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Thanks Gummy Gue for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Gummy Gue.
Gummy Gue:该项目由 Blind Walls Gallery 策划,是布雷达市Odilia van Salmstraat运动场中的一块水平地面图绘,图绘围绕着专门为球员Hein van Gastel制作的足球笼。
Gummy Gue: The project, curated by Blind Walls Gallery, consists in the creation of a horizontal painting on the surface of the playground in Odilia van Salmstraat, in the Gerardus Macella district of Breda, which surrounds the football cage dedicated to the player Hein van Gastel.
▼场地位置 Site

▼鸟瞰图 Aerial view

Gummy Gue 的作品一直追寻找到构想与现实的交汇点,因此本项目的立足点是寻找不规则的硬质边界与场地面积之间的比例关系。
In Gummy Gue’s way of working, there is always the desire to find a meeting point with the structur-al reality in which one operates, which is why this project has developed through the search for proportional relationships with the irregular shape of the concrete perimeter and the area of the field.
▼不规则的硬质边界和场地面积的比例关系 Relationships with the irregular shape of the concrete perimeter and the area of the field

Gummy Gue在已确定的坐标网格中放置了极具其自身设计风格的灵活形状和动态曲线,希望从视觉上放大并扩展空间,激发场地使用者的情感参与。
A coordinate grid has been identified, useful for placing the flexible shapes and dynamic lines that characterize Gummy Gue’s interventions. The desired effect is to amplify and expand the space, to arouse emotional involvement in the people who cross its surface.
▼极具Gummy Gue设计风格的灵活形状和动态曲线 The flexible shapes and dynamic lines that characterize Gummy Gue’s interventions

▼平面图 Plan

面积:600 平方米
景观/建筑公司:Gummy Gue
主创:Marco Mangione
设计团队:Marco Mangione、Andrea Mangione、Carmelo Mangione
合作者:Blind Walls Gallery
摄影:Edwin Wiekens、Justin van der Moezel(无人机拍摄)
Project name: Orbital
Completion Year: 2019
Size: 600 m2
Project location: Breda, Holland
Landscape/Architecture Firm: Gummy Gue
Website: www.gummygue.com
Contact e-mail: dinologo.gue@gmail.com
Lead Architects: Marco Mangione
Design Team: Marco Mangione, Andrea Mangione, Carmelo Mangione
Clients: Municipality of Breda
Collaborators: Blind Walls Gallery
Photo credits: Edwin Wiekens, Justin van der Moezel (drone shots)
Photographer’s website: https://photed.com/
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