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Thanks DU Studio for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by DU Studio.


向合空间:丽江田园橄榄油厂是一个集研发,榨油,展示,品鉴于一体的小型建筑,总面积600m², 位于云南丽江玉龙雪山脚下。

室内设计的概念灵感来源于丽江的优美天然景观, 挺拔硬朗绵延的雪山与四季变化缭绕的云朵——静谧的有形与缥缈的无形;同时传递田园橄榄油的品牌哲学,健康生态,追求人与自然的和谐、精神与感官的统一。

DU Studio : Lijian olive oil factory is a free standing building that located at the foot of the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, Lijiang, Yunnan Province of China.

It includes three main areas, olive oil lab, production lines and exhibition hall, total 600sqm. The Interior design is inspired by the beautiful natural landscape where the formless white clouds and fog nestling among the formed Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, the design also conveys the brand ‘s vision: unity of sustainability and health, harmony of human and nature, balance of body and soul. The interior design creates a journey between the form and formless.


▽玻璃盒子中的橄榄树 An olive tree in a glass box



The architecture exterior is a simple rectangular box built with pitched roof and local yellow stones which merge itself into the mountain seamlessly. The three glass boxes insert three olive trees into the interiors and bring the outside formless nature to the inside formed interior.


▽建筑远眺 Architectural overlook


室内空间根据生产流程分成三段,研发,生产,装瓶。展览空间的参观走道平行于生产流线。步入展览空间,迎面而来的是洒满阳光的橄榄树盒子。左边望出窗外是雪山白云美不胜收的自然景观,右边隔着玻璃是现代化生产车间里橄榄从果子到榨油的全流程, 沿着精心设计规划的动线,体验不同空间位置自然光影的流动,同时观摩已延续数十年的榨油工艺。

The interior production line is divided into three sections: lab, production and packaging. The exhibition hall is placed in parallel with the production facilities. Stepping into the corridor, one is welcomed by a olive tree in a glass box that filled with sunshine. The windows on the left framed with recycled old wood to bring the stunning scenery inside; on the right behind the glass partition the entire production process unfolds. The carefully curated circulation leads guests to experience the moving natural lights and shadows, at the same time guests could observe the olive oil extraction process honed over the past few decades.


▽室内玻璃盒子空间 Interior glass box space

▽玻璃盒子中的橄榄树 An olive tree in a glass box



The wall that stands from east to west is made of recycled wood reclaimed from the local Naxi Ethnic Minority’s village. The olive oil tree leaves are printed on the raw concrete floor to guide visitors as signage. The square lighting boxes echo with the boxy windows on the facade.


▽室内空间 光影交错 The interior space is interlaced with light and shadow

▽橄榄油生产线 Olive oil production line



The three olive trees in the glass boxes are the soul of the space, the extended formless flooring in green biomorphic epoxy resin runs like the fluid olive oil to the formed production space. As seasons go and weather changes, guests will see different colors and forms, once again to connect the formless nature with people in the formed space. Among the boxes is the tasting table, the olive products’ showcase in the wall made by the local square bricks. The tree leaves whisper in between sun rises and sun sets, lights play with shadows on the concrete floor, motion vs stillness, organic overlaps the inorganic, form intertwines the formless, the interior blurs the exterior, and the boundary is disappearing.


▽玻璃盒子中的橄榄树 An olive tree in a glass box

▽产品展示 Product display


走廊尽头,当地纳西民族的古老东巴文字悬浮在玻璃上, 记录这里当地少数民族的悠久历史。当地传统东巴纸做成的灯悬吊在品鉴橄榄油的桌子上,灯下啜饮吸闻,仿佛穿越千年。

As the journey comes to the end, local ancient language DongBa‘s characters are floating on the custom made glass, telling the long history of local NaXi Ethnic Minority. The DongBa paper-made lantern is hung above the tasting table where one swirls and slurps the fresh extracted olive oil underneath, as if to remind people about the historic past.


▽室内走廊 Interior hallway



Human and nature, body and soul, form and formless, blurred and merged.


▽更衣室 The dressing room



项目:丽江田园橄榄油厂 – 游弋在有形与无形之间
室内设计:DU Studio 向合空间
灯光顾问:Light poetic

Project name: Lijiang olive oil factory – a journey between the form and formless
Design scope: interior design
Program: olive oil lab, production and exhibition
Total area: 600m2
Location: Lijiang, Yunnan Province, China
Design start: 2018/05
Project built: 2022/09
Client: Lijiang Tianyuan Olive Oil Technology and Development Co., Ltd.
Interior Designer: DU Studio
Design Director: Ping Zhu
Design Team: Yuan Wang, Xinhang Cai, Min Zhang
Lighting consultant: light poetic
Construction documents: Shanghai Shichu Interior Construction Co., Ltd.
Architect: ZIP associates



审稿编辑: Maggie

更多 Read more about: DU Studio 向合空间


  1. 因为他是橄榄油厂所以室内抠了几个洞,这种东西不能叫做融入自然,只能叫放着”橄榄树的活体雕塑“罢了。身心感受就是强求、是局促、是拘束。难道没人感觉到吗,和自然毫无关系