic, as well as camping facilities. These open spaces transform the connection between the functional and the social zones and leads to a diverse approach to the design of an on route service area. This system adopts to various fluctuations and improves the economic growth of the complex in time.
Juxtaposing factors such as Interior and exterior, recreational and commercial, green and built, open and semi open, as well as fixed and flexible, formed the foundation of this project.

Material Palette: local stone leftovers or offcuts from the local stonecutting shops could be used in this project. The finishing on the platform is exposed concrete with green landscape and rubble at some parts.
Sustainable Architecture: In the big picture, this project could improve the sustainable development of the region through recycling water and sewage as well as collecting the solar energy to be used in the complex.
Landscape Design: the border between the building and the landscape was designed to put equal emphasize on both the built and the green spaces.
Development: the overall idea of the project was to create flexible spaces which could transform or expand both in terms of function and form, based on the existing demand.
Structural Idea: 10*10 cubical volumes form the structure holding the platform. These boxes could be in the full cubical or U shaped forms. The same volumetric shapes will be gradually added to the complex, defining various functions and activities around the site. These volumes are structurally independent from the platform and could be expanded, combined, or put on top of each other for different purposes.
▼建筑空间示意图 Diagram
▼剖面图 Section

▼建筑模型 Physical Model

设计公司:Hooba Design Group
联系邮箱:info@hoobadesign.com / h_balazadeh@yahoo.com
首席建筑师:Elham Seyfi Azad
设计团队:Elham Seyfi Azad, Mona Razavi, Iman Yoosefi, Davood Raeesi, Mehran Alinezhad
实物模型图片:Deed Studio
Project name: ILand Complex
Design Date: 2018
Status: Design Competition
Design Area: 20,000 sqm
Project location: Tehran, Tehran Province, Iran
Design Firm: Hooba Design Group
Website: http://www.hoobadesign.com/
Contact e-mail: info@hoobadesign.com / h_balazadeh@yahoo.com
Lead Architects: Elham Seyfi Azad
Design Team: Elham Seyfi Azad, Mona Razavi, Iman Yoosefi, Davood Raeesi, Mehran Alinezhad
Clients: ILand
Photo Credit of Physical Model: Deed Studio
更多 Read more about: Hooba Design Group