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Thanks ENESS Art and Technology Studio for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by ENESS Art and Technology Studio.


ENESS Art and Technology Studio:墨尔本艺术与技术工作室制作的 Iwagumi Air Scape 是一件占地 4900 平方米的艺术品,是将荒野带入城市,向自然世界致敬的巨大宣言。这 16 个充满空气的充气装置——最高的达 13 米——在熠熠生辉的天际线的映衬下,仿佛山野之景奇迹般地降落在都市河岸之上。

ENESS Art and Technology Studio:Iwagumi Air Scape by Melbourne-based art and technology studio is a 4900 square metre artwork – a mammoth statement about honouring the natural world by bringing the wilderness to urbanity. Sixteen air-filled inflatables – the tallest up to 13 metres high – have been arranged against the glittering skyline as if a mountainscape has miraculously touched down on the shoreline.


© Shiya Creative Studio
© Finbarr Fallon
© Finbarr Fallon
© Finbarr Fallon
© Shiya Creative Studio
© Shiya Creative Studio
© Finbarr Fallon
© Finbarr Fallon
© Finbarr Fallon


Iwagumi Air Scape 向日语“Iwagumi”(意为“岩层”)致敬。日本传奇水族造景大师天野尚(Takashi Amano)开创了一种只使用岩石的全新水族造景形式,他称之为 Iwagumi。这种造景方式模仿了自然的岩石形态,体现了日本人对于自然和简朴的热爱。

Iwagumi Air Scape pays homage to the Japanese word ‘Iwagumi’, which translates as ‘rock formation’. Legendary aquarist, Takashi Amano pioneered a new form of aquascaping using only rocks which he called Iwagumi. This form mimics natural rock formations – an expression of the Japanese love of nature and simplicity.


© Finbarr Fallon
© Finbarr Fallon
© Finbarr Fallon
© Finbarr Fallon
© Finbarr Fallon
© Finbarr Fallon


Iwagumi Air Scape 充气装置上布满了错综复杂的岩石纹理,呈现出超乎寻常的视觉观赏效果,这 16 个充满空气的气囊仿佛变成了数千吨重的岩石。​

Iwagumi Air Scape is covered with intricate rock textures, achieving an additional optical feat, whereby the 16 air-filled inflatables are transformed into what appears to be thousands of tonnes of rock.


© Finbarr Fallon
© Finbarr Fallon
© Finbarr Fallon
© Finbarr Fallon


为了增加人们的感官体验,设计团队在错综复杂的岩层中还设置了裂缝,让人有机会在长达 10 米的充气岩石中挤过去,就像穿越真正的峡谷一样。

As an additional sensory experience, crevices have been created throughout the intricate formation, creating opportunities to squeeze through the inflatable rocks along sections as long as 10 metres, as if traversing a real canyon.


© Finbarr Fallon
© Shiya Creative Studio
© Shiya Creative Studio
© Shiya Creative Studio
© Shiya Creative Studio
© Shiya Creative Studio
© Shiya Creative Studio
© Shiya Creative Studio
© Shiya Creative Studio
© Shiya Creative Studio
© Shiya Creative Studio
© Shiya Creative Studio
© Shiya Creative Studio




The accompanying soundscape creates a highly textured and subtle environment including sounds of birds, night frogs, crickets, monkeys, bats and mountain streams. As the audience moves through the installation each rock triggers different sounds randomly adding to the overall auditory collage.

In further reinforcement about the expanse of cities and the effect that modern life has had on nature, deep within the formation, nearby street sounds penetrate the silence, posing the question about our relationship with wilderness in the modern world.


▽视频 The video © Shiya Creative Studio



At night-time, individual rocks glow like embers or molten lava evoking notions about the very birth of rocks themselves.


© Finbarr Fallon
© Finbarr Fallon
© Shiya Creative Studio
© Finbarr Fallon
© Finbarr Fallon
© Finbarr Fallon
© Finbarr Fallon
© Finbarr Fallon
© Shiya Creative Studio
© Shiya Creative Studio




Rocks hold a unique place in human culture. The mystical rocks of Stonehenge carry great spiritual import. Many artists and art enthusiasts are motivated by these natural forms; creating pebble formations in rivers and beaches; and children often compulsively collect rocks as a part of play.

This work seeks to bring harmony, monumentality, and a sense of awe into an urban experience, reconnecting us with a fundamental resonance of nature and the earth.


© Finbarr Fallon
© Finbarr Fallon
© Finbarr Fallon


▽不停变换的灯光 Rich lighting colors

© Finbarr Fallon
© Finbarr Fallon
© Finbarr Fallon
© Finbarr Fallon
© Finbarr Fallon
© Finbarr Fallon
© Finbarr Fallon




项目名称:Iwagumi Air Scape
竣工年份:2024 年
面积:4900 平方米
项目地点:2024 新加坡国际照明展

设计事务所:ENESS Art and Technology Studio
艺术家:Nimrod Weis
客户:i Light Singapore 2024

图片来源:Finbarr Fallon @finbarrfallon、Shiya Creative Studio @ksy.yuan
无人机拍摄:Sky Shot Studio @ksy.yuan
视频来源:Shiya Creative Studio @ksy.yuan

Project name: Iwagumi Air Scape
Completion Year: 2024
Size: 4900 square metres
Project location: First exhibition for i Light Singapore 2024

Landscape/Architecture Firm: ENESS Art and Technology Studio
Website: www.eness.com
Contact e-mail: info@eness.com
Lead Architects: ENESS
Design Team: ENESS
Artist: Nimrod Weis
Clients: i Light Singapore 2024

Photo credits: Finbarr Fallon @finbarrfallon, Shiya Creative Studio @ksy.yuan
Drone credits: Sky Shot Studio @ksy.yuan
Video credits: Shiya Creative Studio @ksy.yuan
Photographer’s website: https://finbarrfallon.com/




审稿编辑: SIM

更多 Read more about: ENESS Art and Technology Studio