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Thanks VTN Architects (Vo Trong Nghia Architects) for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by VTN Architects (Vo Trong Nghia Architects).
VTN Architects (Vo Trong Nghia Architects):该改造项目位于越南中北部永安市中心的一栋7层混凝土中高层建筑中,其改造内容包括建筑的最后一层咖啡厅和屋顶。人们可以从这一楼层看到周围低矮的房屋、河流、壮丽的森林景观和各种古老的建筑。这个地区的许多建筑物都被越南战争毁坏了,其中还有大部分建筑受到欧洲设计的影响,进行了殖民风格的外墙更新。如今,无论其高度如何,一些建筑仍然模仿着这种立面风格。我们的客户要求保留现有建筑的外围结构,创建一个独特的、有吸引力的附加部分,将这座建筑变成城市的一个地标建筑。
VTN Architects (Vo Trong Nghia Architects):This renovation project includes a café on the last floor and the roof top of a 7th floor middle-rise concrete building located in the city center of Vinh city in the middle north of Vietnam. From these levels one has a great view over the surrounding low-rise houses, towards the river, magnificent forest scape and various aged buildings. The buildings in this area were damaged by the Vietnam War. Most of them were also renovated with colonial style façades inspired by European designs. Nowadays, regardless of their height, some of the buildings still imitated this kind of the façade style. The client required not to change the envelope of the existing building, but create a unique and attractive addition that change this building into an icon of the city.

The challenge was to create an impact on the building by inserting a new structure with unique and local material. After studying several local materials such as brick, stone, etc we chose bamboo to work with. Through our experience, we know bamboo is easily to access in this tropical climate which reduces construction time and budget.

The essence of using bamboo in this project is “lightness”. As bamboo which can be lifted up by a few workers and easily transport to the highest floor by a crane. In addition, it is possible to install the bamboo structure without any additional structural support.

For the 7F (top floor), we covered the existing concrete structure with bamboo material, it converted into an element that creates spatial qualities. Because the ceiling is covered with bamboo as well, pedestrians in the city can recognize the space from the street.

There are 10 bamboo columns to hide the existing structure and 4 additional columns. These columns elegantly divide the space into diffrent private areas. The cave-like space can never be experienced in its totality, but every place has a view to the surrounding city. The enormous dome structure on the roof, which can be recognized from any place in the city, a roof top club is created as a gathering space for all the inhabitants of Vinh city.

The dome and rectangular volumes on the rooftop fit in the existing L-shaped space. The rectangular volumes generate a framed view on the historical stadium and the beautiful cityscape. Moreover, it connects 2 vault bamboo structures, that open up to the cityscape.

▼建筑结构图 Composition diagram

▼七层顶棚平面图 7th ceiling plan

▼七层平面图 7th floor plan

▼屋顶平面图 Roof floor plan

▼剖面图 Section

主创建筑师:Vo Trong Nghia, Nguyen Tat Dat
设计团队:To Quang Cam, Le Hoang Tuyet Ngoc, Takahito Yamada
建筑面积: 687平方米
竹子承包商:VTN Architects (Vo Trong Nghia Architects)
照片:Trieu Chien
Principal Architects: Vo Trong Nghia, Nguyen Tat Dat
Design team: To Quang Cam, Le Hoang Tuyet Ngoc, Takahito Yamada
Status: Built in 05.2018
Program: Café, Club
Location: Vinh city, Nghe An, Vietnam
Footprint: 438m2
GFA: 687 m2
Bamboo Contractor: VTN Architects (Vo Trong Nghia Architects)
Photographs: Trieu Chien
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