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Thanks hochC Landscape Architects for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by hochC Landscape Architects.
hochC Landscape Architects:位于德国新策勒的西多会修道院(Cistercian Abbey)花园始建于巴洛克时期,有着重要的历史意义。
hochC Landscape Architects: The monastery gardens of the former Cistercian Abbey of Neuzelle date from the Baroque period and are of great historical importance.

The restoration and care of the monuments follows the guiding principle of restoring the gardens with their originally very differentiated design to their baroque fullness. The Abbot’s Garden and the Convent Garden are characterized by a great variety of different plantings, fixtures and garden elements.

A contrast to this is formed by the simply designed courtyards and the monastery square, which stand out primarily through their fieldstone paving and the surrounding buildings. The entire urban ensemble of the monastery is included in the design and has been restored in sections since 2002.

地点:德国 勃兰登堡州 新策勒
景观设计:hochC Landscape Architects
Project Name: Monastery Garden Neuzelle
Location: Neuzelle, Brandenburg, Germany
Landscape Architecture: hochC Landscape Architects
Built: 2020
Type: Cultural Heritage
“ 整个花园规整有序,精细修剪的绿植与几何式草坪更加凸显了修道院建筑的庄重。”
审稿编辑: 阿毛
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