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GVL:The Arctic, the end of the world, represents people’s imagination and eagerness for the ultimate mysterious territory.According to the topographic features of Chongqing City, GVL team reconstructed the site of Kaisa’s Clouds by the River, creating a vertical children’s playground with the theme of “the Arctic”, which brings different temperature and color for the Furnace City, Chongqing.
▼项目“北极”主题立体式儿童活动社区夜景鸟瞰 “Arctic” theme three-dimensional children’s activity community night view bird’s eye view

▼通往售房部的蜿蜒步道漂浮于水上 A winding walkway to the sales department floats on the water

探觅-浮冰跃岛|Explore-Floating Ice and White Island
Floating on the water are pieces of “ice”, and at the end of the “ice” stands a white island covered by green leaves and interwoven with light and shadows, which contribute to a vertical and mysterious space.
▼浮冰跃岛鸟瞰 A bird’s eye view of the floating ice island

▼水面的汀步灵感来源于浮冰 The step on the water is inspired by floating ice

▼走出售楼部,林荫斑驳下是浮冰水景 Out of the sales center, shade mottled under the ice floes

▼沐浴场景,绿叶交织,光影婆娑 Looking back at the scene, green leaves interweave, light and shadow whirling

▼踏着汀步伴着水面倒影,通往立体式的场地空间 Stepping with the reflection of the water, leading to the three-dimensional space

乐游-踏冰寻凌|Fun Time-Look for lcicles over the Ice
With the glacial terrain undulating and the stream winding forward, children can play around the colorful recreation facilities and have a fun time over the “ice”.
▼场地动图 A GIF of walking on ice

▼绚烂的器械,欢快的身影,隐现于白色冰原之上 Gorgeous equipment, cheerful figure, looming on the white ice field

▼冰川地形起伏跃动,溪流蜿蜒向前 Glacier terrain undulates and streams meander forward

Icicle-inspired white corridor looks elegant and ethereal, which runs up and down like a igloo, providing people with beautiful views and shelters among green trees.
▼白色轻盈的廊架,错落的艺术造型,如同美丽的冰屋 White lightsome corridor frame, strewn at random artistic modelling, as beautiful igloo

▼是掩映的风景,也是休憩遮挡的空间 It is the scenery set off, but also the space for rest and shelter

▼沐光在凌冰下望向远方 Muguang looked into the distance under the ice

历险-美好北极|Adventure-Fantastic Arctic
Just like a corner of warmth and tenderness hidden in the Arctic, this colorful space is full of fun and vitality, attracting people to have adventures here time and time again.
▼“北极”主题式儿童活动空间 “Arctic” themed activity space for children

The children’s playground, designed mainly in blue, is inspired by the glacier of the Arctic. Based on flexible space structure and innovative design, and equipped with plank road, interactive landscape wall, sandpit, climbing net, slide, etc., it has become a unique space that accommodates wonderful childhood memories.
▼蓝色基底的北极,有着孩童的烂漫与冒险 The blue base of the Arctic, there is a child’s romance and adventure

▼来源冰川灵感,趣味元素,打开独特记忆的美好童年 Inspired by glaciers, fun elements that open up unique memories of childhood
A long red “ribbon” runs along the site, connecting all spaces around the playground. Running or walking along the “ribbon” allows people to have a good view of the surrounding landscapes.
▼红色飘带为空中廊道增加绚烂的色彩 Red ribbons add a splash of color to the skyway

▼红色飘带增添场地绚烂的色彩 Red ribbons add gorgeous color to the venue

▼以延展的动势串联整个场地,延续周边景致观赏 The whole site is connected by the extended dynamic force to extend the surrounding scenery

Well-arranged forest of metasequoia adds more details and natural appeal to the space.
▼疏掩有致的水杉林融入地形之中 The sparse metasequoia forests blend into the landscape

▼漫步其中,身临其境体验空间带来的自然感召力 Walking in it, immersive into the natural appeal of the space

The charm of nature lies in the strong vitality no matter how remote and extremely cold the area is. People’s enthusiasm for the Arctic is more the eagerness for returning to pureness and simplicity than just expeditions.
▼回归纯粹与简单,在喧嚣里觅寻静谧 Return to pure and simple, in the hustle and bustle to find the quiet

Considering the time period and the strategic importance the Clouds by the River, GVL team made the whole construction process visualized, which includes the optimization and delivery of the drawings, the selection of plants and materials, on-site supervision, summary and reflection, etc. The integration of design and construction provides solutions to multiple problems, such as the elevation of embankment and children’s activity platform, the costs of backfill and excavation, and the requirements for panel structure and thickness, which leads to the smooth implementation of the project.

The success of Kaisa · Clouds by the River, Chongqing is impossible without the joint efforts of the development team, the design team and the contraction team.
▼施工过程 The construction process
Project: Clouds by the River, Chongqing
Developer: Kaisa Group
Landscape Area: 18,000m²
Time of Design: August, 2020
Time of Completion: December, 2020
Landscape Design: GVL Chongqing
Architectural Construction Team: Sun Rongqing, Liu Dan, Meng Shuang
Landscape Construction and Decoration Team: Gan Tao, Liu Ming, Han Duan, Tian Rui, Xiao Wei
Landscape Photography: RIYE
更多read more about: GVL怡境国际设计集团