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Thanks Estudio Guto Requena for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Estudio Guto Requena.
Estudio Guto Requena:该设计事务所总部位于圣保罗,他们最近的项目“心跳同拍”利用认同感和能动性设计所发挥的力量,向巴西的LGBT群体致敬(即同性恋、双性恋或跨性别群体)。本案的大型互动装置是公共城市家具和雕塑的混合体,该作品选址在圣保罗标志性的共和广场,LGBT社群活跃分子于1978年在这个广场上举行过第一次会议,这里每日都聚集着形形色色的路人和众多流浪者,熙熙攘攘的人群映射出了巴西社会的多元和不平等。
Estudio Guto Requena: São Paulo-based Estúdio Guto Requena’s most recent project ‘My heart beats like yours’, taps into the power of empathy and design-as-activism to create a tribute to the LGBT+ community in Brazil. The large-scale interactive piece is a hybrid between public urban furniture and sculpture, set in São Paulo’s iconic Praça da República, where the first meeting of the LGBT+ activist community took place (1978) and where the diversity and inequalities of Brazilian society is visible every day, in the stream of passersby and the numerous homeless that gather in the area.

Brazil is the country where the most people from the LGBT+ community were killed in 2017. The 16m tall structure made from metal infrastructure cylinders normally used underground, is assembled to form a striking structure that could be said to resemble a huge arrow that’s encrusted and dissolves on the ground. ‘My heart beats like yours’ holds the colours of the LGBT+ flag along some of the cylinders that spread out from the sculptural core and meander along the ground to serve as public seating.
▼视频 Video

The cylinders hold sound systems that transmit audio statements made by LGBT+ activists of their experiences and the sound of their heartbeats, registered as these statements were made. These heartbeat pulses inform the algorithm that designs the pattern of the structure’s night-time lighting and the stories are played in loop, night and day.
▼夜景 Night view

“心跳同拍”以Estudio Guto Requena工作室之前的一些作品为基础,通过数字技术来塑造记忆,同时提升公共作品作为城市环境中能激发更多认同感和社会意识的工具的作用。
‘My heart beats like yours’ builds on some of the studio’s past work, which uses digital technologies to shape memories and promotes the role of public works as a means to inspire greater empathy and social awareness in urban settings.

广场上独特的标识邀请经过的路人一起互动,通过发送WhatsApp语音信息来诉说他们的故事,其中一部分故事将会融入进艺术装置。这个项目获得了英特尔和国家地理的支持,是“Hack the city”计划的一部分。
At the site there is a sign that identifies the project and invites passersby to send their stories via WhatsApp voice message. Some of these stories will be chosen to integrate the work. This project was made possible by the support of Intel and National Geographic, as part of the ‘Hack the city’ initiative.

设计师:Guto Requena
深化:Bruno Baietto
互动:Felipe Merker Castellani, Júlia Teles, Nikolas Gomes, Caio Kenjil
成套设计品供应商:GTM Cenografia
摄影:Ana Mello
视频:Filmes Para Bailar
鸣谢:FOXLAB, Museu Da Diversidade, 英特尔, 圣保罗市政府
Author: Guto Requena
Development: Bruno Baietto
Interaction: Felipe Merker Castellani, Júlia Teles, Nikolas Gomes, Caio Kenjil
Set Design Supplier: GTM Cenografia
Photography: Ana Mello
Video: Filmes Para Bailar
Acknowledges: FOXLAB, Museu Da Diversidade, Intel, Prefeitura De São Paulo.
更多 Read more about: Estudio Guto Requena