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Thanks Wutopia Lab for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool. Text description provided by Wutopia Lab.


Wutopia Lab: Wutopia Lab接到贵州十二背后旅游开发有限公司的委托,在贵州遵义的小十二背后景区,创造一座秘境方舟。从清溪湖景区码头出发,乘快艇走水路18公里,在一颗水中的指路石引导下,可以到达时空裂隙一般的小十二背后的入口,入口狭窄,前后都是积水,在雨季水能没过肩膀。秘境的入口,无法从陆地到达,而小十二背后,又是别样的一片天地,等待我的是整段徒步溯溪。

Wutopia Lab: Wutopia Lab was commissioned by Guizhou Qingxi Lake Tourism Development to create a secret ark in the scenic area of Behind the Little Twelve in Zunyi, Guizhou. From Qingxi Lake scenic pier, take a speedboat to travel 18 km by water, guided by a guiding stone in the water, you can reach the entrance of Behind the Little Twelve, which is like a space-time rift. The entrance is narrow, with standing water in front and behind, and in the rainy season the water can be over your shoulder. The entrance of the secret place cannot be reached from land, and behind Little Twelve is another different world, and what awaits me is the whole 2.8 km of hiking up the stream.


▼项目视频 Video 

▼隐藏在群山中的秘境方舟 Hidden in the mountains is the ark


01 溯溪而上 Stream Up



The Secret Ark is a post.

Abandoning the speedboat, we jumped onto the temporary pontoon pier and crossed the narrow entrance, which was surprisingly surrounded by water in front and behind, and at the other end was the bamboo raft pier waiting for us. After a short float on a bamboo raft, it was time to hike up the waterway. At first, the water was knee-high and slow, but as we went deeper, the water was waist-deep in places. The sound of water flowing echoed in every valley we passed through, and the cool breeze blew slowly. After 2.8 km of trekking up the stream, I was very tired as a city dweller, and I needed to rest, eager to clean my body covered with mud. At the exit, seeing the Secret Ark like a lantern from afar, I got a great encouragement of reaching the end.


▼巡场 Tour field

▼溯溪而上,寻觅 Go up the stream and seek


02 豁然开朗 Open Up



The Secret Ark is an alien civilization.

At the end of the Secret World, you are surrounded by mountains, in this environment, it is easy to think of using wood or stone to shape something into the environment, but if we see a substance at the end that is not like what we should see here, the excitement we get at the end of this exhaustion will make us have a better experience. Therefore, white fabric was chosen here to shape the Secret World Ark to form a heterogeneous feeling.


▼白色外壳塑造神秘感 The white shell shapes the mystery

▼从古朴的木桥看向方舟 View of the ark from the primitive wooden bridge


03 吐丝作茧 Wrap Up



The secret ark is a cocoon.

Continue towards the translucent white device, and keep walking along the last waterway, you can find the stairs leading to the ark. The main functions of the ark are toilets and bathrooms, as well as a platform for visitors to rest, with infrastructure inside the bottom floor, forming a small maze, like a relic. As the ark is located deep in the scenic area, it is difficult to reach the transportation, and in the choice of materials, the bottom floor highlights a kind of primitive and barbaric experience. The spiral staircase in the courtyard connects to the second floor platform. Unlike the material of the bottom floor, the steel structure consists of a frame that supports a white translucent fabric, like a cocoon. Cocoon as a state, was recorded by me to protect themselves, but also to provide a safe place for the Little Twelve Secret Wonders. Surrounded by cocoons, I walked through the interlaced “silk” to the roof, looked up at the mountains, and felt calm.


▼沿着原始溪流到达通往方舟的阶梯 Follow the primitive stream to the steps leading to the ark

▼建筑细节 Architectural details


04 没有树的树院  A Tree Yard without Trees



The secret ark has a tree yard without trees.

Sunlight can hit the courtyard through the silk, rain can drip in through the hole, in this side of the courtyard, you stand there, tilt your head, feel the wind and rain, no need to transplant or plant, in this end behind the small twelve, you make friends with nature, then becoming the only tree in his courtyard.


▼设计草图 Design sketch

▼没有树的庭院内部 The interior of the courtyard without trees

▼俯视秘境方舟平台 Overlooking the secret Ark platform



05 逐渐失控 Losing Control



The secret ark awaits the voyage.

At the end of 2019 experienced the epidemic, followed by various life ups and downs, I have almost forgotten this seed planted at that time. Although she is not perfect, but this moment, being here makes me forget the worries and sorrow, pain and despair brought by the city. Listening to the wind, humming the song, the secret ark behind the small twelve need not carry more things, I lay on the deck, waiting for the voyage.


▼平面图 Plan





设计公司: Wutopia Lab
建筑摄影:CreatAR Images

Project Name: Little Twelve Wonders – The Ark
Design Company: Wutopia Lab
Lead Architect: Yu Ting
Project Architect: Li Hao
Project Manager: Pu Shengrui
Design Team: Li Ziheng, Wang Ye (intern), Lin Zhihao (intern)
Construction plan consultant: D&H studios
Construction Unit: Construction Department of Twelve Back Tourist Area in Guizhou Province
Client: Twelve Back Tourist Area in Guizhou Province
Project address: Little Twelve Back of Qingxi Lake, Zunyi, Guizhou
Building area: 360 square meters
Completion time: December 2019
Photography:CreatAR Images




审稿编辑 任廷会 –  Ashley Jen

更多 Read more about: Wutopia Lab